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Have you checked to ensure you have the upgrade license you previously purchased?? Note this authorization can expire and with updates or expiration of the token- you have to "restore" the app license while connected to the internet to gain a new valid token authorization. This is so the app can work offline and not reach out to the internet each use, but again had to have an expiration of the token- can't be forever- and when that happens, you have to go out and restore the authorization.


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@Jim B. posted:

Thanks for the helpful response.  I now understand the process better.  In trying to "Restore", the root issue seems to be connectivity with MTHTRAINS.COM.....but that's closer than where I was, so 'thank you'.

No, you have that 100% incorrect. The app gets the license from the app store- either apple or google play for android.

It is NOT connecting to MTH owned servers in any way. Yes, there are links to info and the MTH site, but that is not required and is not the path for authenticating the license.

You only need internet access- and key there- DO NOT be connected to the WTIU or WIU MTH named WIFI as that's not internet.

Repeating this because it appears to have been missed.

You have to "restore" the app license while connected to the internet to gain a new valid token authorization.

This is so the app can work offline and not reach out to the internet each use, but again had to have an expiration of the token- can't be forever- and when that happens, you have to go out and restore the authorization.

When you have your WIU+TIU or new WTIU in MTH mode- it stands up a standalone WIFI network that is not connected to the internet and thus if your tablet or phone are connected to this MTH DCS named network- then the app cannot authenticate to the app store (apple or google play) to grab your previous license or grab a new one.

You must be connected to your home or other WIFI network with access to the internet when buying the premium app version or restoring the license from a previous purchase.

After the app is done and then shows the license- then you can connect the tablet or phone to the MTH DCS network.

If you are already using a home network and joined both the app and the WIU or WTIU to that same home network- no changes are required.

Last edited by Vernon Barry

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