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I think it looks Great. Your photos depict what you see in the real world. Not crammed with trackage. Everything looks like it belongs.

Your road does look a little worn in the second photo for one featuring a double yellow no passing line. Looks great for a backroad off the beaten path. I would judge it by how it looks in person not so much the camera. Not sure what you used for the road. Often times some of this stuff can be re wet and smoothed out with a sponge or a foam paintbrush if you decide to work on it.

Keep up the good work. This is one of my favorite layouts to follow along in it’s progress.

I have been working on this project for about 2 months.  It’s about 95% complete and still needs scenery.  This is the Charlestown concrete plant in New Hampshire.   B&M dropped off cars for the Springfield Terminal to deliver to customers.  I’m infatuated with this small RR. that wound through that area!  Ocassionally B&M equipment was loaned due to repairs.  
I want to thank Scott Whitney, who helped me, and met on a Facebook group and wrote the article in RMC in April of 99’.
I documented my build and may do a separate thread on the scenery land structures.  It’s technically my first scratch build and gave myself a B-.  It’s close….  It’s close….



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I have been working on this project for about 2 months.  It’s about 95% complete and still needs scenery.  This is the Charlestown concrete plant in New Hampshire.   B&M dropped off cars for the Springfield Terminal to deliver to customers.  I’m infatuated with this small RR. that wound through that area!  Ocassionally B&M equipment was loaned due to repairs.  
I want to thank Scott Whitney, who helped me, and met on a Facebook group and wrote the article in RMC in April of 99’.
I documented my build and may do a separate thread on the scenery land structures.  It’s technically my first scratch build and gave myself a B-.  It’s close….  It’s close….


For anyone interested the actual plant can be seen here... just go to Charlestown NH's photos.

I'd say Fireman Chris did a pretty darn good job with his scratchbuild!

Thanks Joe!

With permission from Scott.  Here is the what I worked off of! My sign is slightly smaller and the background scenery is just not the same.  I should have put this on a curve or angle for better perspective.  I just found this to be so interesting (piece).  I still need to weather it more.   The hardest part is finding at least one close to scale concrete truck.
Today, the tracks are gone and the plant has been redone.  But hey, I’m modeling the late 60’s-  early 80’s!



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Last edited by FIREMANCHRIS

I have been working on this project for about 2 months.  It’s about 95% complete and still needs scenery.  This is the Charlestown concrete plant in New Hampshire.   B&M dropped off cars for the Springfield Terminal to deliver to customers.  I’m infatuated with this small RR. that wound through that area!  Ocassionally B&M equipment was loaned due to repairs.  
I want to thank Scott Whitney, who helped me, and met on a Facebook group and wrote the article in RMC in April of 99’.
I documented my build and may do a separate thread on the scenery land structures.  It’s technically my first scratch build and gave myself a B-.  It’s close….  It’s close….


I'd say A- at least, maybe even A+ Chris. Once you fill in the rest of the scene it will look even better. I love to see industries on a single branch off the main. Great switching opportunities.

Keep up the good work.


Just a few pics.  I currently working in the lumberyard and cornfield; pics will follow.  Working on static grass (oh… Boy!  Exasperated).  Last two pics are a repaint/renumbered “306”GP40; serviced and MU’d with “204” heading out to pick up its train.  Trying to make a push for the Route 30 Express tour!  If you’re in Cleveland/Akron area; please come down on the 23rd of November.  I’d like to show what I have done and meet some cool-cool people!  
Catching a flight now to Europe, for some R-n-R.  Next update at the end of October!



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  • IMG_0012: The electrical lines are coming!
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November 1st was the last time I updated this thread.  No real updates.  Suffering writer’s block.  Just adding small scenery stuff by attending a few shows.

These showed up on the doorstep!  Always on the lookout for them.  I have 5 and 5 more too go!! Weaver U18011

IMG_0765IMG_0766My guess not many sets of 10 were made.  Also tracking down TOFC from weaver as well.  

This sign now adorns the room.  Nicely patina on it.  



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@BenLMaggi posted:

Are those Tomar crossing flashers? If not, which brand did you use?

Ben they are Zstuff!

@Mark Boyce posted:

Very nice sign!  How fit the Rt 30 Express open house go?

Mark I had about 60 people come through.  Beyond my expectation.  I was hoping you were going to stop by,  it’s a drive tho.

I'm thinking of having another open house in a month or so for just OGR forum people in the area or want to make the trip.  I just need to nail down a date.  

Mark I had about 60 people come through.  Beyond my expectation.  I was hoping you were going to stop by,  it’s a drive tho.

I'm thinking of having another open house in a month or so for just OGR forum people in the area or want to make the trip.  I just need to nail down a date.  

Thank you, Chris!  I am glad you had a lot of interest!  I determined early that week I wasn’t going to be able to make the trip.  Besides the distance, I have to make a few stops each way. 😔  It would be nice to have an OGR open house.  I would certainly like to attend! 👍🏻

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