How about a special forum for custom work, that would encompass anything modified, ....kinda like what they do in drag racing, it 3 rail modified,......if you change it from stock even just a LED headlight swap, in it goes,...
How about a special forum for custom work, that would encompass anything modified, ....kinda like what they do in drag racing, it 3 rail modified,......if you change it from stock even just a LED headlight swap, in it goes,...
Personally Alan, I'd like to see some consolidation of the sub-forums, when you see a forum that's been there for a year or more and have 15-20 topics, it seems that it's probably not that useful. As I mentioned, I think the Lionel and MTH sections could do with maybe two forums each.
I also still like my idea of having the sub-forum listed in the recent topics as my example below shows.
@gunrunnerjohn posted:Personally Alan, I'd like to see some consolidation of the sub-forums, when you see a forum that's been there for a year or more and have 15-20 topics, it seems that it's probably not that useful. As I mentioned, I think the Lionel and MTH sections could do with maybe two forums each.
I also still like my idea of having the sub-forum listed in the recent topics as my example below shows.
Agree with this. But I would wait for the dust to settle on the current changes. Change is always hard but positive results can come about with such change
@Scott R posted:I noticed the term "Hi-Rail" is missing altogether. Is that term dead? Which is the correct forum if posting about a mix of scale and non-scale trains and scenery elements? Not a very good photo, but example below of an MTH RK L1 pulling an Atlas O scale boxcar past an Atlas Depot. It's not a true scale scene and does not approach the fantastic realism that SIRT and others create, yet it's not post war either. That's not to knock PW, I enjoy PW too. Just wondering where is the appropriate forum home for hi-rail modelers.
I don’t really think the 3r tracks should be a factor since they are used in scale and non-scale. The only Hi-Rail I know is Gargraves. The term is probably a thing from the past.
Hotwater, we have a post on coupling issues, not this one. Also 3r Switching can be operated using DCS and an MTH engine, just so you know.
Again, very simple – SCALE or non-scale.
I just don't see the advantage to having the sub categories listed with the recent posts. You're either interested enough in the topic to look at or not. I'm not sure I care where the post is if it interests me.
Guys....what I need is for you all to think about this and then submit a list of categories/changes, etc. Opinions are nice but put those opinions into something we can look at.
If you click on a post in the right column, you go to the most recent post. To see the forum, you have to scroll to the top of the page . Sometimes I like to go back to where I read or posted, but finding it again is more difficult if I didn't look at the forum it was in initially. If it was identified to begin with on the recent posts, it would be easier to remember. Plus, I don't seem to be able to search my profile for my responses, only my original posts on a topic of my own.
Hi Alan,
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to provide feedback. I do think the "sub forum sprawl" as GRJ put it is confusing and unnecessarily divides our hobby. I think the essence of the problem is that we do not have clear category divisions. My earlier post on this thread was an attempt to point that out. Its been discussed on this forum before that our 3-rail, O-Gauge hobby is a continuum with tinplate on one extreme and 3RS on the other. In the middle is PW/traditional and hi-rail. But there is no clear dividing lines between these categories. Some have scale models running on tinplate track. Some have PW equipment running through some very scale looking scenery. Some of us mix and match. IMO the diversity we enjoy with our 3 rail trains is what makes our hobby great. This "big tent" approach is what attracted me to switch from HO.
With that in mind, here are some suggestions:
I'm obviously firmly in the camp of less is more when it comes to sub forums. This is a fantastic forum and an important part of the hobby for many of us. Thanks again for giving us the opportunity to provide input.
@Scott R posted:Hi Alan,
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to provide feedback. I do think the "sub forum sprawl" as GRJ put it is confusing and unnecessarily divides our hobby. I think the essence of the problem is that we do not have clear category divisions. My earlier post on this thread was an attempt to point that out. Its been discussed on this forum before that our 3-rail, O-Gauge hobby is a continuum with tinplate on one extreme and 3RS on the other. In the middle is PW/traditional and hi-rail. But there is no clear dividing lines between these categories. Some have scale models running on tinplate track. Some have PW equipment running through some very scale looking scenery. Some of us mix and match. IMO the diversity we enjoy with our 3 rail trains is what makes our hobby great. This "big tent" approach is what attracted me to switch from HO.
With that in mind, here are some suggestions:
- Don't attempt to sub-divide 3 rail O gauge. I'm happy to have all of us post to the same "Three-Rail O-Gauge" forum. BTW, I think this fits well with theme of the print magazine.
- O-Scale Narrow gauge forums and 2RS forums make sense to me. These are clear divisions from 3 rail, O gauge modelling
- I don't think we need separate "layout" and "scenery /structure" forums. Layout and scenery / structure discussion / build threads are mixed all over the sub forums. They are an important aspect of model railroading. People can use the 3R, Narrow gauge, or 2RS forums as appropriate for their posts on these topics. Again, I think this approach is in keeping with the concept of the parent magazine.
- I general, think the manufacturer "general topics" forums are overkill, especially given the shrinking market base. Manufacturer sub forums for new product announcements are also overkill and not used, not even by the manufacturers! However, I do think manufacturer forums for help, comments, and questions would be beneficial.
- Posters can use "tags" to help with searches without the need for numerous sub forums
I'm obviously firmly in the camp of less is more when it comes to sub forums. This is a fantastic forum and an important part of the hobby for many of us. Thanks again for giving us the opportunity to provide input.
Now this is what I am talking about...very constructive and detailed!
Thanks Scott!
I really like where Scott R is headed with his ideas listed above! I have something to add...
There are a lot of threads on the Forum where folks are asking for help...and for me, that's one of the best parts of hanging out here. In fact, I just posted a "Need Help" thread recently and was able to get the answers I needed.
These threads tend to cover a wide variety of topics--and they show up in any number of different sub-forums--but generally speaking, they're related in some way, shape or form to...1.) how do I do (insert rest of question here); 2.) need help diagnosing problems/issues; 3.) how to fix/repair (service) something; or 4.) how/where to obtain parts. I’m sure there's something I'm forgetting, so feel free to chime in.
So, in an effort to reduce the number of sub-forums, why not have one catch-all sub-forum where we can place all of our "looking for help" threads regardless of product, scale or manufacturer/importer? For example, is it really necessary to have separate repair/service sub-forums for MTH and Lionel? Then there are the Electrical, DCS, Legacy/TMCC, DCC, etc. sub-forums, all of which get "Looking for Help" threads posted to them.
This would also remove some thread volume from the all-encompassing "3-Rail O Gauge" sub-forum that Scott R suggested above.
Oh, and I'm a big user of the "Recent Posts" side of the page. I go there first, nearly every time. I just scroll past any thread title that doesn't interest me. I really wish we could see more topics listed there (i.e. a longer list)!
@SIRT posted:Hotwater, we have a post on coupling issues, not this one. Also 3r Switching can be operated using DCS and an MTH engine, just so you know.
What does THAT comment have to do with the long standing "coupling issues" with the various manufacturers "lobster claws"? When I had a nice large layout, we all enjoyed switching with DCS, as well as Legacy/TMCC, but then again all my rolling stock was up-graded with Kadee Couplers!
Again, very simple – SCALE or non-scale.
Agreed, and those "lobster claws" are certainly NOT scale.
I think I have found the simple solution to Hot Water's obsession with Kadee couplers. Since it appears that HIS delimiter between what is "scale" and what is not scale is Kadees, I propose ONLY two forums for O Gauge/Scale: 3-Rail Trains without Kadee couplers and 3-Rail Trains WITH KADEE couplers. This would satisfy HW's definition of "scale" and at the same time encompass his love of shouting WITH ALL CAPS.
By applying this standard we can make sure that the outstanding modeling done by SIRT and harmonyards don't sully the "3-Rail Trains WITH KADEE couplers" forums since they choose not to use them. SIRT and harmonyards, I greatly admire everything you post and look a the big picture of your work and not what couplers you choose to use.
I try to keep my life simple. I just look at the cafeteria marked "Recent Posts" column on the right and choose what looks good. I don't think I have ever considered what sub forum a topic resides. If the topic tastes bad I spit it out get a new plate and move on...
Alan- thanks for soliciting input from the group- you may be sorry .
I agree with the comments above and the overall sense that less is more. Much like the photo album category, a "need help" forum like @CNJ #1601- Joe, suggested above may be worth trying. The help and suggestions aspect of this forum is by far its strongest asset.
I'm not a fan of the new 3-rail traditional toy train category title. I think "toy" will confuse many. I'm sure many will agree that any of the modern loco's are far from toys, and I'm not sure that all would qualify to go in the 3R-S category either. From my perspective looking at my layout, I'm running on 027 track but I'm doing more realistic "scale" scenery, running post-war, MPC, and modern equipment. I don' think my layout is a "Toy" train layout, but it's not a scale layout either. To me, when I think of toy train layouts, I see post war and plasticville.
Another suggestion since you asked- at the bottom of each page there is a "back to top" link. It would be helpful to have a "go to bottom" link at the top of the pages as well. I find that when going back a page to see what a previous post was about, it takes you to the top of that page and you have to scroll down to the bottom. Granted this is a simple click and drag of the bar on the right but.....- OR- just ask if Crowdstack and send you to the bottom of the previous page when you hit the previous icon.
I'm a "recent posts" surfer also as many have stated. Can that column be extended to include more posts? The box only goes about half the page down. I'm not suggesting it go the whole way, would defeat the purpose but it may be helpful to keep a larger list of recent posts active. What qualifies as a recent post? At the moment it's a 2-hour old post, other times it's 12 hours plus.
Simplify the manufacturers forums please.
Thanks again,
The 3-Rail Scale and 3-Rail Traditional forums seem to be causing a high share of grief recently.
They should either be combined into one forum and not worry about it, OR, allow lobster-claw coupler equipment to be considered as 3-Rail Scale. After all, 3-rail track is non-scale, just due to the center rail. Pizza-cutter flanges, as found on all 3-rail equipment are non-scale. Sub-standard track radii used by virtually all 3-railers is non-scale. Floating pilots and truck-mounted couplers used on almost all 3-rail equipment are virtually non-scale.
How can anyone allow all that non-scale stuff in the 3-Rail Scale forum, yet poo-poo the idea of over-sized, manufacturer-standard lobster claw couplers? It doesn't make sense to me.
So why not allow lobster-claw couplers in the 3-Rail Scale Forum? I really like the idea of 3-rail scale, and yet I have absolutely NO problems with scale-sized, highly detailed and weathered trains having lobster claw couplers. I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of all other forum members would agree to this also.
So now I’m confused, I see the categories, and don’t see where some thing like this goes: I don’t care what the forum is called, I just want to be in the right one, a model build like this goes where?.....this is a scale loco BUT has crab claw couplers,.....again, it don’t bother me what the forum is called, I just want to be in the right place so the post doesn’t get deleted, ......I don’t wanna go to forum jail!...again!,,😬..........Pat
Alan, Thanks for asking for input. I read the Forum almost every day, I don't respond much. I'm a recent post guy, the sub forum doesn't matter much to me. However, the manufacturer forums should be simplified, I like the idea of "go to bottom" link. Scale and Traditional should be combined. Make a sub forum for Kadee couplers only. Thanks!
There are simply too many subforums - particularly for someone like myself who likes to scan posts in many different categories.
Instead of clicking on seven or eight different sub forums, I now just go to the drop down menu under HOME and click on ALL TOPICS.
It might take a few pages to see all the new posts, and I have to scroll past many I'm not interested in, but at least I do not miss something I might have wanted to read or respond to.
The RECENT TOPICS column just doesn't go down far enough to include all the new posts since my last visit.
I also make sure I hit MARK ALL POSTS AS READ before leaving so I know where I left off last visit.
It really got out of hand when all the manufacturers sub forums were begun.
I haven't begun a thread myself in many months simply because, after considering its content, I was never really sure what category it should go into - and it's not worth putting the effort into a new thread just to have it deleted.
I really wonder if all the people who supposedly wanted all these sub forums really had interests so limited that they were happy to be segregated into their own little world apart from the main stream!!!
The 2 rail scale, the S, the HONGZ, and maybe the narrow gauge are the only ones I see IMO which might have members who have little interest in anything else.
I agree completely about collapsing the categories in the manufacturer sub-forums.
For 3-rail trains, I actually think the way out of the discussions above is to create one more division. The new categories would be:
Tinplate Toy Trains (this would encompass 3-rail, clockwork and Standard Gauge)
Traditional O-gauge 3-rail Trains (drop the "toy" designation)
3-rail SCALE Model Trains with Kadee Couplers (need to keep the all caps SCALE for Mr. Hot and include Kadee in the forum title)
Realistic 3-rail Trains (a new category for those of us with scale trains on scale layouts but who have the temerity to still use regular 3-rail couplers)
The way things are now, say I want to post about detailing an Atlas locomotive to be more realistic. Where should that post go? It's not a toy train, it's not 3-rail SCALE since it doesn't have Kadees, it happens to be an Atlas locomotive but Atlas General Topics doesn't seem right since it's not an Atlas topic but a modeling topic. I do know that if I posted an explanation with photos, etc. and that post was deleted because somebody thought it was in the wrong forum, well, I'd be more than a little hacked off.
I seldom scroll though the sub forums. The sub forums are of little value to the manner that I use the OGR Forum.
I use the Advanced Search function frequently. The Advanced Search function is of tremendous value to me when I need specific information from the forum.
This forum has been a tremendous asset to me over the years. Especially so now that I am assembling my benchwork.
The OGR Forum is truly a blessing for us all !!!
@Bob posted:I agree completely about collapsing the categories in the manufacturer sub-forums.
For 3-rail trains, I actually think the way out of the discussions above is to create one more division. The new categories would be:
Tinplate Toy Trains (this would encompass 3-rail, clockwork and Standard Gauge)
Traditional O-gauge 3-rail Trains (drop the "toy" designation)
3-rail SCALE Model Trains with Kadee Couplers (need to keep the all caps SCALE for Mr. Hot and include Kadee in the forum title)
Realistic 3-rail Trains (a new category for those of us with scale trains on scale layouts but who have the temerity to still use regular 3-rail couplers)
The way things are now, say I want to post about detailing an Atlas locomotive to be more realistic. Where should that post go? It's not a toy train, it's not 3-rail SCALE since it doesn't have Kadees, it happens to be an Atlas locomotive but Atlas General Topics doesn't seem right since it's not an Atlas topic but a modeling topic. I do know that if I posted an explanation with photos, etc. and that post was deleted because somebody thought it was in the wrong forum, well, I'd be more than a little hacked off.
Bob, with regards to your last sentence: If you had to moderate this forum, you might be able to understand how hacked off we get when folks post nearly every one of their topics in the traditional category. We have explained MANY times that there are two things going on here as far as how a post gets deleted. First, the forum software uses certain key words so a post may get whacked because of a misplacement of that post. Second, we simply may not have time to move posts of which there are thousands per week so it gets deleted. I personally try to take time to move posts but I don't always have that time since my duties are to producing a magazine. Heck, before I came aboard with OGR, I was a member of this forum and had several posts deleted and I figured that happened for a reason but I didn't get "more than a little hacked off". In any case, I appreciate your feedback as I do the other's that have posted so far.
The rules and categories were here long before many of us joined and so this issue of where to put posts is not a new one. We have had folks complain because they didn't think we had a category that matched their interest. We have others that complain because we have too many categories. Others think we should have no categories. For a long time I believed that the categories helped folks keep discussions organized but perhaps that was only true in my mind. Do we lump everything into a handful of categories and then let you all use the search function when you don't want to go through thousands of posts in a week to find something you read and now want to go back to in order to make a comment? And then what happens when comments are separated by other comments that have nothing to do with one another? Sifting through threads like that are going to make some folks pretty frustrated. For instance, could we just have manufacturer categories and then let you all post any kind of topic under that category regardless if it is a question about an item or if you are super detailing a piece? Lots of questions and possibilities but keep in mind of what you want this re-organization of categories to accomplish. Are we going to jump from the frying pan and into the fire?
Honest guys, I appreciate your suggestions because I understand and agree that it is time to take a close look at what we can do to make the categories work better for all of us. I don't like moderating the forum nor do others that help us do so. I believe that all of us can make this better. I am compiling your suggestions and will post an update at the end of next week. Keep em coming!
I would make the following changes if the forum software allowed...
For the record I rarely browse the forum using the categories. I usually use the list of recent topics down the right hand side to see what interests me despite what forum they are in. Encouraging folks to be more descriptive of there threads in the title would be a plus but that's up to us not the forum moderators and admins. "Help" and "I need help" are pretty non descriptive but "Help with LC+ XXXXX" makes a world of difference.
I would also encourage the membership to be less abusive when someone does put something in the wrong section. Remarks like "What does this have to do with XXXX", makes us unwelcoming. Maybe something like "You might get a better response if you copied this into the XXX section, good luck!". Too many times I see this as a complaint against this forum. It can be unwelcoming when someone makes a mistake that includes the deletions of said mistakes. While I understand the moderation and forum software aspects of it, I suspect we loose some good members over this. Too bad the forum software couldn't move the offending threads rather than just delete them.
I have a question for you folks.
If removing a few forums means we lose the posts contained in the forums that are being eliminated, would you still want to do it?
I ask because I don't think can combine posts from multiple forums into one. I have started a tech support ticket with Crowdstack and have asked the question there.
That would be a bit of a shame if they can't be moved. For the ones with ten or 20 total threads I guess it wouldn't be a major loss, except for the folks that posted the threads.
@gunrunnerjohn posted:That would be a bit of a shame if they can't be moved. For the ones with ten or 20 total threads I guess it wouldn't be a major loss, except for the folks that posted the threads.
I agree. One of the best features of the forum is the ability to search old posts. I've often found answers there first, without posting a new question.
I suspect that maybe losing some long dormant posts would cause some folks to immediately go to Defcon 4...I remember the storm over a lost thread over a beer car reefer that caused some hard feelings...
If folks are relying on the Forum to serve for personal archival functions then I need to ask if that is a fair and reasonable expectation to lay on our Forum hosts? Was it ever meant to be that?... seriously?
My words have certainly never been meant to be preserved in stone. If something gets tossed I would try to keep some perspective on it.
I would support the rationalizing and reduction of sub forums despite the possibility of unintended consequences.
@RSJB18 posted:I agree. One of the best features of the forum is the ability to search old posts. I've often found answers there first, without posting a new question.
Yes!......I’d think if it’s possible, that feature needs to stay.....IF POSSIBLE.......a prime example is the grease & oil threads,......that usually starts a hail storm, and it’s quite easy to direct a poster to the search engine rather than have the great debate over and over again, ....I mean, it don’t really bother me, if a thread doesn’t interest me, I just go right on by,.....
Great question. I’d hate for us to lose the valuable information from previous posts. Is there a way to archive a sub category that is no longer in use such that new posts are not allowed, but the old posts are preserved?
With the advent of this question, I now must post a response. Personally, I don't much care how any forum is organized as long as I can find, in a reasonable amount of time, what I'm looking to find. Losing any data in a reorganization or re-titling process might mean the permanent loss of valuable data from now deceased members (meaning it can't be recovered), or might mean that some highly useful data, repeatedly searched for and found, would now have to be re-entered to satisfy hungry new members.
I personally realize that there is a risk that data on any forum I belong to might disappear some day, so when I find something that I believe is valuable to me, I make the effort to download it to my PC. Unfortunately, I don't always recognize the value in what I've read until sometime many moons later, and many of your readers probably don't realize the fragility of the availability of what they are reading.
PLEASE don't do anything that might cause the loss of any threads!
The suggestion I’d like to see is a preverbal line in the sand approach, that would make it clear for a poster, .....if scale couplers on a three rail piece is the dividing line, then spell that out and there it is, now folks like myself, Pete, Bruk, Sid and many many other builders know that if you’re not installing a scale coupler, stay out of 3RS ,....( that’s just an example not gospel) .....that would give the guidance as to where to go,....I replied earlier with an example and a question, and still not 100% sure where to post,.... what’s being missed is the ever growing segment of scale 3 rail modelers that still use the big toy like couplers......that’s a pretty good sized crowd,.....I’d hate like heck to add yet another category, but perhaps a category called “ Hi-rail scaled” ?.....just spit balling,.....cause if guys like myself look at the categories now, ....we’re kinda homeless,.....
@Scott R posted:Great question. I’d hate for us to lose the valuable information from previous posts. Is there a way to archive a sub category that is no longer in use such that new posts are not allowed, but the old posts are preserved?
Perhaps....we may be able to close an entire category and still leave up all of the posts for future reading but we don't know that yet. Rich is my IT go to guy and is researching these questions with Crowdstack.
One of the biggest problem we have is folks don't read the descriptions in the categories we already have...they just go to the traditional category and post. I am willing to bet that no matter what we do, there are still going to be members that don't know what category to use. The category titles need to encompass the definitions.
@Scott R posted:...Is there a way to archive a sub category that is no longer in use such that new posts are not allowed, but the old posts are preserved?
I didn't know that the forum categories had become controversial. I usually just look at the Recent Posts on the right side and respond to those that interest me or where I can make a contribution by answering a question.
My major concern with a forum reorganization is that my post that about the construction and operation of the G&O Garden Railroad (The G&O Story) will be lost. This post was started in 2010 and then was lost in about 2013 when the forum changed platforms. I recreated post in 2014 and have been updating it ever since. I fully realize that OGR has no obligation to keep anything but I do appreciate the ability to chronicle the history of this unique O gauge model railroad. I send a link to all of the new members of my model railroad club so that they can appreciate the history of the layout.
The G&O Story is now on the 3 Rail Traditional Toy Train Forum. I am not sure if that forum is where it should be but it doesn't fit in most of the other forums either. In my opinion, 3 Rail Traditional Toy Trains doesn't really describe where many post should be. Eric Siegel, for example, recently posted about unboxing the new Lionel GS SP engines on that forum. I don't think that these engines are traditional toy trains by anyone's standard. I also know that most of the manufacturers and retailer announcements are on the toy train forum. 3rd Rail, Atlas, MTH Premier, Lionel Vision Line trains are scale, not toys.
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Create a Club Activity and Announcement Forum. The G&O Story, NJ-HiRailers, Capitol Trackers, Pittsburgh Hi-Railers and any other clubs could post about their layouts and activities on this forum. They could also make announcements about upcoming club events such as Transtock on this forum.
2. I have been following the the blog that is trying to increase participation in 2-Rail O Scale trains. This group has adopted the OS2R to abbreviate 2RS. The group has also rebranded the O Scale National Show from SONIC to OSN. The point is that everything begins with O Scale. Perhaps the OGR forum should follow this example to enable the entire hobby to use common terminology?
A. OG3R - Discussions of O Gauge 3-Rail Trains. This would include discussions of all O gauge trains except for scale trains and layouts.
B. OS3R - Discussions of O Scale 3-Rail Trains and Layouts. Scale trains and layouts are built to scale. The only thing separating them from their 2-rail counterparts are the couplers, wheel flanges, and 3-rail track. Kadee couplers are not required for a train to be scale. The new Lionel Vision Line locomotives reviewed by Eric are certainly scale in all respects including their price except for couplers, flanges and 3-rail track.
C. OS2R - This would correspond to the current 2RS forum.
D. Create a Form Sponsors Forum where manufacturers and retailers can post about their products. This would get 3rd- Rail, Lionel, Atlas and others out of the toy train forum.
E. Create a Help Needed Forum where all the posts about help needed can be combined. This would eliminate separate help forums for Lionel, MTH, Atlas, etc.
I believe that the other forums are fine. Tinplate Trains, for example, should include all things tinplate whether it is 2 or 3 rail.
I hope that this helpful. NH Joe
Joe, I just want to comment about one of your fine suggestions: A separate Forum Sponsor category would not be fair to them since they are trying to get out to as many members as possible. They need to be able to post in any of the forums to promote their products and services. The forum is part of their advertising package and to more or less ban them to their own forum would decrease the effectiveness of their message to members.
Since you would lose the previous posts, I'd just leave everything as is. I'm not a big fan of ever narrower subforums. Like many I just look at the right hand list of recent posts and use the search function. Does it for me. I'd say spend your time on something more useful than rearranging the deck chairs on the (your favorite seagoing metaphor). Not a good use of your limited time. The folks who want a forum that speaks directly to their narrow interests (The J. J. Blogs Forum for Almost 3 Rail Scale, but using Atlas Couplers and Lionel Tinsel) are probably a tiny proportion of users. But vocal apparently, very vocal . I say leave well enough alone. What's done is done. If my vote was for anything other than stop tinkering, it would be for one forum. Full stop. But then you'd have to listen to howl of complaints. Sometimes just doing nothing is the right thing, at least for the time being.
@OGR CEO-PUBLISHER posted:Joe, I just want to comment about one of your fine suggestions: A separate Forum Sponsor category would not be fair to them since they are trying to get out to as many members as possible. They need to be able to post in any of the forums to promote their products and services. The forum is part of their advertising package and to more or less ban them to their own forum would decrease the effectiveness of their message to members.
That I’d agree with 100% .....wherever, whenever,.....they do keep the lights on,...😉
Alan I use an iPad so that is the focus of my comments since I don’t know if the PC display is different. If the Recent Post column could be expanded beyond its current number of 50 would enhance the usability for me. First thing in the morning the current limit usually covers the past 10 - 12 hours when posting is slow. However, during the weekend during heavy usage that limit covers only an hour or two. If your away for a few hours you have missed a lot of good information. In my areas of interest the topics and subtopics for Tinplate and 3 Rail Traditional toy trains are fine as is.
Another Suggestion: Change the title of 3-Rail Tinplate Toy Trains to Tinplate Trains. This would cover all variety of tinplate trains including those that are 2-rail. NH Joe
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