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Hey guys...  I made a chart for a friend of mine and thought that others could benefit from it.  So decided to post it here...

I did some research to see if all the components of the Bush Funeral Train could be assembled using the previous and newly cataloged Lionel cars and engines...


I got excited when Lionel cataloged the actual cab numbered Flag Units to go with the Funeral Train...  i wanted to see if the entire train could be assembled....  so here is a list of the Bush FT and what catalog and sets the engines and cars can be from.

You need one car from the original UP excursion 4 car set:  City of San Fransisco, and the rest can come from this new catalog!  Get the Bush FT set, and the UP Excursion 2pack #3 and 2 pack #4...

The two engines are also in this new catalog:  UP 4141 (in the set), and UP 9096...

I looked up the consist posted on the UP website, and watched video to confirm.  This is the 11 car train for the final ride to College Station Texas.

Now we gotta get the Portola Sleeper car and the cool looking power car to complete the train!  Oh Lionel!



The UP excursion fleet is larger than the 45 cars they call out on the UP website.  It seems they just added the 'experience the UP' baggage car...  hopefully this collection can continue to grow.  I get almost everything UP, and certainly would want more cars...  i need to lashup the new excursion big boy with my 844 to pull it all!!!!

I love this hobby!






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Last edited by Super O Bob
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Here is a quick spreadsheet of the UP Historical Cars Still In Use (Newest car not included):

TypeCar Name
BaggageCouncil Bluffs
BusinessFeather River
BusinessLone Star
BusinessNorth Platte
BusinessSt. Louis
Club LoungeSun Valley
CoachCity of Salina
CoachKaty Flyer
CoachPortland Rose
CoachSunshine Special
CoachTexas Eagle
ConcessionReed Jackson
Deluxe SleeperGreen River
Deluxe SleeperLake Bluff
Deluxe SleeperLake Forest
Deluxe SleeperLittle Rock
Deluxe SleeperOmaha
Deluxe SleeperPacific Limited
Deluxe SleeperPortola
Deluxe SleeperPowder River
Deluxe SleeperWyoming
DinerCity of Denver
DinerCity of Los Angeles
Dome CoachChallenger
Dome CoachColumbine
Dome DinerCity of Portland
Dome DinerColorado Eagle
Dome DinerMissouri River Eagle
Dome LoungeCity of San Francisco
Dome LoungeHarriman
Dome LoungeWalter Dean
Crew Car/Crew SleeperWillie James
Crew Car/Crew SleeperColumbia River
InspectionFox River
Tool CarArt Lockman
@WileE posted:

So I too was interested in assembling the complete train and found this great document on UP website. It lists 13 cars not 11 though?


Bush Funeral Train
UP 2066
City of Portland
City of San Francisco
Council Bluffs
Lone Star
City of Denver
Walter Dean
Bush Jr Funeral Train
Columbia River
Powder River
Lake Bluff
Lake Forrest
Green River
City Of Los Angeles
Little Rock
Feather River


Hopeful oneday we will get the rest of the UP Heritage fleet.

The flag is easily corrected by anyone with a color printer. I don’t see it as a particularly big deal. But Lionel missed on the Kenefick car as well. Eric’s video shows the car with the UP shield drumhead yet for this train it bore the Presidential seal.

This can be corrected as well but since this train was made to commemorate a specific occasion you would have thought it would have had the correct details.



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