Just to throw this out there, I thought about the stop idea at first, but then thought about going with a varying voltage idea too an how with that, this gives you a pretty easy way to deal with things like, what if you add more cars to the consist, what if you take some out, what if you change the layout and add a dif track setup.
Have to keep in mind that most of these kits do not have engines that have a speed control, so if you want it to run at a speed that is nice, but not to fast, but then can still power through the curves without almost stopping, you have to be able to adjust for that.
All in all I can think of many things that might increase, or decrease the need for a little higher voltage, or lower. An with having say something like the CW-80, all that can be done with just a tweak of the lever.
But if you do something more solid like say put some stops in the remote, or fix it in some other way, all that is going to be a bit harder.
For each person I guess its a choice based on what your needs are, but I kinda like the varying voltage idea better as it makes adjustments an what ever little tweaks I might want to make a lot easier. Plus is a lot simpler an doesn't mean I have to hack up the remote or devote a whole weekend coming up with some contraption.