I had done the switching work, assembled the train and headed toward the Butler yard with the Petrolia Man when BAM!, the brakes Bigholed and the train stopped with a squeal of locked wheels. Application of power merely resulted in a low hum. Hum. Used the O-5-O Big Hook and lifted the venerable NW2 to have a look. As suspected the wheels on the power truck were locked. Under strong light I could see....a tiny (loose) machine screw jammed between a wheel and the truck frame. Magne-Traction had sucked it up off the right-of-way. By rolling the wheels backwards it freed up and I was able to extricate it with a pair of tweezers and we were back in business. So this railroad has now been in operation long enough to have rattled a screw loose and had it drop to the track.
I'll bet I'm almost the only person here for which this was a first time thing?