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I have been studying information on the internet including this forum.  Can someone please definitely let me know if my understanding is correct?

From what I gather Lionel LionChief uses 2.4 GHz Spread Spectrum Technology to directly communicate from the handheld remote transmitter to a receiver in the Locomotive.  The current way R/C planes, land vehicles and boats are controlled.  The protocol is unique to Lionel, not the same as the ones used by any of the major players in those markets.  Spectrum, Futaba, Esky, Etc.

TMCC/Legacy and DCS both send a radio signal from the handheld to a Track Unit which in turns send a signal down the track.  In the case of DCS the control signal is picked up through the rail similar to the way DCC works.  In the case of TMCC/Legacy the track is basically used as an antenna and the locomotive uses a wireless receiver to get the commands.

Can someone please verify this for me.  "Inquiring minds want to know."  Thanks!

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  In the case of TMCC/Legacy the track is basically used as an antenna and the locomotive uses a wireless receiver to get the commands.

Actually, to get specific about Tmcc/Legacy.

One side of the signal is sent from the command base to the outer rails of the track. The other side of the signal is sent through the ground lug on the base wall wart and broadcast through the ground wiring in the walls of your train room.

The difference of these two signals represents the command, which is picked up by the antenna on the loco.

@RickO posted:

Actually, to get specific about Tmcc/Legacy.

One side of the signal is sent from the command base to the outer rails of the track. The other side of the signal is sent through the ground lug on the base wall wart and broadcast through the ground wiring in the walls of your train room.

The difference of these two signals represents the command, which is picked up by the antenna on the loco.

Thank you very much Rick for the clarification!  Before posting this I spent HOURS trying to sort thru everything.  As you correctly surmised I was looking for a specific answer to EXACTLY how these systems work.

The great thing about the internet is any information you need is there.  The horrible thing about the internet is trying to sort through that information.  I came across sometimes conflicting information, but tried to evaluate it based on where it came from.  I know this comes as a great shock to anyone who has ever used to internet to dive deep into a subject.  LOL

Anyhow I was hoping not only to learn it myself, but to condense this COMPARISON into one thread, so hopefully someone in the future can find it in one place.

I have some further questions SPECIFIC to LionChief (based on this information, that i how I think I want to proceed).  I am going start a separate thread specific to just that system.

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