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Haven’t posted in awhile, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been hard at work.  Done some work on the River scene!  I want to thank those who have posted their water scenes for expertise!  Used oil acrylics for depth and shallows.  It needs more blending more River rock (larger).C7B480CF-C5A3-4A43-BC45-CF9BD0991EE368E5DF3C-8F97-4077-9A36-F19ABBEF88EB4A2B54A7-C5D0-42CD-81EA-26FC649E7AF0852377A4-46CA-4197-8E9C-69DEA50FC950The rail joint bars!  Brings the track to life!3D0C5FFC-0883-4636-9687-4713B0D40EE71950C333-EC4E-43AB-819D-2A392EE851B1E3FC8C03-3DFF-43A3-B9E0-2296D41C6703A4C2593A-8E42-41DA-A0D0-39152AF91A72and…. Foreign power sitting in the yard!



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With the weather warming and outside projects to do, the layout has taken a backseat!  I did install a turnout on the Paper mill spur.  I was waffling whether to install or not too…  Trying to let the scenery do the work and not have a spaghetti bowl of track.  I went for it.  Need a place to shunt rail cars.  I will add static grass and weeds to make it looked not maintained.



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You are correct on the Paper Mill.  I split it down the middle, weathered it and added a floor.  I built this about 8 or so years ago for my first layout.  I have to give credit to my friend Bob Dupree who added copied images of paper rolls to the inside.  It needs more weathering to the roof and staining to the walls.  Need to put the time in on the storage tanks and fencing.

IMG_5701It’s been over a month since I turned on the lights in the layout room.  The weather is undesirable to work outside.  So the opportunity presented itself to do some work on it.IMG_5702This is the only Lionel that I own!  Just need the right load for it to be in service.  
I am adding a lot of faux dirt today.  Ballasted a good amount.  It maybe to perfect. 😞


IMG_5691love the wheel stops from scale city!

IMG_5689IMG_5688IMG_5690The above 3 pics are the spur which will lead to a 17’X3’ peninsula for more industry and a small yard.  I’m going to try and model or mock up close to it; the Charlestown Ready mix plant (NH)  and Funston’s lumberyard (Scotia NY).

Have a great weekend!


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The Train bug is starting to bite again!
Here’s the veneer painted and installed for just part of the layout.  Needs another coat!  I have a habit of jumping around and not finishing what I start.  It’s a problem!  
I came across this S2 for sale, I couldn’t pass up the price.  Very cool FF. RR. 7 miles north of me!  Thanks Jonathan!!



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Last edited by FIREMANCHRIS

The Train bug is starting to bite again!
Here’s the veneer painted and installed for just part of the layout.  Needs another coat!  I have a habit of jumping around and not finishing what I start.  It’s a problem!  
I came across this S2 for sale, I couldn’t pass up the price.  Very cool FF. RR. 7 miles north of me!  Thanks Jonathan!!

Can't see the pix....

Last edited by RSJB18

Here is few pics!IMG_6154IMG_6153IMG_6150Working on some roads!  I can’t take credit for the technique or supplies.  That credit goes to Mike, who is doing an amazing Cass RR. Layout on another Facebook group and Eric from YouTube!

IMG_6146Waiting on the road Dept. To install the cable barriers/guard rails.

IMG_6145IMG_6131They are far from finished. Looking for crossing gates.  Signage, Junkie and over grown berms still need installed!  Excited and apprehensive to start the static grass.  Enjoy your Labor Day!


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Nice, nice and more nice! I love the painted rails and roadbed! Excellent job and great pics. Your scenery is heaven-sent. The guard rails look great! If you want a few of those posts in real life, I'll gladly fill your truck with them.

I had the B&M Blues when I was a kid trying to get into Boston from Ipswich. The RDCs then were so mechanically decrepit that they began to pull them with the Blues. Guessing GP 7s or 9s. And even they would break down. Got stuck on the Salem bridge with those more than once. It wasn't long after and the T (or somebody in authority)  cut ties with B&M as operators of commuter rail.

Last edited by endless tracks

Slight update.

I put some serious time into the layout and with little progress. Don’t get me wrong, it has been totally relaxing and fun for me!

I’m waiting on signals and crossing gates to arrive on the front porch!

Can’t wait to start the static grass application, hoping it will pull scenes together.  I need more trees!!!!!

I reconstructed the sanding tower and added Keil-line sanding hoses that I found in a box I won at an auction.  Unexpected find!  I think they look awesome!!IMG_6477IMG_6479IMG_6478lAirbrushed rust on the Pratt bridge.  I give myself a C+.  It takes some serious experience!  
River still needs water. I used magic water on my first layout with great results!  Unfortunately they are out of business.  Researching the best epoxy for this application.IMG_6504

A Geep and her girl on a date to pick up a local freight.  Heading south on the Sub.IMG_6510



Roads still need striping and still researching the best options for berm material.IMG_6488IMG_6514IMG_6493IMG_6518IMG_6521IMG_6523

And a gratuitous pic of Mr. Mikko!

Enjoy the week!


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Last edited by FIREMANCHRIS

Slight updates.

I started adding vegetation with a Static applicator with mixed results.  I need to experiment more.  The gray gravel that you see in the foreground intermingled with the vegetation will most likey be picked up; just not satisfied.  I need trees and more trees!IMG_6617SW1 is picking up a boxcar full of paper at Sully’s.IMG_6619IMG_6620This is a nice angle of my buried spur, which is useable.  Still needs a lot of vegetation.  I have ordered more and a wide range of landscaping.IMG_6622The rough lawn is in.  I need crossing gates and that utility pole needs a transformer.IMG_6628IMG_6627IMG_6615Still need to figure out what I want to do with the back wall.IMG_6616Route 12!   The crossing needs to be wired up and the road lines painted in!IMG_6603IMG_6595IMG_6601IMG_6599Have a great week!


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Things are looking good. I like what you are doing with the groundwork, which looks very natural. I would just add sporadically over what you have already done, which presents a good foundation. Layers, layers, layers. Static grass can be tricky. I found it's all about holding the applicator closer with quick shakes to the area. Also, making sure the anchor is planted nearby, which promotes the grass "standing".



Your layout/scenery is terrific! I think your grass mixed with the gray looks very lifelike, and the buildings are remarkable! There was a powdered milk plant in North Andover, MA, that looked a lot like the concrete mill you have, so I was quite drawn to that photo, not knowing where the Conn Sub is

If you'd like a little B&M lore, my Dad was a daily commuter north out of Boston on the Newburyport line, which I also rode occasionally. When the train got to the North Beverly, MA, depot, the old-timer conductors would announce "Top of the Hill". I never gave it a lot of thought since it was not my stop. My father had a close friend who was a bridge engineer for B&M. He explained to us that North Beverly Depot, at ~ 70 feet above sea level, was the highest point on the B&M the entire ~110 miles from Portland, ~ elev. 25' to Boston, ~ elev. 30'. Thus North Beverly became known as "Top of the Hill!"

He further went on to say that when roller-bearing freight cars replaced babbitt "hot boxes", old-time railroaders bet that a freight car with Timken bearings, given a good shove south from North Beverly would roll the entire 25 or 30 miles to Boston. It was never attempted that he knew of.

As for the photo attached, it was in my Dad's collection but we had a multi-generational family home 1/4 mile from that depot.


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Update…… Sort of……  I have spent a lot of time working and little to show again.  It’s been quite therapeutic!  Most of it is just staring at it and staring at it.  Working on improving the landscape.   So here are some pics!  Enjoy!IMG_6743Still contemplating how to put in lines on the road🤔IMG_6769I added a dark stone as contrast and it makes the green pop!  Still not finished.IMG_6766Throwing around the idea of a block and tackle winch to the engine facility.  I have this old Lionel signal bridge, which I think will do nicely somewhere.  It adds interests.  Engine facility building needs more, but in due time.IMG_6776IMG_6781The biggest add is roughing in this scene.  I like low bridges, I think it pulls your attention.IMG_6779Adding guards, still need painted and glued.IMG_6778The tractor is to big, but it adds interest to this pic.IMG_6782


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Chris, love your layout and your photos! I also love the ties along the the sides. Old ties is what the B&M did best.  If the real B&M looked that good, they might still be an entity.

I drove just yesterday along the former B&M Hillsboro branch which has had spots of new ballast added and every 5th or so tie replaced. That's just so they can continue to support 10 MPH from Nashua out to the Hendrix Wire plant in Milford and make it back in the same day. Keep up the good work and the updates. Love to see them!!

I've had good luck using a fine tip white or yellow paint pen to put in road lines. For a straight section, I just measure to the center and use a ruler to guide the lines. For curved roads, you can cut some thin cardboard to the correct radius and use the edge to draw the lines - also works for the edges of the roadway.

For a pole transformer, I've used a large capacitor, like 160v, 68uf, and painted and weathered it. It has two wires sticking out on which you can glue small green/maroon glass beads to resemble insulators. You can also use the small, barrel-shaped dessicant cannisters that come in a variety of products to keep the m moisture-proof.




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Last edited by Richie C.

Well, it’s been 2 and a half months since I posted!  Wha-what????

Updates on all levels. I have a couple of projects going!  1. Layout extension!  2. Repaint and decaling a GP40.   But I will save that for another post!
So let’s get going!



Preliminary track plan going in!  I ended up laying track just to see how it would fit!  Not done yet!!!!  All could change!!!



Above is epoxy for water!  Never used this product.  Will run a test to see how it goes.  Also, whether it melts foam???




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Above is epoxy for water!  Never used this product.  Will run a test to see how it goes.  Also, whether it melts foam???





Here are a few photos of the water scene on my 10'-by-5' layout. My layout scenery construction is similar to yours using stacked layers of extruded pink foam on top of plywood. I assume you will be making the "water" in a lower part of the layout surface - as I did. First, cover the low part of the surface (on my layout it's the plywood) with a thin layer of plaster - I used "Mold-A-Scene." Paint it various shades of brown (with acrylic paints) to seal the surface and look like a muddy riverbed. Cover the painted riverbed with yellow carpenter's glue and throw down real dirt and different colors of brown ballast to give it a realistic coarse texture. When that's dry, pour the mixed two-part epoxy onto the prepared riverbed and let it dry. And be sure to experiment first with mixing and pouring the epoxy so you know how to use it. I did that by preparing the surface of a paper plate and doing the steps described above. I hope this helps.




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I decided to build this part a little different without risers that supported the roadbed on plywood.  Instead, I used more girders closer together to support 1inch foam.  We will see how that goes?  I going to fasten the track hopefully with longer screws into the girders and glue.  Just an idea.  The track work at the far end is pretty much set.  The near end is not.  I am not visually satisfied with the long spurs.  That is subject to change or debate.  I’m really, really looking to do the best realism I can make.

Epoxy is from a furniture company out of Calgary.  I did tell them what my purpose was and if it reacted with pink foam insulation.   Their response was… “Can you let us know…?”  So we will see.  I’m far from ready to do the pour.  I want the landscape to be just right.  I’ve used magic water in the past with great results, since they are no longer around, I need a substitute.

Industry:  I have few pictures of the Charlestown Redi-mix Cement plant in Charlestown NH. and looking for more pics.   Also, Funston lumber in Scotia NY.  is my other customer and of course limited on pics.  

I have a coworker who is getting back into trains (HO).  He is has been  awesome to get this section going and he is learning a lot about bench work.


Haven’t posted in 2 months, I have updates!! This is a so…. Called “work in progress.”

This a very loose interpretation of Funston Lumber in Scotia NY.  I never been there, nor do I have any great pics of it.  I’ve seen pics of B&M dropping off farm implements and lumber on an over grown-not maintained spur.  
I still need to add tons of detail and the asphalt still needs smoothing.  



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Where did the time go??? (3 months)

Small update!  
I would like to finish ballasting the main loop.  I need to get the epoxy poured before I can do that. Mainly removing bridges for easier pour!  I selected as in above post; an epoxy resin out of Calgary Canada.  I was worried about an exothermic reaction and would melt foam board.  I did test pour and Good news!  No problems so far.  

I’ve kicked the idea of an open house via a group called Rte. 30 Express tour.  Basically modelers open their homes for the model train enthusiasts to check out some layouts.  I expressed if I could be added to that list.  It’s  November 23rd, so I’ve got work to do!!!  I need to get it there (viewing ready). Here’s a pic of my test.  Not dramatic lol!  We pour tomorrow!!!!



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I think it looks Great. Your photos depict what you see in the real world. Not crammed with trackage. Everything looks like it belongs.

Your road does look a little worn in the second photo for one featuring a double yellow no passing line. Looks great for a backroad off the beaten path. I would judge it by how it looks in person not so much the camera. Not sure what you used for the road. Often times some of this stuff can be re wet and smoothed out with a sponge or a foam paintbrush if you decide to work on it.

Keep up the good work. This is one of my favorite layouts to follow along in it’s progress.

I have been working on this project for about 2 months.  It’s about 95% complete and still needs scenery.  This is the Charlestown concrete plant in New Hampshire.   B&M dropped off cars for the Springfield Terminal to deliver to customers.  I’m infatuated with this small RR. that wound through that area!  Ocassionally B&M equipment was loaned due to repairs.  
I want to thank Scott Whitney, who helped me, and met on a Facebook group and wrote the article in RMC in April of 99’.
I documented my build and may do a separate thread on the scenery land structures.  It’s technically my first scratch build and gave myself a B-.  It’s close….  It’s close….



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I have been working on this project for about 2 months.  It’s about 95% complete and still needs scenery.  This is the Charlestown concrete plant in New Hampshire.   B&M dropped off cars for the Springfield Terminal to deliver to customers.  I’m infatuated with this small RR. that wound through that area!  Ocassionally B&M equipment was loaned due to repairs.  
I want to thank Scott Whitney, who helped me, and met on a Facebook group and wrote the article in RMC in April of 99’.
I documented my build and may do a separate thread on the scenery land structures.  It’s technically my first scratch build and gave myself a B-.  It’s close….  It’s close….


For anyone interested the actual plant can be seen here... just go to Charlestown NH's photos.

I'd say Fireman Chris did a pretty darn good job with his scratchbuild!

Thanks Joe!

With permission from Scott.  Here is the what I worked off of! My sign is slightly smaller and the background scenery is just not the same.  I should have put this on a curve or angle for better perspective.  I just found this to be so interesting (piece).  I still need to weather it more.   The hardest part is finding at least one close to scale concrete truck.
Today, the tracks are gone and the plant has been redone.  But hey, I’m modeling the late 60’s-  early 80’s!



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Last edited by FIREMANCHRIS

I have been working on this project for about 2 months.  It’s about 95% complete and still needs scenery.  This is the Charlestown concrete plant in New Hampshire.   B&M dropped off cars for the Springfield Terminal to deliver to customers.  I’m infatuated with this small RR. that wound through that area!  Ocassionally B&M equipment was loaned due to repairs.  
I want to thank Scott Whitney, who helped me, and met on a Facebook group and wrote the article in RMC in April of 99’.
I documented my build and may do a separate thread on the scenery land structures.  It’s technically my first scratch build and gave myself a B-.  It’s close….  It’s close….


I'd say A- at least, maybe even A+ Chris. Once you fill in the rest of the scene it will look even better. I love to see industries on a single branch off the main. Great switching opportunities.

Keep up the good work.


Just a few pics.  I currently working in the lumberyard and cornfield; pics will follow.  Working on static grass (oh… Boy!  Exasperated).  Last two pics are a repaint/renumbered “306”GP40; serviced and MU’d with “204” heading out to pick up its train.  Trying to make a push for the Route 30 Express tour!  If you’re in Cleveland/Akron area; please come down on the 23rd of November.  I’d like to show what I have done and meet some cool-cool people!  
Catching a flight now to Europe, for some R-n-R.  Next update at the end of October!



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November 1st was the last time I updated this thread.  No real updates.  Suffering writer’s block.  Just adding small scenery stuff by attending a few shows.

These showed up on the doorstep!  Always on the lookout for them.  I have 5 and 5 more too go!! Weaver U18011

IMG_0765IMG_0766My guess not many sets of 10 were made.  Also tracking down TOFC from weaver as well.  

This sign now adorns the room.  Nicely patina on it.  



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@BenLMaggi posted:

Are those Tomar crossing flashers? If not, which brand did you use?

Ben they are Zstuff!

@Mark Boyce posted:

Very nice sign!  How fit the Rt 30 Express open house go?

Mark I had about 60 people come through.  Beyond my expectation.  I was hoping you were going to stop by,  it’s a drive tho.

I'm thinking of having another open house in a month or so for just OGR forum people in the area or want to make the trip.  I just need to nail down a date.  

Mark I had about 60 people come through.  Beyond my expectation.  I was hoping you were going to stop by,  it’s a drive tho.

I'm thinking of having another open house in a month or so for just OGR forum people in the area or want to make the trip.  I just need to nail down a date.  

Thank you, Chris!  I am glad you had a lot of interest!  I determined early that week I wasn’t going to be able to make the trip.  Besides the distance, I have to make a few stops each way. 😔  It would be nice to have an OGR open house.  I would certainly like to attend! 👍🏻

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