I recently pulled the trigger and bought a new ZW-L transformer from Nassau Hobby. It has been working great for the past week. However, today, after a derailment, and brief flash of the red light, the power output on throttle A-U has become stuck at 10 volts minimum.
With the throttle completely turned off, about 10 volts comes out, even though the voltmeter says 0 volts. As I increase the throttle the actual power varies from about 10 volts to 18 volts, while the voltmeter varies from 0 to 18.
As soon as the transformer is turned on, 10 volts minimum comes out, with all throttles turned off, regardless of whether it is in conventional or command mode. All the other terminals: B-U, C-U and D-U work correctly in conventional and command modes.
Has anyone seen anything like this before? I was very worried about this kind of thing when I purchased the transformer. Despite it's mass and heft - electronics as delicate as a snowflake...
I have reached out to Nassau Hobby. Hopefully they have some idea.
Until then, it's back to my postwar ZW. It's lasted 68 years without a failure.