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I have two of the locomotives, but not the set.  The loco is a scale model of the British 'Hall' class and quite nice.  The tender is plastic and would be better if metal, but the price is right.  Both my locos were Hallow's Eve specials and thus painted a very garish orange and black.  But then, I bought them at a monster discount right after Halloween, so . . .


I repainted them in glossy dark blue and dark green British Liveries. They are quite nice.  While the Hall class was fairly large as British locos go it was small compared to many American locos.  I match them with a set of Lincoln funeral train cars I have - very nicely detailed and not too big - a good match for the Hall class.  It all makes for a nice train, although they will do better when I get around to repainting the cars - they are a bit too "funereal" as delivered.




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