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I currently run 4 AF Legacy Engines which are listed as Dcc capable by Lionel. I decided to try to test them on a dcc test track and decide if it is worth the effort to add dcc to my layout. The four are: 2 Alco PAs, 1 sd70 and 1 es44. I have a Lenz 100 set Dcc Power cube and LH100 hand held controller which I previously used for 5 SHS engines with no problems! Neither of the Alcos show any response when powered up on the Dcc track! The es44 powers up and responds to address and several functions but will not respond to any movement commands... The SD70 responds to movements and some functions.

   I read a review which Rusty T. did on the SD70(i believe) which mentions that the Lionel Dcc engines only have the same capabilities as TMCC engines, so Dcc contol is somewhat limited! I use an older small AF ac power pack to power the Lenz and I am getting 16+ VAC to the track, less then 1v to the program track! Lionel says these engines are Dcc ready when placed on the track! What am I missing??...

I would appreciate any comments on the preformance and/or experiences anyone has had using Lionel/Flyer Engines. I see the new Legacy Berks are also listed as DCC capable, so Lionel seems committed to DCC.  Thank you for your attention.


retired ATSF/BNSF. Love  S Guage!

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