Hi Everybody- The attached photo shows my late grandfather's 1/2-inch scale SP Freight Train in Live Steam, at the old Golden Gate Live Steamers track (1450-feet) in Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, CA. (circa-1952) When the club first moved into the Regional Park System, there was not too much activity going on for the public to enjoy. So as not to upset the Park authorities, my grandfather started bringing additional equipment from his basement live steam layout to entertain the public and keep the park authorities happy !!
This train was professionally photographed in 16mm and shown to the Southern Pacific Board of Directors in San Francisco. They wanted to know where the "picture of the freight train was taken".
They were told: "Up in the Park !" NO-- we mean the freight train!! UP in the Park!!
The BOD had the film run again. That's how real it looked !
Ken Shattock (KRK)