Do you live in WA or NSW?
If you live in Perth or visit from the east you are welcome to drop in and have a look I'll even give you a train to run. It is O scale so don't expect anything like you HO blokes can build I have severe space limitations. Let me know. Roo.
Hi Roo,
Thanks for getting back so quickly. Unfortunately I live in NSW (Southern Highlands)- long way from Perth! In fact I haven't been there for quite a few years, though used to go there often about 15 years ago for work. But hopefully will visit again some time in the not too distant future.
You would be most welcome here of course if you are over East at any time. We live in Burradoo, next to Bowral, about 1 1/2 hours (by car) or 2 hours (by train) south of Sydney.
Incidentally, if you are interested in more info on my layout the website is There are some articles there, including one on how I model my steelworks. I'm also doing another article at the moment for the US NMRA Steel Mill Modellers Group. So I was excited to see another Aussie modelling a steel mill - as far as I know, there aren't too many who do.