IMHO...and i mean in my opinion only......Ebay has been increasingly become people who dont know what they are selling, selling to people who dont know what they are buying. Personally I've stayed off of ebay for both buying and selling...
Buying....its such a crap shoot. Stuff is not described correctly, ppl dont know what they are selling, and yes, in some cases ppl have just taken my money and nothing was ever received. Im my case, free time is something in dont have, so dealing with returns and stuff is just something i really dont have time for.
Selling.....first of all, ebay takes about 15% of the purchase price, which is a lot. 2nd....just too many ppl who dont know what they are buying, or have way out of the box expectations. The day that I stopped using ebay (like 10 years ago?) , the number of problems with orders and not satisfied customers dropped by 90%.
Now, I realize im gonna get a lot of blow back here. Many of u im sure have been very happy with your purchases on the bay. You odds of not having an issue are a lot less when u just buy a few things a year. When u sell a lot of stuff...its just a mess that, IMHO, u need a lot of extra time to deal with.
Im thinking of going back to ebay just to unload some stuff here that needs to move on.....but idk....
As Sy Sims said 50 years ago..."An educated consumer is our best customer"