Does anyone know who I can have restore my 318e motor and or know anywhere where I can get one for a reasonable price?
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It's pretty easy to do it yourself, why not give it a try?
Disassemble it, clean and polish all the bearings, clean the commutator and remove any gunk between the conductors. Replace any wires if needed.
It doesn't look too bad, except for the center rail pickup, without the right tools it might be a little difficult to replace.
I just completely took it was missing some wires and now I just need to clean ot back up and try to find out how to put it back together lol
There aren't too many parts, if you replace the wires (which you should) make sure to mark all the connections so you know where each wire goes.
Fltrkrcr89 posted:
Just needs to be rewired and the pick up repaired. Should run like a champ. Just to buy a carcass will cost you $50 to $60 plus shipping. Complete motors in running condition will run $125. I just rebuilt 2 of them I picked up as carcasses.
I need to get one asap somewhere...
Just wondering, were the wheels painted gold or is it the lighting?
Thays the lighting, the whole body and wheels were painted silver by some kids years ago.
If anyone has a motor and like Marx stuff ill trade
Have you looked at MTH for a replacement motor. I put a new McCoy motor in my 318e many years ago.
I will rebuild that unit for you. My email is in my profile.
Thank you Stew, I took it apart. I have all of the parts still. Would that affect your decision?
No it would not.
Ill send you an email as soon as I can..thank you so very much.
I have two prewar 318s in front of me I need to get running. I like the 318. Neet looking little engine. I have a dark gray and a brown that pulls some nice brown baby states. I can't remember if the brown guy runs. Only one way to find out, lay some track. The wiring looks sound. I can't remember what I was doing last time I had her out, but the shell is not screwed in and the lights are disconnected. Good luck with yours. Long may she run.