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I wonder what the bean counter$ are going to discuss in the boardroom today?

Would have been nice to attend and stir the pot.....πŸ˜‰

York will begin shortly. People will want to see some cash moving around.

Just my early morning thoughts over a cup of coffee.

Last edited by Walter Anderson
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@RickO posted:

" Just use the leftover ATSF red for the cab roofs and tender decks on the new PRR L1's and I1's......No, don't worry about the gray on the Dreyfuss, there are 50 shades anyway.  Most of the photos are black and white"......."thats what the disclaimer is for".....


I hear ya but ...

Paint colors are a technical problem, and not a business problem.  And, yes bean counters can stick their noses into technical things quite easily, but messing around with paint colors doesn't sound like something, in the minds of bean counters, that would impact business too significantly.

In my mind there's a bigger opportunity to create and spread chaos.  How about:

  "Since the discontinuation of our electronic parts went so well, why don't we now go ahead and get rid of all the rest of the parts ..."


Last edited by Mellow Hudson Mike


I hear ya but ...

Paint colors are a technical problem, and not a business problem.  And, yes bean counters can stick their noses into technical things quite easily, but messing around with paint colors doesn't sound like something, in the minds of bean counters, that would impact business too significantly.


Penny wise dollar foolish as they say. To research, mix, and purchase the correct color is going to cost money vs. Using some leftover from the last run.

Certainly the parts were of value to someone, vs just tossing them. Maybe that's where dollar foolish comes in.

@texgeekboy posted:

Since I just placed my first BTO, and from reading some reviews here, perhaps the bean counters can move the QA/QC/packaging issue in a positive direction, so they just don't burn money fixing their preventable mistakes.  I gotta think that cost shows up on the bottom line somewhere.

Agreed.  It does for most companies, but here for all the complaining so many of us do about it there's clearly not enough of a problem to impact the bottom line noticeably.


Last edited by Mellow Hudson Mike

Gentlemen, I only wish my fairly frequent complaints were minor.

When a 2,000$+ engine(GS-4) arrives and lights up but won't run. That's not minor.

It has to be shipped to the manufacturer for warranty repair risking further damage.

Then, almost a year later. Attempting to run trains at the club. A second GS-4 lights up, doesn't run. Now I have this to be fixed

These are not cheep toys.

I have other rolling stock, too numerous defects to mention. I can't believe Lionel brass are not aware of their serious lack of attention to quality control.

There's new product I can't justify purchasing until quality makes a noticeable improvement.

It's a shame to feel like a lone voice in this hobby wilderness. By the way, 99% of my "toys" are Lionel.

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