Automatic non-derail uses trigger sections of the the track close to the frog. Keep in mind Atlas spring loaded switch rails were to move if the switch was entered the wrong way. Worked OK most of the time, but had problems. You have to establish the trigger section with some type of insulation. Another point to consider is that the (two) insulated rail sections can not touch at the frog.
Atlas Switch frog area.
Enhancing the trigger section.
The two small rail sections can not touch the V-shaped frog.
Trigger wires attached to the short rail sections.
An axle wheel set completes the circuit to the other outside rail, when an engine enters the switch, moving the switch to the correct orientation.
A link to Atlas non-derail wiring.
Edit/Add 1: I've spent a lot of time adding non-derail to Ross/Gargraves switches also. Note that Ross switches can be purchased, additional cost, with the complete non-derail wiring installed.
Note 2: Some have suggested using. DZ 1000 Switch motors with Atlas switches. These switch motors have a built in disconnect, once the switch is thrown, inhibiting switch motor burn out, an Atlas, stuck switch, problem.