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Just got back from the show. It was packed! My wife and I had a great time.    Actually had some extra money today so bought a ton!  I will say it seems like some of the vendors didn't bring as much stuff this year. Particularly Charles Ro.  Still managed to spend money there though.

Walked by as you guys were lining up to get your picture taken at the Ross Switch table.  

Might go back tomorrow just to take in the displays. Just not enough time in one day to do everything.


Last edited by Train Nut

Just got home...2 hour ride back to NH. Lots of nice layouts and demos going’s been a while since I was there. I have O guage 3 rail....after looking at the “S Guage” layouts I want What’s a guy to do... And I also checked off another box...Prime Rib at Bernies Diner in Chicopee....holy crap..the regular cut is massive ! Great eats !

New Haven Joe posted:

Were there any 2 rail O scale layouts modular layouts at the show?  I have looked through the photos and I can't tell the scale of many of the 2 rail modular layouts.  By 2 rail O scale I mean mainline trains - not On3 or On30, etc.  NH Joe


There's a 2 rail mainline layout in the Better Living Center building.    I'm going back to the show today (Sunday).  I'll take pictures and post/label them Sunday night.   There may be more,  but I'm sure there's at least the BLC one.

I like the photo of the LIONEL display of items from the 2020 catalog. 

Could someone please take a close-up photo at the LIONEL display of the Standard O BURLINGTON NORTHERN modern 50' box car. 

I am debating ordering that one, but I need to see what it looks like up close to know what they are actually producing.

Thank you.


Lionel also had on display an unpainted production sample of the all-new beer car from the latest catalog.  Sorry I didn’t take any pictures yesterday...I was too determined to make it through all 4 buildings in the time I had!  Maybe someone could grab a photo today and post it here for those interested in seeing what it looks like.

Last edited by CNJ #1601

Nice pics everyone.   A few thoughts about the show:

Lionel, nice displays as you can see from the pics.  Ryan as always very helpful and answered all my questions 

MTH display, same old, same old, un inspiring but that’s where I ran in to Dotty

Atlas, not much but a rep was very helpful and answered all my questions.  Stated factory issue were behind them and product should be showing up in mass.  My advise is take that with a grain of salt.

Ross, got a few words in with Steve but he was very busy 

CharlesRo, blowing out prices on Hudson’s.

Nassua Hobbies, small foot print, I get the feeling they are trying this show out.  Hopefully they will have more product next year.

the guy who sells mostly Weaver is where my hall came from.  He’s in the Mallary building near Zstuff

Grzboski’s very busy, good selection of product

crowds, large,  lines at the ticket windows midday.

much information from the groups restoring 3713, 2100, and 470  progress being made be all but only can go as far as funds allow so please donate.

DC rail in the better living center.  Good selection of coal loads

B&F hobbies a no show again.  Listed as vendor but not there.

bad news,  not that I was a fan but I have heard my local hobby shop is closing now I have none in my area.

So here are my picsCAC83292-4A8C-4CAB-B159-5AF619FFB8571FB4FEA8-08B2-447A-B254-2547C11F4D5DF2D2B2AA-3AB6-4363-BB4F-A3B9B675F7D65DDC950C-9119-4265-9965-2B1B41E23041915739B1-EE17-48E5-AB12-F182D77321520E5C15EF-128E-4B92-86E4-2CF10D7D6B978A3D1BF8-71D4-431F-9E81-661CCAFA2D960F6FB6DE-5A7E-41B9-B710-8C4A8D6711555FA463CF-48A3-4F40-9468-18D1CF4C27FBEA69D5BC-F5D9-4922-BCB8-B95E095C51D54CC7815D-EE67-4CAB-9B25-83618C9C43A5EEF344EF-75A9-44BD-AF4B-45B7E9E19006C4C2371C-53CE-42BC-BBBA-98EEDE320685F17C1F5C-1BC3-4CD4-8E4F-4B88AF7CF98CD54B2990-CF1C-44BD-8A1B-4C8EDAD85BC7D686DC52-1395-4EC6-86A9-85BF162FE24F4AFE650D-CE27-4AF1-AB2D-90327C367656F6E0E237-487D-441D-8DE9-82B4B0805C37825BA409-9FBE-4159-A298-5E1AFB8B5DEBDE690301-6DA6-400A-93D6-C1F02C66CB59




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Videos (1)

A big THANK YOU to all who posted pictures.  Looks like a great show.  That helix is very impressive, HO or S scale?  

Is the Polar Express Berkshire on display the upcoming LionChief version 2.0 engine?

Charles Ro’s price of $1195 for Lionel engine 1931460 J3A #5413 would have been very tempting.  Interesting to see price reductions this soon after delivery.


Wow!  This sure looks like a wonderful show.  The biggest difference between this show and west coast shows is that the manufacturers don't come to this coast.  This is understandable.  The transportation and hotel costs are significant.  

I have a request for the posters.  Please state the scale of the layout you are showing.  It is difficult to tell from the photos the scale of displays. Thanks for all the wonderful photos.   NH  Joe

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