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Preface: I work with a girl who is trying to get her dad back into trains. She also likes antique stores (not always the best place for a novice to buy trains). So she saw a box of Lionel stuff and bought it. Among the items is a Lionel (I think a 1939 vintage - correct me if I'm wrong) Type 1040 transformer.... 115 volt, 60 cycles, 60 watts with an output of 5-16.5 volts.

Physically on the outside, it's in good shape. I've looked on ebay: Not many there, but this one is visually in better shape than most other than one that still has the original box with it. The cord on this one will need to be replaced, but I could test it as is. My question for you electrical experts like @ADCX Rob is it even worth it to replace the cord? It doesn't have a built-in circuit breaker and there are lots of small transformers out there that DO have them.

I've since told the girl to not buy any trains without asking me about it first. But she had good intentions. So before I tell her she wasted her money at least on that one item, I'd just like to know if it's worth using for maybe accessories. Can a outside circuit breaker be added? Glass fuses would mean having to replace them though every time there's a trip. But I don't want to see her give her Dad a fire risk, and I don't think she would either. I have yet to talk to her Dad to see what sorts of Lionel trains he's interested in, but I'd take a stab and guess probably postwar sorts.

Thanks in advance.

As a side note, there was a short piece of bent wire on one of the voltage posts, which fell off by my desk. One of my cats had a field day playing with that piece of wire, batting it all over the place. So if this is a junker, at least by the cat's reaction, it wasn't a total loss. 

Last edited by brianel_k-lineguy
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