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Kris,  didn't build a jig but instead built many of the same size individual frames and then connected them all together. Once they are all connected the layout is very strong and doesn't have any give or rocking to it.  Wife actually joked if there is ever a tornado the safest place will be under the layout.

Mark, I belong to a few groups and we do have open houses all the time.  (not to the extent that Alex is having) and I already signed up to host one in August for my Friday night guys.  I kind of strive on deadlines if not I would probably be sitting around all summer watching old reruns of 80's tv shows.

Paul, thanks for the compliment and I am trying to get enough done that I can have the Tuesday night crew over in the fall.


Since I start back to the 11 hour a day grind teaching and coaching tomorrow I figured I would post an end of summer update on the progress of the layout.  When school let out at the end of May I had 2 pieces of benchwork framing done.  10 weeks later all benchwork is done, 2 subway lines running, 4 track mainline running, sidings and yard wired, elevated line cut out and hopefully will get installed over the next week or two, a couple of buildings built, and the roller coaster kit put together.  All in all not a bad summer of progress.  Time will be at a premium until Christmas Break but hopefully I can install and wire the elevated level and then start to work on different scenes/areas. 

I do want to thank everyone who has been following this thread and to others who have sent private messages of encouragement and accolades, I really appreciate it. 

On a side note I belong to a few train groups and one of them is a twice a month Friday night group.  We rotate who host and it is just a great time to talk trains and see the different layouts and progress that each of us are making.  It is very informal and guests are more than welcome to come, in fact we really enjoy new people.  With that said I am getting back into the rotation and hosting Friday August 26 at 7pm and if any of my fellow Northeast Ohio forum members want to stop by email me for details.

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What a great night, I had my first true unveiling to my old and new train friends tonight of the new layout.  Nothing but positive thoughts and encouragement, it really made the last 9 months of hard work worth it and it will give me that extra motivation to keep adding more to the layout.  Despite all the different opinions on a wide range of topics where we all don't agree I think we can honestly say that the friends we make in this hobby are some of the nicest friends you will ever have.  I was fortunate enough to make some more tonight.  All told I think close to 45 people came through and I couldn't have done it without a great wife who spent the last couple of days getting the food ready and making sure everything went off without a hitch on that end.  As we move into fall I hope to get the elevated line up and running, wire some more switches, and work on the hillside/baseball field area.  With that said here is the official "end of my summer work" pictures. 



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As Hannibal Smith says I love it when a plan comes together and yours has. What a difference  from when I saw the layout at the beginning of summer. Goes to show if you do your homework first (no pun intended) everything falls into place. At the rate you have worked to get the layout to where it is by the end of next summer you will be ready to show off one impressive layout. Great job Bryan and if you noticed at the end of the night I did not take my Z4000 home with me LOL.............Paul

Paul & John:  thanks for coming by and seeing the new beginning.  Hopefully I can keep making progress and have it better each time I host.

Wayne:  I am in Willoughby Hills in Lake County.  Thanks for the compliments and the next time I host you are more than welcome to join.  Send me an email and I will add you to the list.  I belong to a Tuesday night group as well and will probably host sometime in October with those guys.  My email is in my profile.

Tony:  Great meeting you also and I let you know when the Friday guys get together again.  As you can see meetings are very laid back and just a great way to meet new people that have the same passion.

Nick:  Sorry but there is no way I will ever sell or trade the Tri Rail cars, they were a gift from my wife for my 40th birthday 2 years back.  She heard how I always said some those were the nicest cars when I saw them in real life in Ft Lauderdale.  When I found them online she said go for it and I will make it your birthday present.  I know they are hard to find.  I have seen other bombardier road names but the Tri Rails are the most difficult to find in my opinion.   

Hi Brian!

Thanks for getting back to me.

I use to go to Stewart's hobby shop every now and then when I raced 1/32 slot cars with the guys I race with out that way. A good friend of mine lives in Concord out there.

Do you guys have a club that meets on Tuesday nights?

You have peaked my interest?

Thank you for the invite and I will pop an email over to you with my info.

I have been collecting post war lionel mainly but I am putting together a polar express currently also for my kids. I have enjoyed following your progress on your layout and look forward to future posts!












Great job on the layout and the event! For those who never saw Bryan's previous layout in the "back room" you really can't appreciate the amount of work involved to get the old layout down and cleared out and then move on to a new larger layout. Bryan really took advantage of his time off.

I agree that getting together with friends adds to the enjoyment of the hobby.



Another great night with lots of compliments and friendship from my Tuesday Night Train Crew.  Now that all my groups (OTTS, Tuesday Night Train Crew, and NMRA Div 5) have seen the summer progress of the new layout time to take it down and start over.  (JUST KIDDING) Actually now I can park the trains in one area and start the elevated track line. 



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I know its been awhile since I did an update but that's because I don't get a lot of time during the winter to work on the layout with all the coaching that I do after work and on weekends.  Some of the highlights that I have done to the layout besides buy more stuff and just sit it on the layout include:  building shelves to display trains, finished a skirting project to hide all the boxes and materials that are under the layout, and today I got the first 20 feet of elevated line cut and put on the layout.  I should be able to update a little more regularly over the next few weeks as I have finished all my house and rental property projects so I have some huge chunks of free time to really get this going again. 




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