Originally Posted by RickO:
With all due respect to the folks raised on"pullmors" and love their old fashioned operating characteristics.
IMO anything with a pullmor motor is junk, anything with two of them is twice as bad. I avoid them like the plague. If your talking a CW-80, I don't know if it has enough power to get one of those **** things moving much less two.
I highly suggest that you find something, anything!, with dual CAN motors, or you'll be greatly disappointed.
Maybe RickO overstates the case slightly (and by the way a CW-80 will just get two Pullmors running if there are no other loads on it and you are reasonably judicious with the throttle lever as you start the things up). But he is basically correct overall. Pullmor motors are an example of obsolete toy train technology. Compared to modern can motors they are truly terrible things: they consume gobs more electric power for no more mechanical pull delivered to the wheels, they make a bit of odd unwelcome noise, their brushes spark through the windows of diesels or from underneath a steam boil visibly as they get old, and they have very non-linear current versus speed versus throttle setting characteristics. The only possible reason to own one is the same reason you would choose to own a carburetor: it's attached to something (a classic car in that case) you dearly love. I have a bunch of Pullmor locos I treasure because they are antiques or part of classic sets. I would never buy a modern loco with a Pullmor motor if I could possibly avoid it.
Sorry I could not be more definite about my opinion here.