Yea, once you know the needles sweep rate I guess you can notice rates ramping up/down but I'm not super clear when or to what it might be applied to today other than maybe logics, where general variables aren't seen as clear. E.g. with analog, & say, a shark fin wave, you could more easily note a ramping difference or the greater side of the curve being at the begining or end of a wave cycle, than watching the rate of digital numbers changing on an osiliscope with just a dot, no wave trail, & no frequency controls; the eye and brain fill in some missing action info while watching.
An analog curve is always better. A digital version isn't really a curve, but a whole lot of short straight lines that aproximate a curve. Thats why many audiophiles usually returned to analog recordings after a fling with CDs. The strentgh in digital was noise reduction was easier and it is a cheaper process for the media industry to use. I.e., the industry tricked us with showy but inferior tech in ways (that count for sound) and we bought it hook, line, and sinker, with us paying more for the privilege too, lol.
Had we bought into the 64b rate vs 32b rate our general music quality would be twice as good...but still not an analogs equal. Frank Zappa and some others tried their hardest to get us to buy and demand the 64b quality as a minimum. But would we listen?.. Noooo-ooo! It was the 80s, the rebirth as Ummmm-erica and full embracing of the cheapest tossable was well in hand... Man do I miss real quality built into my stuff.. like some original versions of music, NOT the remastered versions. (some changed things to make the best out of what 32b digital could actually reproduce well and dropping levels on what it couldn't; the ambiance was lost in some conversions imo.) The first CDs I bought were 64b... then they vanished except for special production disks pushed out by certain artists. I had found about 20 discs total I've wanted in 64b... just 2 drops a big bucket.
Lol, then came MP3 for another hit to quality in the name of tech...sigh..
I'm pretty sure even some of our trains sounds can be heard at a 64b now to give an idea what we COULD be using daily elsewhere if we had any sense. Thank god this is a republic or we might be even worse off