You are saving your coins so to purchase the local shortline railroad.
You go to a operating museum and someone overhears your telling a family member about the history of a freight motor. The guy gets up from underneath the car walks over and says "you know more about this car than I do" ( true story)
I once owned a Ford F150 window van and was going to have it painted in the B&O paint scheme as an F-3. But, my wife (Debbie downer) said "NO!!!".
When I was a kid, I dreamed of having a van with the front doors welded shut and faired over, making it look more like an F unit and then painted exactly as such.
Recently, I mentioned that to some train-chasing pals, they all admitted to having the same thought at various times...
You are loading up the mini van and refer to one your children as a "red cap"
and announce that we are behind schedule, and shout All aboard!
You live near the railroad tracks and every day still run to see the train go buy.
You are over 40 and you still count the cars on the train at the railroad crossing
You scan the internet on father's day looking for a operating live steam engine outing.
You are depressed if you do not run the layout at least 4 times a week.
You have not purchased anything train related and you start having withdraws
You visit this forum about 3 times a day.
Amen to that J Daddy.