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Registered on line for York today.  I noted that the registration page says badges will not be mailed until after October 1st.
Is this new?  I recall getting badges sooner than that. As is we travel to York a week before the meet so there’s not much available mailing time.  

Anyone else notice this?  

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Mine came either Thursday or Friday.  I registered on-line about a week ago.

As for the people who mailed in their registration, unless you sent a self-addressed stamped envelope, you will have to pick yours up at York.  They don't send them out otherwise. 

The people registering on-line, pay extra, which is why they get them mailed out without the self-addressed stamped envelope.


Tables with badges get mailed in early October. Thought I read in their one page ad in the TCA buy-sell book about that.
I got my badge 2 weeks ago and did it online in mid July.

As for another subject is I don’t understand how a friend received the York booklet in the mail about 2 months ago and he is not a TCA member. He got the booklet mailed for the last April meet and was not a member then. I’m a member and never received the York booklet for the last 2 Yorks but have attended every York meet missing 1 meet since 1992 counting out the Covid cancelled ones.
Doesn’t EDTCA update their mailing list? Obviously they don’t!

Last edited by Ted Bertiger


Tables with badges get mailed in early October. Thought I read in their one page ad in the TCA buy-sell book about that.
I got my badge 2 weeks ago and did it online in mid July.

As for another subject is I don’t understand how a friend received the York booklet in the mail about 2 months ago and he is not a TCA member. He got the booklet mailed for the last April meet and was not a member then. I’m a member and never received the York booklet for the last 2 Yorks but have attended every York meet missing 1 meet since 1992 counting out the Covid cancelled ones.
Doesn’t EDTCA update their mailing list? Obviously they don’t!


Annoying anomalies like this happen from time to time. I would just call the ED. I'm sure they will straighten things out.


Registered online a couple of weeks ago. Received my badge late last week. No muss, no fuss. Like Gunrunnerjohn, mine is already in its badge holder and the car. All I have to do early in York Week is to pack a small suitcase with my shaving kit and some extra shirts and jeans, and I'll be all set. Also, for the Oct. meet, in particular, I stow a couple of jackets (various weights) in the car.

@Lionelski posted:

I got mine before I left York in April.

Now, where did i put the darn thing????

Don't laugh, I got my badge a while ago and it disappeared (I suspect I left it in a place where my wife was madly cleaning...and it disappeared. Fortunately I could order a replacement for a fee from EDTCA, which should show up soon. This is my third York and I have gotten the badges within a week or two of ordering them.

@MartyE posted:

They mail it to you.

@artyoung posted:

Oh. My mistake. I always thought you had to send a SASE.

@MartyE posted:

If you mail it in then you need to send a SASE.  

I don't recall how much more it costs to register online - I'm thinking a buck or two - but you save that much by not having to provide two envelopes and two stamps (one in each direction) when registering by mail.

The last couple of times, I've registered in advance at the meet - in the middle of the afternoon, the wait is brief or nonexistent.  And there's no worry about anything being lost in the mail.

My table badges arrived today.  At the spring meet, my son and I had 4 tables in the white hall and preregistered for fall at that time.  However, I asked if we could move out of white and in to blue or silver.  The badges I received today were for 4 tables in blue hall. My son and I really appreciate what Diana Hood (Registrar) was able to do for us.

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