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Keeping in mind those it might offend, I scratched out a key element of this for the photo of a reproduction German WW2 railway belt buckle I just got:


Many of you know I do WW2 living history events wearing WW2 uniforms in displays with my collection and my 1944 Jeep. I had a German belt that I'd sometimes wear as GIs would sometimes wear them for extra space to hang gear and to look generally like a hardened soldier. It had a Luftwaffe buckle, and not long ago I realized there are some replica ones for the German railroad people. I ordered this from a vendor in Poland, for very little, paid no postage and got the thing in less than 10 days! Next time I wear my GI stuff, this is going on as well!


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Last edited by p51

" those who don't remember the past are condemmed to repeat it "  ........... I remember seeing this on a large sign coming into town .     Seems like some haven't  seen it written anywhere Mike .

Guys, you are NOT going to find someone on this forum with a greater appreciation of American military history, especially for the 1940s, than myself.


But it's a matter of context. It would be wrong of me to post a photo of a swastika on a model train forum unannounced. Considering the age of a lot of people in the hobby, it could suddenly find itself in front of eyes that saw these symbols firsthand and witnessed those horrors in person, or saw/heard what it did to family members.

I love this forum and the magazine and the VERY LAST thing I want is someone faced with something like that, which they wouldn't have gone into the forum had they known might be there.


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Great finds everyone! Looks like some had a great time down York. I haven’t posted my cool buys lately or York haul so here comes a few posts.


This was my second York I attended and I once again had a blast! My mom also once again tagged along for our traincation bonding so it’s now becoming a pleasant routine thing. She’s learning a bunch about trains and is actually pointing stuff out that I’m missing while in “my zone” walking the isles LoL. The staff at the registration desk were once again wonderful and we are both new TCA members. The halls seemed much more packed with buyers compared to the Spring. Especially on Friday, the parking lot seemed a lot more packed and stayed pretty full throughout the day. I once again only went Thursday and Friday due to running out of money. One of these Yorks I’ll make it to Saturday!  LoL!

Day one (Thursday) started with me waking up to find out I won on an eBay auction in which I was bidding on an item I’ve only come across once before. EBay doesn’t sleep during York week! LoL! (More details on that item once it arrives.) Then a two hour drive down to York after I emptied out the ATM. Once we got there, I began with meeting up with two fellow OGR members that I made purchases off of. Thanks again Nathan and Jim! Then as I mentioned above, we went and joined the TCA and purchased our tickets. I was able to navigate all the halls except half of the orange hall on day one. My purchases consisted of 13 Menards rolling stock, 1 Lionel boxcar, 6 Menards Dodge Power Wagons, 3 Lionelville Main Street buildings, and a refurbished ZW transformer with 2 year warranty along with a refurbished KW transformer with 2 year warranty. We also had lunch at the food cart by the white/red halls. Here’s photos of my Day one purchases.2C70289F-2EDB-49AF-B328-6852E853DEF912976689-55BF-4010-AC18-2765E8741292975F0D3D-C71F-4E3A-94E0-B1CFEE51610D13CC4E3F-F49A-43DE-974B-9918541D9F1CE894B04F-72A5-4151-ABD8-B882F17F8AB6DD044EAD-9C89-4F15-A604-61D8DC6AAD13C75933CB-9CE1-429D-B7C9-039287E48E425B9A0D3A-85E2-45BD-9853-81BCB6292FA964E9163C-B521-408E-AEF6-7CF117DC9C37D500A3A6-D919-4A39-8618-7102C094CC46E086B530-AD43-44E1-A13E-16EFF6A5E332147CE66A-21DC-4C43-8AE8-177B8B8D789CC2DB05BA-3605-4ACC-BDF2-902BFB44A7C47AB71454-F739-4503-8756-BFC420128866C204880F-7477-432D-AFBD-FD4C10490AC46AD84D7C-330A-4993-B59C-25AA91CA9C9317F4EC52-AA09-462D-B05C-EEEEBD3F1A30

Here’s all of day one!02AABC8D-64C3-45AB-A52B-31ACD027822F

Day two (Friday) started with us finishing out the rest of the orange hall. After that, I met with another OGR member that I was getting 3 FREE big boxes of empty Lionel and Menards boxes including a few empty Menards clamshells (plastic cartons). We also had a few rolling stock to exchange and he gave me a FREE hopper cover too. Thanks again John! Following that, we went back through all the halls and started negotiating on a few items I liked. I picked up the third and final Lionel reefer for the Hamm’s collection in memory of my late brother. I also grabbed 3 more Menards rolling stock, the MTH Old Line Flag Co. building, 3 MTH political rolling stock (one being my first purple box), and 4 boxcars from the Spirit of ‘76 collection. (If you can’t see the train car, then the box is empty. I also blocked out the political cars so let’s please leave it at that.) Here’s photos of my Day 2 purchase’s.6553B108-058C-43FA-8BE7-1E7623F74AE532614CD3-C604-485D-B573-D4D0B1317DD02E4DC0D0-86A6-40F0-BEC8-E19D8E50142987446F64-F3AC-467E-B5D6-64C84A9EE0379675F439-1C4F-4A3E-9B4B-016F0512D0F4350675D5-1BEB-49F4-BE7B-819B3737C40F195A62E6-9B2C-4E08-85E7-01FAAE49460F8B527091-5DC1-4349-81D6-04F338DF9B9B
Here’s all of day 2!7C58D75D-71D0-44D9-816E-BB7913BC1311

And here’s my entire Fall York Haul!8D3B5361-4E79-4083-9B96-36FAB2E71501

I had an amazing second York experience! Everyone was friendly again and very helpful. I’m already starting to see familiar faces. My list had items crossed off but items also were added for future hunts. LoL. Another note was how magnificent the layouts were! There were more on display than in the Spring which was great! I’m hoping they continue to expand! I already could hardly wait until the spring meet next year!

Thank you to everyone in the EDTCA, volunteers, vendors, sellers, members, etc. that made all of this possible once again!!


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Well I gave myself one day off from buying the Saturday after York but back at it again that Sunday! I met up with the gentleman (and his wife) that I’ve been purchasing all the Menards from. Really wonderful people! We met at the Tamaqua Train Station for brunch and to exchange these buildings in person so shipping didn’t bankrupt me. LoL! He also included 2 piggly wiggly pickup trucks and a military flat with Leopard tank. Thanks again Dean!184C6802-4F0C-4EE1-9531-1CDD5E71762E5A074F3D-7E11-4EC3-AC3F-9A7508BFC26135A1AF83-5036-438E-A4DE-17F571ED7603715BF9AC-E208-49FD-8AB4-B6F35FD0CC9A5353203B-465E-49EC-AA6A-5D4D00AC29BB44ACBBB7-3C7A-4178-A5BC-D47F274127891BEFFC07-4ABA-4C9C-AA28-593050E0EB16

Now you’re probably wondering where these buildings are going to fit?! Well there’s another addition in the works! It’s only being planned out for now but once I start this expansion area, I’ll have photos with more updates.


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The item I won while sleeping and resting up for the first day of York had arrived last week. It’s the MTH Pennsylvania Ticket Office. I’ve only come across this building one other time and missed out on it then. I’m really excited I got this crossed off my list.DD982259-2090-4356-A4BE-DA2122E07963

My next new purchase was from the Trains,Die Cast Toys, & Railroad Memorabilia Show at the Taylor Fire Department in Taylor, PA. This was my second time attending this show and I really enjoy it. There’s seems to be always great deals at this show and people are very negotiable. It’s right up the road from me too so that’s a major bonus. I came across this Lionel Dale Earnhardt Sr. Boxcar and I knew I needed it despite never even knowing about it. The Intimidator was my family’s favorite driver back in the day. I honestly believe NASCAR hasn’t been the same ever since. RIP #3300D34C7-FDAC-4548-A74B-164CBDC37ADD

That’s all for now. More packages from the Menards estate will start back up in a few weeks.


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Last edited by Richizzle07
@p51 posted:

Guys, you are NOT going to find someone on this forum with a greater appreciation of American military history, especially for the 1940s, than myself.

But it's a matter of context. It would be wrong of me to post a photo of a swastika on a model train forum unannounced. Considering the age of a lot of people in the hobby, it could suddenly find itself in front of eyes that saw these symbols firsthand and witnessed those horrors in person, or saw/heard what it did to family members.

I love this forum and the magazine and the VERY LAST thing I want is someone faced with something like that, which they wouldn't have gone into the forum had they known might be there.

Being a student of history, I immediately knew what you blocked and I applaud your decision to do so. To this day, it is used as a symbol of hate which causes pain to many people, and, unfortunately encourages others - blocking it, if anything, shows a very deep understanding it’s history.

@PRRick posted:

I believe lionel, mth, and kline have all done at least one.


Is this the one that gores with this set: ?

I did a search of Lionel's website using the word "Budweiser" and that's the only loco I saw.

I also did a search for "Anheuser Busch" and came up with only 2 locos - both were parts of a set. Don't need any more rolling stock. Just looking for a loco and caboose.

Last edited by paulp575
@p51 posted:

Guys, you are NOT going to find someone on this forum with a greater appreciation of American military history, especially for the 1940s, than myself.


But it's a matter of context. It would be wrong of me to post a photo of a swastika on a model train forum unannounced. Considering the age of a lot of people in the hobby, it could suddenly find itself in front of eyes that saw these symbols firsthand and witnessed those horrors in person, or saw/heard what it did to family members.

I love this forum and the magazine and the VERY LAST thing I want is someone faced with something like that, which they wouldn't have gone into the forum had they known might be there.

Lee, I appreciate you and all that you bring to this forum. Being a student of history(because of my 8th grade teacher), I enjoy anything that has come before me and is teachable as all things are. One thing I had found out about my mother's Uncle Ray which made me respect him even more was that he was a pilot, which I knew, but that he taught women how to fly the new airplanes being produced so that they in turn could fly them wherever they were needed across the country. He also met Albert Einstein when he was a young boy bagging groceries. There's a whole other list of things, but I don't even know them all.

Great picture of you BTW. I showed my coworkers and was explaining some of the most recent things you have posted here.

@PRRick posted:

I think they were all parts of sets. Your best bet would be ebay. I just looked (searched budweiser then filtered by category "model trains" then by gauge. There are several styles and choices for both units. I'd post links for you, but it's not permitted.

That's what I normally do - after narrowing it down to a couple choices - create saved searches on eBay.

When one comes up, I'll do a Google search to see if anyone else is offering it. I don't always pick the least expensive seller unless they are - to me - well known.

I picked up this model labeled Martinsburg Coal Mine. It has been in storage under my layout for sometime. After hearing about Stu Gralnik and reviewing some of the models he built, I elected to send the mine to him for assembly. I thought it might be a bit over my head to assemble it and get it right. Attached are the finished pictures. I am very pleased with the construction and will be implementing it in in my coal mine area near Scranton, Pa section of the layout. It will undergo some heavy weathering to resemble an old coal mine still working.   Billmine 1mine 2mine 3mine 4


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Happy Friday to all!

I just received a shipment from The Western Depot in Northern California. I live in Silicon Valley just a 3 hour drive from Western Depot, so I received these USPS in 2 days. Nice!

I'm building a Southern Pacific freight consist and purchased these K-Line items. I must say, I miss K-Line! They made some great O scale and semi scale stuff, and these two items are an example.

Western Depot has plenty of these SP exclusive cabooses in 3 different road numbers, 1650, 1670, and 1690. These are also nicely detailed including underside storage boxes, metal chassis, metal sprung trucks, working smoke unit, two sitting figures, and lighted.

Flip side.

The hopper is diecast with a real coal load, like the box says. This car is hefty and nicely detailed, including opening dump doors and metal sprung trucks.


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