Please fill us in on your 3D printer specs and what post-printing procedures you did to the shell
I use a 'Creality CR-10' printer, it can print 12 by 12 by 15" of volume. I printed the shell vertically, with cab and boilerfront printed along side (one run, about 50 hours). After printing, some modification of the frame needs to be done (grinding away a little of the frame where the 392E cab went - if was 'sloped).
Cab, boiler and boiler front are glued together.
The keystone on the front was also printed- if you look closely you can see the raised numbers of the engine and the keystone edges. A very generous modeller provided me the 3d models.
Wet sanding of all surfaces, then high fill primer and more sanding.
Drill 2 holes through top of boiler, tap into frame where the bolts go,
Paint and finish.
Lettering done on a vinyl printer, very crisp, no decal film. Local library Maker Lab has the vinyl cutter.