Originally Posted by Bob G (WNY):
The forthcoming AF FlyerChief remote control system briefly described on page 20 of the 2014 American Flyer catalog indicates that it will be "AC/DC compatible." As such I wonder if it would be possible to operate American Models, S-Helper Service, or MTH DC-current locomotives via Lionel's new system. Anybody know?
I don't know what remote control system it will use but you can only have one type of command control if that is what you want. Be it either an AC command control or DC command control.
Engines may have the ability to sense what system it is on(MTH PS-3) but you can only have one system type(AC or DC) per set of tracks, at least from my understanding of command control systems. You can have multiple command control systems if they use the same voltage type; AC or DC, don't mix the two voltage types!
Lee Fritz