I posted the following in the “What’s Your COVID Project” thread, but figured it applies here as well. Maybe the more times I say it, the more likely I am to actually do it!
Working from home for a good portion of the pandemic has given me ample time to make some big decisions as to where I'm headed with this hobby...now I need to execute the plan!
So my resolution is to sell off a good portion of my personal collection (modern "O", almost exclusively new-in-the-box items), while simultaneously continuing to sell a large "O" (mostly post-war & a little MPC-era) & HO collection that I purchased several years ago...a project I started back near the beginning of the pandemic, but then put on hold around May as "train season" winded down.
I'm hoping to post some of my personal items for sale here on the Forum soon--to give fellow members an opportunity first before listing them elsewhere...while the post-war stuff will continue to be listed on that Big auction site as I've had pretty good luck there. Not sure what to do with the HO stuff...that will probably be last on my priority list. Stay tuned...