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What would be the chance of adding the sub-forum name above the links in the "RECENT POSTS" list that appears on the right side of the page when one initially enters a sub-forum?

The reason for this request is that  when one uses these links it is fairly likely they may not know what sub-forum they have landed in and sometimes the 2 railers and 3 railers get to bumping heads.

Here is an example where a novice (by his own description) modeler landed in a discussion of avid prototype modelers:

I am guessing he may have ended up viewing the topic by using one of the recent posts links. Had he known the topic was on the 2 rail sub-forum, he might have been forewarned a bit.

Anyhow, if it is not too difficult a task to add sub-forum name, it might save a few squabbles.






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Say, Rich, just a thought if the folks a Hoopla would be interested/open.  Because there is very little real estate for additional text on the right-hand pane, they might consider using tool tips (hover text) on the links for showing the parent forum. 

I don't know whether that would work on iPhones and tablets, but on PCs, it certainly would.  And, the best part is, they wouldn't have to redesign anything -- just add the tool tip code to the link in whatever routine fashions the link.

(Sorry, I would in online information systems all day.  I can't help myself :-)

Tomlinson Run Railroad

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