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I'm looking at an older Atlas 3 rail 50'gondola with the old Atlas 2 rail couplers and trucks attached with shoulder screws (that's the name I was told for the screws) which just pry off and the screw stem is 2 pieces that split open to hold the truck on.  The hole left is about the size  a pencil could fit into. My question is-What type of 3 rail trucks would fit this hole or do I need to use the same screws and did/does Atlas make 3 rail trucks/couplers for this?  Hope this is clear, I forgot to take a pic.  Thanks

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Are you staying with three rail couplers or going Kadee? If going Kadee just take the coupler off and use the trucks. going the other way I use old Weaver trucks, just plug the hole in the car with a wood dowel and drill new center hole to fit screw for weaver trucks.

thats what I do. I like that older Atlas/Pola rolling stock have a bunch of it. If you have the ones I'm thinking of those couplers should work for you with three rail or Kadee.


They need no modification at all, and I run them with everything else; I like the Atlas plastic trucks - they look great - better than some of the new ones. The couplers

have a failure rate equal to or better than the "correct" couplers.

If the car is not heavy enough, put some weight in it. That's why we have lead. I buy

the older cars when I see them, and they are usually under-appreciated.


I bought one years ago that had no trucks; I glued a bit of styrene sprue from a kit

in the larger hole, drilled it, and mounted Weaver trucks.


BTW, these cars continue to live - at least the bodies, do - in the Atlas Trainman line.

There are some new T'man cars now, but at least the gons and plug-door boxcars

are from this 1960's tooling (put them side-by-side). There was a nice stockcar,

also. The frame mounting methods are different.


I just bought a GN boxcar (P&D Hobby Shop custom run) at auction from the 70's. Runs well, looks good.

Weaver 3 rail trucks and couplers don't really look all that great on those old Atlas cars.

Weaver die-cast T&C's make the car body higher. Couplers are not even next to the later Atlas O T-Man on the left.

Prices on used T-man's are about the same. Why spend another 16.00 to add T&C's on those old cars?

Atlas cars

New vs. old Atlas

Old Atlas w- weaver die-cast


Images (3)
  • Atlas cars
  • New vs. old Atlas
  • Old Atlas w- weaver die-cast
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