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Originally Posted by Martin Derouin:


I would be a little leary because of the height for the handles...The 11 3/4" cited is alfully close...You may wand to put this in the box mentioned, well packed and then put that box in a larger box as a matter of assurance...




Well, the box I mentioned is a product of USPS wich includes box and postage fees.It can´t be forwarded in another box.

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:


For any extended drip for a ZW, not only would I pack it well, but I'd also remove the handles and pack them separately.  It much easier to secure it without the handles.  I've shipped a number that way, they've all made it.


Thank you for this adcvice. But It depends on the sellers skills whether he is able to remove those handles and as I never had a 275 ZW , I don´t want to encourage a seller do do thing I have not done before.


Well, that's a good point, for the PW-ZW, you need a long #4 screw to easily remove the handles, although they do just "slide" off, sometimes the "slide" is pretty stiff.


If they're not going to remove the handles, you want to pack it so it can't move with something stiff enough not to collapse during shipment.  Packing peanuts are out for direct support, though they're useful for secondary support.  The golden rule when shipping heavy items is the packaging should not allow the item to move within the packing, that's when things get broken.


I've shipped transformers in an inner box with packing peanuts packed tightly in an outer box for cushioning.

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