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Berry/Marty and Everyone,

     I am using a second AIU in a district approximately 50 wire run feet from AIU 1. When I cross an aisleway with a 25 foot 6 pin connector cable from AIU 1 Output to AIU 2 Input everything works perfectly and switches added to AIU 2 function perfectly. When I use a 6 pin connector/adapter to connect two 25 foot 6 pin cables, my DCS remote will not read AIU 2.

Obviously I suspect the connector/adapter. Is there a 50 foot 6 pin cable that is available? Is there a proven adapter that works? I do not want to run that 25 foot cable across an aisleway and tape it to the floor.


Is the proper name for this type of connector a 6 pin telephone cable? Must I specify voice or data?


Many thanks for help.

Last edited by Scrapiron Scher
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Hi Eliot,


Is one or both of these 6 conductor cables a store bought telephone cable?  A standard telephone cable does not work with AIU's.  Telephone cables are "through" wired.  That means when you look at the wire inside the clear plastic plugs the colors match on each pin.  The AIU's use a crossover cable like this...



If the cables are both crossovers, the connector is probably through wired.  You could compensate by replacing one of the crossover cables with a through cable.

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