Hey everyone, have a new to me MTH PS2 (3V) R-12 Subway set
Model number: 30-2372-1
Got it preowned, and upon inspection saw a traction tire stuck in the gearing. Removed that, installed bcr and tested.
Everything works but speed. 1mph is full throttle either direction. Did a bunch of searching on here and assumed tach sensor.
Ordered from mth (AG0000058), installed, powered up & smelled burnt electronics. Shut it down instantly, rechecked everything and continuity for the 3 wires etc. Powered back up and tested, everything still works but speed control.
Ordered ANOTHER tach sensor, installed tonight, and watched it burn up when power applied...ugh!!
Is there something im missing or something else blown out? Causing too much voltage on start up? Im beyond puzzled and determined...
Thank you in advance!