Two questions about the unit. First on the Atlas web page it says the unit has lighted number boards. My unit does not I haven't opened it up yet to check it is has bulbs or not. Second are Atlas smoke units a good smoker, I put fluid in it and do not see any smoke, I smell the fluid but not smoke. If I use the 9 key to boost the heater it will smoke but not too much. I can hear the fan running. Thanks
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Most Atlas"O" smoke units were supplied by Train America Studios, when they were still in business. These units have a thermistor circuit that shuts down the unit if the smoke resistor gets too hot-as when there is not enough fluid to cool it.
Your unit may have charred wicking that does not allow smoke fluid to come in contact with the resistor; in that case, new wicking material may get you smoking again. These units generally smoked better than early Lionel TMCC units, but not as well as an MTH unit.
Cannot answer your lighting question as I don't own that particular Atlas"O" diesel. Have you checked to be sure you didn't accidentaly turn them off with the "AUX2" key? Most all my Atlas diesels do have lighted number boards.
The number boards are not lighted. On some Atlas models with high headlights the number boards are illuminated by the headlight bulb, but not separately illuminated. The Santa Fe’s have low headlights, so you don’t get that effect
I don’t use smoke units any more, but my past experience with the GP60s and Dash 8s is they smoke OK, but not a lot. jT’s Mega smoke worked best. Maybe leave the unit off a while then try again. Sometimes the smoke would increase after a five or ten minutes of operation. That’s in command mode. My hunch is they won’t smoke much in conventional.
Thank you for the information. Rich I didn't think about the headlight being on the nose instead of overhead. I may open it up and check the smoke unit D&H65 and see if the resistor cover and batten is charred.