My 345 culvert unloader does not cycle properly. The motor "ratchets" at the beginning and end of the travel on the beam, rendering the unit inoperable. Can anyone help?
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I've some shade tree mechanic experience on the newer culvert units. It sounds to me as if the limiting switches controlling the distance of travel to actuate the mechanism in the overhead beam need relocating. If you search the Forum archives there are several lengthy threads about this very issue. Best to you.
John, Thank you. Unless I am doing something wrong, I've tried the "search" pull down menu with "no results found".
I have solved all the issues with the Culvert Loader/Unloader on my layout. I removed them.
Steve, you've read my mind. Thanks
Peter, dont toss it just yet, lots to digest in this thread...
Search for "Culvert Loader 12982...Lionel Tip?".
Best I could do, hope it helps.
John, Thank you so very much! I am going to give that a try later on, I'll let you know if I succeed.
I'm very thankful for the above suggestions, but my problem is not with a culvert loader, but with a 37972 CULVERT UNLOADER. The unloader i s the accessory with the magnet that lifts the steel culverts from the gondola car and drops the culverts through the swinging doors onto the ramp of the unloader. The up and down movement of the magnet seems "out of sync" causing the motor assembly get stuck and not complete its normal travel.
Got it! Unloader...I have both of these... Does it get "stuck" or just stop? "Stuck" could be a binding drive roller, a beam warp or alignment issue. "Stop" could be it's confused as to its starting sequence position.
My Loader/Unloader had several issues. Both units were NEW when I purchased them. The Loader needed limit switch adjustment out of the box. The referenced OGR Forum posts on this subject were helpful. The adjustments helped but repeatability was poor. The Unloaders had the door and the magnet issue mentioned above. It would unload perfect sometimes. The Unloader car sensor failed. Broken connection or wiring in the far base sensor since the light was on all the time which at least allowed the unit to operate. I purchased the replacement part but never installed it since removing the Unloader from the layout out would be painful. Eventually I decided to incorporate a reversing loop into the industrial area where the Culverts were installed. Something had to go: Culvert's or Gantry Crane ? The Crane won and the Culvert's conceded real estate to the Kline Saw Mill and Lumber Loader.
I had them working flawlessly, and then I accidently hit the handle on the KW and the extra voltage vibrated the string right off the pulley... so now I have a weekend project!
Well guys,
I've reached the end of my rope with this unloader. Latest news: 1 the motor assembly is free to move in both directions. 2 I've moved both mini micro switches to their extremes, nothing changed. 3 Sometimes after working on the unit, the beacon LEDS would flash on their own, no gondola car in position and the on/off switch in the "off" position. So, my conclusion is a problem with the electronic board. I have not been able to find a circuit diagram or any technical diagrams for the unit.
Obviously, the unit was designed for eye appeal and not with the primary concern of dependability and manufacturing quality. My sincere thanks for the help offered to me and the suggestions too
Peter, I feel your pain...In all honesty, I've NEVER had an accessory work as advertised out of the box. One of the early hard lessons of 3 rail! I convinced myself that the tinkering and compromising were at least character building.