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I'm toying with the idea of building a tall, spindly trestle on my layout. For inspiration, I turned to the Kinzua Trestle in Western PA. The trestle was destroyed several years ago by a tornado, IIRC. A little research shows that there were 2 trestles built at the location. See the attached picture for the earlier one, which is what I want to use as a guide. My question is, what to use for constructing it? Plastic would definitely give me the shapes for the individual components, but may not be strong enough. I don't think wood is the way to go either. That leaves metal. What type? How to join everything?

Your thoughts, please.





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Whoa! That's a big one...and very nice to boot. As a bridge troll, I think that would definitely make a nice build.

What I'd recommend is that you build the "vertical" parts of the bents from small steel angle iron attached to square wooden bases (hidden under dirt and deck), then detail the cross members with Plastruct products. The deck itself can be wood, painted steel gray and detailed with more Plastruct. We did something similar with our curved modern trestle in the background. The deck is wood with resin girders on the side. The bents are steel 1/4" angle iron fastened to wood blocks top and bottom (angled ever so slightly) and completely trimmed out in Plastruct. The steel supports the weight but the bents look nice and light.

2013-02-06 18.42.02


Images (1)
  • 2013-02-06 18.42.02
Last edited by AGHRMatt

WSDIMENNA, I'm familiar with the Hunterline product selection. Great stuff! In fact, I have one of their Howe Through Truss bridges. But they are wood, and not the look I want.


I like what your club did! That may be the way to go. Do you have some close up shots of the piers? Also, if you have any shots of the piers under construction, that would be excellent. BTW, no plans make it as long as the original. If I did, it would poke along way out both sides of the train room!




lehighline posted:



I like what your club did! That may be the way to go. Do you have some close up shots of the piers? Also, if you have any shots of the piers under construction, that would be excellent. BTW, no plans make it as long as the original. If I did, it would poke along way out both sides of the train room!




Thanks. I don't have any close-up photos handy, so I'll take some close-up shots of the bents and the bridge Saturday when I'm down at the club.

I took another look at the prototype and it would definitely lend itself to the angle-iron/plastruct construction. The trick with the bents will be the tops under the deck. What it looks like you'll be doing is using 1/4" stock for the track support while using 3/4" for the tops of the bents, plus some inserts in-between to keep them plumb and make the line smooth. Add the structural shapes to the edges and it'll look great. As for the bases of the bents, you bury the wood that holds the iron together and make the "pads" out of plaster and you're good. Looks like a fun project.


Last edited by AGHRMatt

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