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I bought a NYC PS3 steamer, and I am having difficulty adding it to the DCS wi-fi app.   A few things:

My app is the current version

I have about 15 other engines already added to the wi-fi app.  I am able to get other engines to run just fine.

I was able to get it to add to the DCS handheld remote, but that took several attempts.

I have placed the engine at several spots on my layout (across various TIUs) and it can't be found.

The wireless tether is firmly connected (I thought maybe it wasn't but given I could add it via the DCS handheld, I assume it is).

There are no other engines, cabooses or passenger cars (anything  drawing power) on the tracks.


I believe I am following the instructions on how to add the engine.  I am reading all the engines on the track and then adding engine, adding MTH engine where it "reads" then "interrogates" and I keep getting the "request timed out" message.



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if you press refresh on the app or read the engines when only this engine is on the track, does a different engine come up?

if you put a different engine on the track by itself, does the app work correctly?

do you use more than one TIU/WIU?

I'm surprised others have not chimed in. I'm only guessing. I have had this issue for a couple of reasons and each had a different solution. I ran my single WIU on different layouts. It seemed to confuse things so I simply stopped doing that for now. I had to reset my app when my older phone struggled after some deleting and upgrading of different apps.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe
Engineer-Joe posted:
bigdodgetrain posted:

which app do you have?


Standard $4.99

Premium Upgrade $19.99

Premium $24.99

maybe the app you have is limited to what you have in it.

I didn't realize there were 4 versions?

I'm not sure if there are 4 or 3 with the standard upgradable to the premium.

the web site I saw that was confusing

this one is for the apple, android would be similar

page down 

Let me answer the questions:


I am using 3 WIUs/TIUs.

I am using the premium app.  There is only one premium app.

i have multiple engines in my roster (more than 15) I can find all of them when they are on the track, if not on the track they go on the inactive roster.  I can find them anywhere on the layout across the various TIUs.

When looking to use an existing engine it has to be in the active list, therefore you need to do a read by "pulling down" on the roster and the app responds by reading, and moving from the inactive engines to the engines that are on the track to active.  Below inactive as you scroll down through the screen and have the ability to add an engine, and then be able to select MTH or TMCC.  After selecting MTH it "reads", then "interrogates".  Does that make sense?

I had a problem previously when the drawbar wasn't snug into the tender but, I am very confident that is not the issue, otherwise I would not have been able to find it on the handheld.  Interestingly, I am now getting the "engine not on the track" from the handheld, so I think it is the engine.


I'm lost. I thought your post said you could not add the engine to the app. 

jbmccormick posted:

I bought a NYC PS3 steamer, and I am having difficulty adding it to the DCS wi-fi app.

Then you stated the app could not find the engine anywhere on the layout?

jbmccormick posted:


I have placed the engine at several spots on my layout (across various TIUs) and it can't be found.


now it sounds like it's in the app, but won't become active?

jbmccormick posted:

Let me answer the questions:



When looking to use an existing engine it has to be in the active list, therefore you need to do a read by "pulling down" on the roster and the app responds by reading, and moving from the inactive engines to the engines that are on the track to active.  Below inactive as you scroll down through the screen and have the ability to add an engine, and then be able to select MTH or TMCC.  After selecting MTH it "reads", then "interrogates".  Does that make sense?

I had a problem previously when the drawbar wasn't snug into the tender but, I am very confident that is not the issue, otherwise I would not have been able to find it on the handheld.  Interestingly, I am now getting the "engine not on the track" from the handheld, so I think it is the engine.


So the engine is added to the app, it's just that the app can't see it when it's on the track. Right?

Is the engine running smoothly with the remote? I see you keep speaking of tether problems that confuses the issue to me.

I had this occur and it only cured when I reset the app. I tried deleting and re-adding the engine. The app couldn't find it. I believe it went into DCS limbo.

The fact that it runs with the remote, makes your's different. I wonder if the app is confusing the engine with another?? I think there maybe something with multiple TIUs and engines. Again yours is different as mine lost association to the TIU that it should have been with. So my remote couldn't add it either.


First thanks for trying to help, I appreciate it.  Let me clarify, the engine in question is not showing  up in the app at all.  The app can't find it, regardless of where it is sitting on the layout, TIU1, TIU2 or TIU3.

Regarding the tether comment, there is the invisible draw bar on the newer engines that connects the steam engine and the tender.  I have another steam engine that if it wasn't snug, it would remain in the inactive roster even if on the track. Note, on that specific engine I was able to add it.  So I made sure the engine in question the tender drawbar was snug in the connector, and it is.

I believe this is in DCS limbo and I need it to work on the wi-fi app.


The issue is almost certainly the engine rather than the DCS App or DCS itself. Regardless, please confirm that the DCS in all TIUs (and remotes) is 6.1; the firmware in all WIUs is 1.1; and the DCS App is 3.1.0.

Some PS3 engines have a minor wire routing anomaly that can cause a los of DCS signal strength. The deterioration of the DCS signal can vary a bit and make the engine, at times, difficult or even impossible for DCS to "see", depending on where on the layout the engine is sitting or other factors.

Have you attempted to add the engine to the app using a short test track connected directly to Fixed Channel #1 out on one of the TIUs?


In the message you sent that is not showing up on my forum:

"Now if you are pressing the add engine, and then a MTH engine, and the app stalls out, we can go from there. It won't show up because it has never properly been added the way I read this."

Yes this is the EXACT case.  The app can't find/add the engine.  I am comfortable that I am doing it all right.  

I am going to contact my hobby shop where I bought it from and get a new engine.


 I deleted the post as it was so wordy and confusing. I didn't know if you saw it.

Can I ask what you are running the app on? Have you deleted any software recently from this device? Any other glitches?

I only know what I have seen so far.

When we ask questions, it can seem like we are accusing people of things. We need max clear info to get to the root cause.

I am not a tech. I try to ask the right questions to help them see the total picture.

I've had my own issues stemming from operator error to dead batteries to many other things. I use the system to what I think is near it's capacity. I have four separate layouts to operate on. I have many engines and sometimes have trouble keeping up with good "housekeeping".

 I have noticed that the app doesn't like some responses or maybe it's a lack of them. My grandson does better using it than I do. I grab the remote first. He grabs the phone. I don't fully understand all the app's capabilities or it's weaknesses yet. I do see some though.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

Engineer-Joe, & all,

I gave it one last try last night and was unable to add the engine to the DCS wi-fi app roster.

I am running the app on an iPad.  It is basically all I use the iPad for. both the iPad and the app are the most up-to-date version of the iOS and the app.  The iPad works fine, nothing deleted, nothing added.

I didn't take your questions as accusations, at all.  I truly appreciate the help I have received.

Thanks again for your guidance.


I may be standing corrected on something I said.  I was advised to try on some other devices as well.  I used my iPhone 6s and a new iPad.  I had used the phone for the app before but never the other iPad.  I could recreate the problem on both the phone and new iPad.  I could not add an engine in either of these.  No success in getting the engine into the DCS wifi, any of the three devices.

I also tried adding the engine into the two handhelds.  Success on getting the engine into the DCS handhelds.  On one handheld it was #3 and on the other it was #20.

Interestingly engine #3 on my DCS wifi is my Metra 3.0 engine, and when I did a read to see which engines were on the track, #3 appears as the Metra engine.  When I go to start up the "Metra" engine, the NYC engine in question starts up, as it is #3.
I noted my handheld remote was at 6.0, so assume my TIU is at 6.0 as well, and from what Barry said the TIU& remote are 6.1.   I think that maybe part of the problem and will work on that later today after work.
jbmccormick posted:

.... On one handheld it was #3 and on the other it was #20.


After you add the engine, you should see where the remote or the device puts it. If it's different than the rest, go into the menu, system, engine set-up, edit engine, edit address, and change the address so that it matches all the control devices you use.

 I call that good housekeeping. If you don't keep them straight, you'll have nothing but issues when trying to run them.

Barry previously suggested keeping certain addresses open for things like consists, say the thirties or forties for example. I also keep address #1 open at times for adding problem engines. Than I try and move them later and see if it sticks after cycling the power.


i just did it to prove to myself I could add it, and it would work.  Ideally I won't use the handhelds at all.

I am trying to updates and the TIUs to 6.1 but having a problem trying to get it find the TIU.  I am using my work laptop which of course no longer has a serial port just USB ports but am having a hard time finding com3.  Thoughts on that??  It's a PC not a Mac.


Yes the stereo jumper is in. The program is not finding the USB drive on my PC.

This "tip" from page 158 off The DCS WiFi Companion 2nd Edition may help.

If upgrading the software in a Rev. L (or newer) TIU that has a USB port, and if that USB port is being used to provide power the TIU, be sure to connect the 1/8" to 1/8" stereo patch cable between the TIU's ProtoCast and ProtoDispatch ports before connecting the USB cable to the TIU. 

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is the USB cable the one that runs from the TIU to the DCS wi-fi?  that one?

The one that you use to connect the TIU to the computer.

They are one in the same, and it's used at different times for different purposes.

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This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

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If you want to do a Factory Reset of the engine from the app, you can't because you must add it tp the app first. If it's the app that you want to reset, there is no "factory" reset, just a plain old app reset.

From the More... Screen, tap App Settings and then App Reset. This will clear everything in the app.

The remote also has no "factory" reset; just a plain old reset. Press Menu/System/Remote Setup/Remote Reset.

Do not do a TIU Factory Reset.

DCS Book CoverThis and a whole lot more about DCS is all in MTH’s “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

DCS Book Cover

This and a whole lot more about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 2nd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Yes.  the upgrade did the trick.  Sorry I should have put that in my post on the subject earlier when I said thanks.

I thought the devices were current.  My app was, the TIU and the handhelds were not.  I'm going to guess that one of the recent app updates caused this.  I should have been more aware of when the TIUs were updated by MTH.

Again - THANK YOU.


jbmccormick posted:

All TIU and remote are up to 6.1.

Will try and add the engine after dinner, again.

I was able to add it in the handheld, not in the app.

How do I do a factory reset from the handheld??  That was recommended to me.


Ahh. We all make mistakes.  I was thrown by this. I had some issues with 6.0. I have some still from my old phone on 6.1. I have a newer Samsung pad to help when I troubleshoot. It just helps me figure out where the issue is. I still have not pinpointed all of them yet.

 Barry constantly posts for members to install 6.1 or whatever is the newest. It helps when troubleshooting to know where to start looking.

jbmccormick posted:


Yes, TIU and remotes are 6.1, firmware is 1.1, and the app is 3.1.  You helped me through those.  I don't have any test track, and this is why I thought to try to add the engine at various spots on the layout.

I will try it one more time tonight. 



You had me stumped due to the fact on April 23rd Barry ask at 1:46 if the remotes and TIU's were running latest versions to which you replied at 1:49 YES and even gave versions they were running. Seems that was a myth which a lot of us tend to ASSUME without actually checking to see if they ARE actually using latest versions. Barry is definitely the most knowledgeable and greatest Guru so I was surprised to see days later that that was the actual problem all along because they were NOT upgraded.

Curtis and Engineer-Joe,

Barry is the guru on this, absolutely.

I assumed, incorrectly, that my TIUs were current.  My assumption was based on that a few weeks ago (not months) when I added another steam engine, it worked.

When I added the engine, successfully, it was the most difficult of any engine that I have on my roster, but it's now there and twice now i have been able to find it and it has worked, so its not a problem I am looking to fix.


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