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@Apples55 posted:

Beautiful engine, Donnie. I actually had one on my roster back in the day, but my ex swiped it in the divorce but I still have the caboose that was issued with it. Looks great pulling just about anything (but part of me agrees with Joe - passenger cars would make for a sharp consist!!!).

Oh man. Sorry to hear that. I sold the coke express car. It was too big. Not sure what to get to replace it. The passenger cars are just waaaay too much yellow for my liking. Lol

@Richie C. posted:

Picked up two pieces of rolling stock at the Greenberg's Train Show in Wilmington, MA this past weekend.

The first is an MTH Railking SF ATSF lighted steel caboose with LED warning lights, detailed interior and brakeman.

The second is a Lionel "uncatalogued" welding car in B&M livery. The welder figure at the end of the car rotates from right to left as the car moves and the welding torch flickers from a blue LED light. The side of the tool box reads, " Portsmouth Naval Shipyard est. 1800". Very cool.


A couple of nice pieces Richie.

I've looked for a long time fort that style of Santa Fe caboose from MTH at a decent price.

I feel like I am going to confession… fellow Forumites, forgive my weakness, for I have been buying

For almost 6 months (was supposed to be 6 weeks), I have been NY helping my brother after knee surgery (with some complications), but, while I haven’t been near the layout, that hasn’t stopped me from adding to my collection So, without further ado…

First up (and I posted this over on the NH thread) is one of the latest run Lionel Atlantics in New Haven livery. A rather sweet, small steamer from one of my favorite lines. Sharp engine and a nice runner (based on my short time running it).  


Second, we have a special run Lionel SD40-2 done by Grzyboski’s. I’ve been trying to pick up some pieces which run locally in NE Pennsylvania and this will go nicely with the R&N GP30 I picked up last year.


Next up, from the good folks at METCA (if you haven’t checked out their offerings, I would strongly recommend doing so!!!) a Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal flatbed with 2 trailers. I actually bought both they offered, but only had time to set up one. I look forward to running it with my BEDT 0-6-0T and some other METCA Boar’s Head Reefers.


Here is an MTH Long Island MAP cylindrical hopper from Grzyboski’s. I have another LIRR version with a ‘64-‘65 World’s Fair logo, so they will be a smart pair. Of course, many of my old LIRR Commuter colleagues from my working days would take issue with “Travel Easy”


Finally, another MAP cylindrical hopper from Grzyboski’s... I’ve always loved the CP paint scheme.


There are actually a couple of other items, but I didn’t have time to take any pics on my last trip home. I apologize if I have been a bad influence on any of you


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@coach joe posted:

As "Charter Member No. 1 of The 48 Club" I thinks 72" curves may be out of the question for Bob, but articulated steam ain't.  MTH Railking works well.  I've got a N&W Y6b.

@Apples55 posted:

Come on, Joe, you’re not helping - what’s the old saying… go BIG or go home

Does this count????? 😁😁

Nice haul Paul. If you spend much more time with your brother you're gonna run out of room......

2014-12-29 16.20.40


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Last edited by RSJB18
@Apples55 posted:

I feel like I am going to confession… fellow Forumites, forgive my weakness, for I have been buying

For almost 6 months (was supposed to be 6 weeks), I have been NY helping my brother after knee surgery (with some complications), but, while I haven’t been near the layout, that hasn’t stopped me from adding to my collection So, without further ado…

First up (and I posted this over on the NH thread) is one of the latest run Lionel Atlantics in New Haven livery. A rather sweet, small steamer from one of my favorite lines. Sharp engine and a nice runner (based on my short time running it).  


Second, we have a special run Lionel SD40-2 done by Grzyboski’s. I’ve been trying to pick up some pieces which run locally in NE Pennsylvania and this will go nicely with the R&N GP30 I picked up last year.


Next up, from the good folks at METCA (if you haven’t checked out their offerings, I would strongly recommend doing so!!!) a Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal flatbed with 2 trailers. I actually bought both they offered, but only had time to set up one. I look forward to running it with my BEDT 0-6-0T and some other METCA Boar’s Head Reefers.


Here is an MTH Long Island MAP cylindrical hopper from Grzyboski’s. I have another LIRR version with a ‘64-‘65 World’s Fair logo, so they will be a smart pair. Of course, many of my old LIRR Commuter colleagues from my working days would take issue with “Travel Easy”


Finally, another MAP cylindrical hopper from Grzyboski’s... I’ve always loved the CP paint scheme.


There are actually a couple of other items, but I didn’t have time to take any pics on my last trip home. I apologize if I have been a bad influence on any of you

Paul, you have been a terrible influence on me! Earlier today I was gloating after successfully resisting making other purchases. Thanks to your post, I now feel my self control waning. LOL.

I need to mentally and figuratively put myself in a straight jacket to keep from buying that New Haven Atlantic and Brooklyn Eastern Disttict flat car.

I'm sure those gorgeous trains cost you a pretty penny, which I can I'll afford, but since you've already splurged, I wish that they bring you long term happiness. LOL, Arnold

Paul, you have been a terrible influence on me! Earlier today I was gloating after successfully resisting making other purchases. Thanks to your post, I now feel my self control waning. LOL.

I need to mentally and figuratively put myself in a straight jacket to keep from buying that New Haven Atlantic and Brooklyn Eastern Disttict flat car.

I'm sure those gorgeous trains cost you a pretty penny, which I can I'll afford, but since you've already splurged, I wish that they bring you long term happiness. LOL, Arnold

Paul is a terrible influence. I blame him for all my new York central purchases. 😂

So I went touring Cabin Fever's 11/16 auction, and a couple of things caught my eye. Actually it was three things.

First one was a several-year-old MTH Premier full length Santa Fe vista dome. Full disclosure--I already have the last premier Santa Fe set MTH released before the tooling was sold to Atlas. A full ten-car train (including a full dome), set to be pulled by my ATSF 2903 Northern. So why acquire more cars? A separate project of mine was to build an Amtrak Exhibit Train. I already have the locomotives, but the cars would need to be repaints of existing coaches, sleepers, baggage cars and an Amfleet cafe car for the store, and the Santa Fe passenger cars would be the easiest to redecorate, either for me or (more likely) a professional custom painter like CJB. So rather than buy boxed sets, I was acquiring "surplus" unboxed MTH coaches from York vendor RPO Trains (now known as Uncle Jack's Trains), and over the course of several York shows I came into enough of the ATSF versions that it became feasible to build another ATSF consist beyond the proposed Exhibit Train, hence my interest in that single full-length dome.

The car in question was only the third lot of the auction, and had up to the day of closing, had not received many bids, the top bid being under $40. That is, right up till about 15 or so minutes before auction close when I put in my max bid of $90. Someone else really wanted that car, because I was immediately outbid, jacking up the price to $100. A quick tour of Ebay showed I could find a few examples of similar ATSF dome cars for less than that bid  (once packing, shipping and premium was figured in), so I let that bidder have the car.

I had better luck with the second and third lots, because they didn't look all that impressive. Two lots of six assorted tank cars, "some with missing or loose details". As lots #71 and #72, they were high up in the chain of the 636-lot auction and would also be an early close, not subject to a whole lot of the "bid competition" effect I described in a other recent Cabin Fever thread. No manufacturer or product numbers were given, and they looked  like Weaver tankers, being of two different sizes, and five of them were duplicate roadnames and numbers. The top bids at the time were in the $30-$40 range, so like the ATSF dome, they seemed to have garnered little interest. But something  bothered me about my initial assertion. The trucks didn't look like Weaver roller-bearing trucks --Weaver used solid sintered-iron wheels to the best of my knowledge, and these were hollow on the back face. So I took one of the reporting marks + road number and looked them up in Google Images.

They were K-Line.

And being modern frameless tankers, that meant they were top-of-the-line aluminum K-Line tankers. Earlier in this thread (as in, page 288), I showed photos of a pair of K-Line Citgo aluminum tankers I won in the 8/10 auction, and mentioned that there was another lot that contained three more of these in different road numbers that I lost out on. With that in mind, I put in max bids of $90 on both lots. One lot escalated to $70, the other to $50. No other bids appeared, and I won both Auction close and billing was Wedensday, shipping was billed on Saturday, and shipping commenced on Monday, arriving the next day. All of these cars were unboxed, (meaning lots of bubble wrap and an absolute blizzard of static-charged packing peanuts ), incurring a combined pack & ship fee of around $55 and arrived in a 24x16x12 Uline box cut down to 24x16x10" and weighing 19 pounds according to the UPS label.

So what's in the box? Tankerpalooza! Captions reference the photo above them:

k6341-8011 + k6341-8014

Lacking boxes and thus product numbers, I had to do some research to find out what to call these. First off are these two: K6341-8011 Hooker Chemicals and  K6341-8014 TankTrain.

k6341-1051 + k6341-1052

Next up are these two Santa Fe cars: K6341-1051 and  K6341-1052. The white stripe denotes diesel fuel and the red stripe denoted gasoline. These were part of a set of four that also included a yellow-striped car (k6341-1053) labeled "Car Journal Oil", and a fourth green-striped car (presumably K6341-1054?) whose commodity is unknown since I couldn't find a photo of it outside of an old Walthers page showing the four-pack in low-resolution Supposedly the 4-pac was numbered K6341-1051-1.

(Edit 04/27/23: Worthpoint and Legacy station have clear photos of the green-stripe K6341-1054 (both already sold). Commodity is "Water Only" Also, I have secured the K6341-1053. Still looking for the 1054)

(Edit 10/17/23: I have secured the K6341-1054. Set complete.)

k-90041 x2

Next are these two Burlington Northern tankers, K90014. A review of one of my old YouTube videos confirms I have one of these already from when they were first issued. Won't be the first duplicates in my collection


Here is K-6333-8015 Archer Daniels Midland. I was going to photograph it next to one of the SP tankers, keeping with the 2-per-photo pattern above, but abandoned that when it turned out that adding one of the larger cars made the pair too long to photograph at the same size, so I just shoved them over to put the shorter car in the center. This car is an in-between size (probably indicated by its being in the K6333 series). It's longer than the previous cars and the tank itself is wider (same width as the long cars pictured below)

k6334-2031 x3

next up are three K6334-2031 Southern Pacific 50' tankers. Unfortunately all three are the same road number (I don't know if K-Line ever made these in any other roadnumbers). You probably won't notice that as they roll by in a train, since by the time I get to put these in a video, you'll have long forgotten I mentioned this and won't be looking for it I stacked all three together in one photo to make it clear these were three duplicate cars and not one photo repeated 3x


"We all live in the yellow tanker-ine..." <BRICK>

Above is a K6334-8016 Saftey-Kleen 50' tanker. This one was probably responsible for the listing's designation of "loose/missing details", as its side railings arrived sprung out of the platforms. Fortunately I was able to re-fasten them (they snap into small slots where they join the end platforms). The small stanchions holding them away from the tank body are a bit more mysterious as to how they're fastened (if at all) They're in-place on this photo, but at least one of the SP cars above still have them hanging loose. Two cars are missing one of the top railings and at least half of them had to be shoved back into their mounting holes on the platform, a fiddly task that hasn't really anchored them very securely. Time to get out the calipers and figure out what size of stiff wire can replicate the missing railings (probably easier than finding out if Brasseur has them in their parts list, which for K-Line numbers 1645 items)


Lastly, here's the K6334-8017 Cardox 50' tanker.

It just now occurs to me that I have a metric buttload of tank cars. Between modern frameless ones like these, the older transition era tankers, and all the chrome-plated ones, I'm almost certain to have passed 100 examples by now. That's a whole lotta scale model explodium

inventory tag

One more thing!

It appears that all of these cars came from the same collection. Or maybe just a majority of them. Eight of the twelve cars had these little "inventory number" stickers on the bottom. Could the "TT" indicate "Train Tracker"? I don't know if the application has such a feature, as I've never used or researched it. maybe someone reading my long-winded post will know.

---PCJ (bringing you another post that took two hours to write )

(Nav links redacted...Forum rule disallows crosslinking one's posts within a thread)


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Last edited by RailRide

I clicked on one of MTH’s emails; it was for a animated snowman gondola.  I just picked one up from Muffin man. I showed it a few weeks ago. So I clicked on other items. This lighted boxcar showed up. I didn’t get a boxcar in the other group so I clicked “ Find it Locally “. Three shops showed up, none of which I had ever done business with. I went with JR Junction Trains and hobby. I ordered the car at about 1:50PM yesterday from a very pleasant gentleman. He said that he would try and get it out right away; and I should have it early next week. I said that would be great because I wanted to run on the opening of the club layout next weekend. This morning I got a text from FedEx ground that my package was out for delivery. I was really surprised when it was dropped off 23 hours and 20 minutes after I ordered it. Way to go JR Junction Trains and hobby!B4927797-2E37-4D5B-A0CE-AFBCF27A05B1

i plan on putting the whole set on the layout on Monday. Video to follow.


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I've been doing good for the past year not getting much in the way of trains but the 773 bug bit and bit me hard. My layout is all Flyer now so my O gauge is all self queens for now but a 1950 773 and the 1991 Madison reissues made some space to pose! I also did get a set of postwar Madisons but I really wanted a more complete looking train. My 763e isn't the only big Hudson in my house now. The last photo is my collection that keep on display.20221126_18525620221126_18544920221126_18533320221120_090107


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@Steamfan77 posted:

Picked up this beauty from Trainland in Lynbrook, NY yesterday. Exclusive to Trainland. Goodfellow gray scheme, after Long Island Railroad former President Thomas Goodfellow.



Nice engine.  just got notified by Trainland that my C liner has shipped from the warehouse.  As soon as it arrives, I'll make the drive to pick it up.  I ordered the one with the white nose.  IMO, I think the gray is a little too light



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@Genemed, Gene, Congratulations on acquiring one of Patrick’s Trains special runs, the Lionel Legacy B&O 2-8-0 consolidation steamer, I love the gloss finish as it looks like it just came out of the paint shops, it’s really cool. Mine really smokes great after it warms up and I love the 5 different bell sounds and whistle sounds… It’s a nice legacy addition and I’m waiting on the B&O Lionel Legacy 0-4-0??? I just purchased a like new 18 inch aluminum B&O StationSounds diner to complete my passenger train. Pictures will follow next week. Also, I just got the 2 pack recently.D67CCD33-263B-46EA-8E7F-E794B4D018FB
@VJandP, wow, beautiful pacific fruit express trailers, nicely made, @RamblerDon, that’s a beautiful 1950 “773”, and beautiful passenger cars, also the American Flyer cattle accessory brings back memories, congratulations, @Steamfan, wow, that’s a beautiful Long Island diesel, great colors, @RailRide, Wow, beautiful tankers, awesome selection, congratulations, last but not least @pennsyfan, that’s a beautiful wind up Hafner tinplate train, those were the days, congratulations. Happy Railroading Everyone


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Well guys, I can't even come close to some of the beautiful engines and passenger cars so I will have to stick to a much more humble acquisition.  This was a fun one for me, a pre-war "Banjo" (wig-wag) danger crossing signal.  This was originally advertised as Marx but all my Marx reference material does not show anything that resembles this signal.  However, a 1932 accessories catalog page from American Flyer shows what is nearly this exact signal.  So I have tentatively identified it as the Model 222 Banjo Crossing Danger signal from American Flyer dating to the early 1930's.  The catalog lists it at 7 1/4" tall which matches exactly as does the manual operation and the mast / support structure.  HOWEVER, my 1932 catalog shows it with a black base and my base is red.  So if anyone has any further data on this signal please post it as I would like to confirm its make.

Here is the signal with green mast and red support and base.  By the way, the signal was made both with and without the operating rod from the base.  So this could be correct or it could have a missing rod this is unknown after some 90 years!!

American Flyer banjo crossing signal

Here is a short video showing it in operation (manually initiated).

Well best of everything to all.  Hope you have a great week.

Best Regards



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  • American Flyer banjo crossing signal
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American Flyer Banjo Danger Crossing Warning
@leapinlarry posted:

@Genemed, Gene, Congratulations on acquiring one of Patrick’s Trains special runs, the Lionel Legacy B&O 2-8-0 consolidation steamer, I love the gloss finish as it looks like it just came out of the paint shops, it’s really cool. Mine really smokes great after it warms up and I love the 5 different bell sounds and whistle sounds… It’s a nice legacy addition and I’m waiting on the B&O Lionel Legacy 0-4-0??? I just purchased a like new 18 inch aluminum B&O StationSounds diner to complete my passenger train. Pictures will follow next week. Also, I just got the 2 pack recently.D67CCD33-263B-46EA-8E7F-E794B4D018FB
@VJandP, wow, beautiful pacific fruit express trailers, nicely made, @RamblerDon, that’s a beautiful 1950 “773”, and beautiful passenger cars, also the American Flyer cattle accessory brings back memories, congratulations, @Steamfan, wow, that’s a beautiful Long Island diesel, great colors, @RailRide, Wow, beautiful tankers, awesome selection, congratulations, last but not least @pennsyfan, that’s a beautiful wind up Hafner tinplate train, those were the days, congratulations. Happy Railroading Everyone

Thanks Larry, it was your pictures and videos that persuaded my decision. I now have 4 Legacy locomotives and patiently waiting for my base 3 preorder to arrive, hopefully next year sometime. I’m looking forward to the full potential of these locomotives using the base 3. The app and universal remote does okay for now. I started my layout when the 990 was being discontinued, and as we all know it’s almost impossible to get a 990 at the original price.


Picked up some locomotives and rolling stock at the Greenberg Train Show over the two days. One of the Golden Pig Trailers is suffering from Zinc Pest but I can live with it since the rest of it is fine, that and I have other trailers suffering from the same thing. I can't thank my friend enough for giving me such a good deal on the locomotives.


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A couple of nice pieces Richie.

I've looked for a long time fort that style of Santa Fe caboose from MTH at a decent price.

Thanks Dallas - been off for a few days for the holiday.

They were both from the same dealer at the show, so I was able to put together a good package deal. I wasn't specifically looking for the SF caboose, but it caught my eye while I was looking over the welding car and it seems like I can never have enough lighted cabooses on the layout.

In fact, I have a BTO Maine Central one on order right now !

So, I know it's an mpc, but I had to have this car. Growing up, my dad had the Tyco  ho version of this car. As a little guy I remember it racing around the track and was amused by the little dutch lady on the side of the car. It kept my attention for hours as she was chasing imaginary  dirt around the track. And I think it looks right at home with my train master and reefer cars of the mpc era.PXL_20221129_005905492PXL_20221129_005854054


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Hallmark ornaments, a tad small but I think they work.  Being a MOPAR guy I couldn't pass these up.


The '21 Ram and the'70 Challenger are this year's offerings.  My son had a '19 Ram night Edition that looked a lot like this '21.  Dom's Fast and Furious Charger is a left over from last year.  It was the first in a new series "The Car's the Star".  This year's entry is the "48 Ford Deluxe convertible, "Greased Lightning" from, you guessed it, Grease.

Big Piggy is another $5.99 toy rack find.  Three days later and I've already forgotten if it was the supermarket, Lowes or CVS.  I'm going to try and spruce up the interior a little.


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@Apples55 posted:

Nothing wrong with MPC, Donnie - they had some wonderful, colorful cars. Interesting train… have some Cracker Jacks, wash ‘em down with some Miller (must be at a ball game), clean up the mess with a little Dutch cleanser, and sleep it all off in (what looks like) a bunk car

Haha 😂. You know how to put things into preceptive Paul. That's exactly how I imagined this line up. Being a Browns fan that's pretty much what you have to do to stay sane. Eat, drink, clean up after yourself , and sleep it off until next year.

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