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Just received a Weaver Consolidation. Off to the Backshop, this will soon be filling it's role as a N&W Class W2. And yes, I know the sand dome isn't "correct". It will just have to "do" until someone offers a better model.



This one is now part of the "short list" for potential PS2 upgrades by J.D.S Ltd.


Videos (1)
Last edited by Gilly@N&W

My first engine purchase about 2 weeks ago.  


Admittedly I don't think many people liked this (yellow) NH release, but I love it.  Just need to buy a small setup to run it as I have nothing in regards to track/power/etc..




Second engine purchase showed up yesterday





I'll remove it once I'm able to run it.  Hopefully soon.


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Congratulations on your new purchases!  The New Haven electric Looks like it is,painted in Pittsburgh professional sports teams colors.  Though I don't follow the team, I see lots of Steelers cars and engines around here.  I follow baseball and hockey too a bit instead!  


While we don't see NH engines in those colors, your liking it is all that matters!


Wow on the Veranda Turbine!   I see it runs on 072 curves.   I don't have the room for that myself.  I am sure it will look super once you get it on the track!


Unless you have a lot of cash, don't get too carried away.  Although I did smaller scale modeling for over 40 years before switching to O gauge 3 years ago, I made a few lesser purchases that I realized later I shouldn't have.  It was no loss, I learned from them, had some fun with them, and so far have been able to seek some of them for not much less than I paid.  I am still learning nuances specific to O gauge that are different from HO and N scales.


have fun with trains!!

Last edited by Mark Boyce
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:


Congratulations on your new purchases!  The New Haven electric Looks like it is,painted in Pittsburgh professional sports teams colors.  Though I don't follow the team, I see lots of Steelers cars and engines around here.  I follow baseball and hockey too a bit instead!  


While we don't see NH engines in those colors, your liking it is all that matters!


Wow on the Veranda Turbine!   I see it runs on 072 curves.   I don't have the room for that myself.  I am sure it will look super once you get it on the track!


Unless you have a lot of cash, don't get too carried away.  Although I did smaller scale modeling for over 40 years before switching to O gauge 3 years ago, I made a few lesser purchases that I realized later I shouldn't have.  It was no loss, I learned from them, had some fun with them, and so far have been able to seek some of them for not much less than I paid.  I am still learning nuances specific to O gauge that are different from HO and N scales.


have fun with trains!!

Thanks very much Mark!  


From what I understand on the New Haven EP-5 there were 2 color schemes (do people prefer to call them livery?) provided to NH back in the mid 50's by General Electric.  The one I bought (Canary Yellow) is the one that lost the battle against the normal red-orange scheme we are used to seeing.  I simply bought this one over the standard to have something different and maybe it would be a conversation starter.  Guess that worked. : )  I love the standard one as well and will have one someday.


My goal is to have each UP Turbine.  I don't think I'm going to setup a normal layout with 0-72, but I might do a shelf train with bigger curves just for the bigger engines.  That's the current idea anyway.  Maybe setup on carpet temporarily.


I definitely don't have money to blow.  The price tag on the Veranda seems high because it's from a Canadian dealer.  I paid a good bit less than the MSRP of $799.


Thanks again for the input and reply.

Originally Posted by Hardware:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:


Congratulations on your new purchases!  The New Haven electric Looks like it is,painted in Pittsburgh professional sports teams colors.  Though I don't follow the team, I see lots of Steelers cars and engines around here.  I follow baseball and hockey too a bit instead!  


While we don't see NH engines in those colors, your liking it is all that matters!


Wow on the Veranda Turbine!   I see it runs on 072 curves.   I don't have the room for that myself.  I am sure it will look super once you get it on the track!


Unless you have a lot of cash, don't get too carried away.  Although I did smaller scale modeling for over 40 years before switching to O gauge 3 years ago, I made a few lesser purchases that I realized later I shouldn't have.  It was no loss, I learned from them, had some fun with them, and so far have been able to seek some of them for not much less than I paid.  I am still learning nuances specific to O gauge that are different from HO and N scales.


have fun with trains!!

Thanks very much Mark!  


From what I understand on the New Haven EP-5 there were 2 color schemes (do people prefer to call them livery?) provided to NH back in the mid 50's by General Electric.  The one I bought (Canary Yellow) is the one that lost the battle against the normal red-orange scheme we are used to seeing.  I simply bought this one over the standard to have something different and maybe it would be a conversation starter.  Guess that worked. : )  I love the standard one as well and will have one someday.


My goal is to have each UP Turbine.  I don't think I'm going to setup a normal layout with 0-72, but I might do a shelf train with bigger curves just for the bigger engines.  That's the current idea anyway.  Maybe setup on carpet temporarily.


I definitely don't have money to blow.  The price tag on the Veranda seems high because it's from a Canadian dealer.  I paid a good bit less than the MSRP of $799.


Thanks again for the input and reply.

Yes, the shelf with larger curves makes sense.  I have one 3/4 done myself.  Sounds like you got a good price On the Veranda!

Originally Posted by Pine Creek Railroad:


    The NH in Black & Gold is way cool stuff.  Glad you like it.  My latest addition to our layout is a Pittsburgh P2 Street Car, from the 60's era.  


Thank you Dave!


I agree with Mark, that is a nice car and I don't recall ever seeing one of those.  Good addition!

Spotted what turned out to be this pair of 3rdRail Milwaukee Road E7's on Petersen's Supply Co website 6 months ago, right before the holidays.
I thought there was one but when I inquired, it turned out that there were actually two in stock.
Well, after 6 months of mulling it over, and in that time realizing no one else had picked them up, I came to the only logical conclusion: I am clearly the one who was meant to have them.
So last week, after selling some items online and finding myself with few extra pennies to spare, I decided to make them both mine.
After seeing all the images of the dual lash-up of the HO version, it was an easy decision opt for both.
Quite remarkable that for 6 months two 3rdRail E7s went untouched.

As you can see I already changed out the pilot to get the 3-rail coupler out of the way on what will be the lead unit.

Now trying to decide if and how to add Kadees between the two to tighten up the gap.






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Last edited by Press2MECO

Beautiful E7s !!  Wed. was a big day for me. Brought home some lay-away- 3 Lionel tuscan passenger cars, the #60 trolly, a Lionel  O gauge motor that will fit the 55/65 engines plus a like-new LW transformer. Didn't really need it but too nice not o get. Then I was rooting through a box of train stuff that had just come in o the antique store and picked out a nice pothole caboose and a horse car. The horse car had been on my "buy" list. The roof was dirty and the doors were jammed shut. The rest of the car looked new so I bought it for $10. Got it home, opened it up and there were 8 original horses inside, like new. Fixed the jam, a piece of metal had come loose somehow, and it works like a charm so I was a happy camper. Now to find a nice corral.  Fun to dumpster dive. The dealer had bought a ton of toys including an AF road race set, complete and a nice heavy metal floor train with an engine the kid rides on and 5 cars. All original. Any one interested E mail me and i will give you the phone number. An antique dealer.

Got this Lionel Congressional set, three cars were pretty well unrun and the observation car was mint save a ding in one side. Came with boxes for $260. They go along with this E. Welz restored 2340 I got for $360 a month ago. Full 1955 Congressional set for a pretty good price, in my mind. They'll be getting run regularly.


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I didn't preorder the Daylight Legacy Cab Forward.  All the videos I have seen of it have increased my regret level in not ordering it.


I knew that it was very popular and thought that I might have to wait until used ones showed up on the market. I ordered the last one that Pat's Trains had.  

Originally Posted by jim pastorius:

brwebster-I picked up my new LW that looks like yours. Bought it because it was so pretty but running my Standard gauge track with it. My repairan likes LWs for shows where he runs a couple of loops with trains on them.

I've noticed a local modular club utilizing multiple LW's also, Jim.  Maybe it's the compact size and light weight yet still putting out decent wattage.  The variable intensity indicator light along with the side lit, clear plastic dial is a nice touch. 





Congrats!! Beautiful gray scheme, can you do a video?
Originally Posted by PhilInAustin:

New (to me) VL Challenger. Too sweet.





You will love yours, post some pix/video when you get it. They smoke and sound great, plus you have a horn that emits steam also....
Originally Posted by VinceL:

I didn't preorder the Daylight Legacy Cab Forward.  All the videos I have seen of it have increased my regret level in not ordering it.


I knew that it was very popular and thought that I might have to wait until used ones showed up on the market. I ordered the last one that Pat's Trains had.  


Originally Posted by Michigan & Ohio Valley Lines:
Originally Posted by big train:




Nice.  I'm a little hooked on this Soo/CP scheme.  I have several of these hoppers.

Me too.  I like these, and the red 60' high cubes, and the engines with the new scheme. I could see pursuing it as a road to model.  The only problem is you need a lot of space to do it justice.  Spiral tunnels!!!



Originally Posted by Matt Makens:

my preference is for the UP scheme but I have been unable to justify the money for these hoppers. As nice as they are $95 is just too much

Yeah....I keep an eye out for them being resold.  I just got these on auction at about $60 per.  Tried to get all seven!  The wallet was happy to settle for three. Me not so much.



Last edited by big train
Originally Posted by big train:
Originally Posted by catnap:

I just sold 7 of these CPR (SOO) hoppers on eBay and they are awesome.


The 25,500 gallon tank cars are just as impressive.


You can get these new for around $80-$85.

Lol, well then I probably just bought three of these from you. Arrived today in good order.



Cool! Glad you like 'em! I know I did. I'm just trying to figure out what I'm going to list next.

Got my set of 8 Menard's NYC boxcars today & decided to give them a test run behind my new Y6B along the Guest Bedroom branch of the Polar & Ohio RR.  While the green is as dark as I feared, they don't look too bad.  Maybe I can lighten them up a bit with some weathering.  Certainly worth the price of $20 per car, though, which is still about what it came out to after the discount, then w/tax, S&H added back.  Only had 1 bad coupler in the lot, which is conveniently at the end of the train.  Not sure if the squeaky wheels (hard to hear on the video) are a bug or a feature yet.   


Now just need them to make N&W 55-ton hoppers....


Videos (2)
Y6B & Menards NYC Boxcars 1
Y6B & Menards NYC Boxcars 2
Last edited by Fridge56Vet

Got two pairs of Atlas Trainman PS4750 hoppers. The CNW's were supposed to be Zito yellow. I don't recall Zito yellow being so bright you can see it from the International Space Station (they're a lot brighter in person than in the photos), but overall they're still pretty nice. It's going to take a "bit" of weathering to tone them down.


2015-07-08 20.16.00

2015-07-08 20.16.10

2015-07-08 19.08.06


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  • 2015-07-08 20.16.10
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My daughter, her husband, and her in-laws were at a music festival in Urbana, Illinois last week, and while at a flea market, she picked up a nice 244 minus the tender.  It could use a good cleaning and lubrication, but it runs forward and backward great.  Now I have something else to look for when I go to the next train show; a tender.



2015-07-08 20.22.18


Please excuse the shakiness of this video.  I took it to text to my daughter, to show her it did run.  She had no way to test it when she bought it.  I reimbursed her.  $25.



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  • 2015-07-08 20.22.18
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2015-07-08 19.54.18
Last edited by Mark Boyce
Originally Posted by trainroomgary:

Picked this up at a yard sale, to keep the train room floor clean. Is has kind of a classic train look.     $5.00


• Cheers from The Detroit & Mackinac Railway

Train Room Kirby

Wow!  A early postwar sweeper!!  Put those command engines away and get out your postwar!  Is the E unit working properly?  ;-). Kidding aside, it looks like a great buy, Gary!  It looks very familiar from my childhood.

Originally Posted by trainroomgary:

Picked this up at a yard sale, to keep the train room floor clean. Is has kind of a classic train look.     $5.00


• Cheers from The Detroit & Mackinac Railway

Train Room Kirby

Did you get all the various attachments for it?


My college fraternity had a Kirby with all of the attachments.  It had very strong suction, and you could reverse it to use it as a blower.  Our phrase to describe it was:  It sucks because it blows, and it blows because it sucks.

Hi Model Railroad & Kirby fans.

• No attachments

• I think it is pre-war, 30's - Just a estimate.

• It has been converted to paper bags and the seller gave me a few extra bags.

• I put on a clean bag, ran a test in the garage, and it works.

• This vacuum was once on a New York Central, Pullman Car.


Originally Posted by trainroomgary:

Hi Model Railroad & Kirby fans.

• No attachments

• I think it is pre-war, 30's - Just a estimate.

• It has been converted to paper bags and the seller gave me a few extra bags.

• I put on a clean bag, ran a test in the garage, and it works.

• This vacuum was once on a New York Central, Pullman Car.



that is really cool.  A NYC Kirby 0-2-0 sweeper!!

Originally Posted by AGHRMatt:

Got two pairs of Atlas Trainman PS4750 hoppers. The CNW's were supposed to be Zito yellow. I don't recall Zito yellow being so bright you can see it from the International Space Station (they're a lot brighter in person than in the photos), but overall they're still pretty nice. It's going to take a "bit" of weathering to tone them down.


2015-07-08 20.16.00

2015-07-08 20.16.10

2015-07-08 19.08.06



   I remember saw them with freshly repainted with Zito yellow. Here the example of C&NW caboose with freshly repainted with Zito yellow:





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Dear guy who bought the Lionel UP Geroge Bush SD70ace from Nicholas Smith and returned it all broken with no sound and a messed up radiator cover that you modified to the point where it wouldn't stay on, you also broke the coupler pin lift bar off and forgot to put the Legacy module back in the box. That was a crappy thing to do and is pretty dishonest. 

Originally Posted by Matt Makens:


Dear guy who bought the Lionel UP Gerogenous Bush SD70ace from Nicholas Smith and returned it all broken with no sound and a messed up radiator cover that you modified to the point where it wouldn't stay on, you also broke the coupler pin lift bar off and forgot to put the Legacy module back in the box. That was a crappy thing to do and is pretty dishonest. 


Nice engine- sucks someone would do that
Originally Posted by Matt Makens:

Dear guy who bought the Lionel UP Gerogenous Bush SD70ace from Nicholas Smith and returned it all broken with no sound and a messed up radiator cover that you modified to the point where it wouldn't stay on, you also broke the coupler pin lift bar off and forgot to put the Legacy module back in the box. That was a crappy thing to do and is pretty dishonest. 

Crappy would be the word I would have used. I can't believe someone actually did that and returned it for a refund? 

Originally Posted by Matt Makens:

Dear guy who bought the Lionel UP Gerogenous Bush SD70ace from Nicholas Smith and returned it all broken with no sound and a messed up radiator cover that you modified to the point where it wouldn't stay on, you also broke the coupler pin lift bar off and forgot to put the Legacy module back in the box. That was a crappy thing to do and is pretty dishonest. 

I hope this guy didn't get his money refunded.

Originally Posted by CGWforever:
Originally Posted by AGHRMatt:

Got two pairs of Atlas Trainman PS4750 hoppers. The CNW's were supposed to be Zito yellow. I don't recall Zito yellow being so bright you can see it from the International Space Station (they're a lot brighter in person than in the photos), but overall they're still pretty nice. It's going to take a "bit" of weathering to tone them down.


2015-07-08 20.16.00





   I remember saw them with freshly repainted with Zito yellow. Here the example of C&NW caboose with freshly repainted with Zito yellow:




That is pretty bright. I'll check them out in natural sunlight Saturday, but they almost glowed florescent at the club. Doesn't matter in the final analysis since they're going to get "dusted" in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the photo. Did you order a pair?

Last edited by AGHRMatt
Originally Posted by AGHRMatt:
Originally Posted by CGWforever:
Originally Posted by AGHRMatt:

Got two pairs of Atlas Trainman PS4750 hoppers. The CNW's were supposed to be Zito yellow. I don't recall Zito yellow being so bright you can see it from the International Space Station (they're a lot brighter in person than in the photos), but overall they're still pretty nice. It's going to take a "bit" of weathering to tone them down.


2015-07-08 20.16.00





   I remember saw them with freshly repainted with Zito yellow. Here the example of C&NW caboose with freshly repainted with Zito yellow:




That is pretty bright. I'll check them out in natural sunlight Saturday, but they almost glowed florescent at the club. Doesn't matter in the final analysis since they're going to get "dusted" in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the photo. Did you order a pair?

Yes, I did. Pair of C&NW and 4 of Rock Island (2 will get patch with C&NW).

Here is other picture of freshly repaint Zito yellow locomotives at Gladbrook, Iowa on old Chicago Great Western track.





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Last edited by CGWforever
I like that idea.   I think I'm going to steal it and get another pair of Rock Islands to patch. So I take it the yellow is more-or-less right, then?
Originally Posted by CGWforever:
Yes, I did. Pair of C&NW and 4 of Rock Island (2 will get patch with C&NW).

Here is other picture of freshly repaint Zito yellow locomotives at Gladbrook, Iowa on old Chicago Great Western track.






   With Weaver closing it's doors for ever, I decided to made a deal on another NIB Weaver Masonic Train.  It will be sipped up from Florida in the next week or so.  I will now be able to run a Double Header Masonic Train with twice as much rolling stock, a way cool addition to the Christmas layout.


Bill thanks much for arranging this for me.





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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
Originally Posted by AGHRMatt:
I like that idea.   I think I'm going to steal it and get another pair of Rock Islands to patch. So I take it the yellow is more-or-less right, then?
Originally Posted by CGWforever:
Yes, I did. Pair of C&NW and 4 of Rock Island (2 will get patch with C&NW).

I will check my pictures and post of 1:1 Rock Island hopper with C&NW patched and post this.

Originally Posted by Matt Makens:

The zito is pretty bright and that "zito" looks much better than some ive seen

  "Zito" actually came from man's last name. His name is James A. Zito, he was Senior Vice President of Operations of Chicago and North Western Transportation Company. He died last March 28, 2015.


    His idea was to improve "safety" by brighter yellow paint on locomotives, freight cars, cabooses and MoW trucks. Zito yellow look good when freshly painted but it didn't stay long and it quickly become faded under sun, C&NW switched back to stagecoach yellow.



Originally Posted by CGWforever:
Originally Posted by Matt Makens:

The zito is pretty bright and that "zito" looks much better than some ive seen

  "Zito" actually came from man's last name. His name is James A. Zito, he was Senior Vice President of Operations of Chicago and North Western Transportation Company. He died last March 28, 2015.


    His idea was to improve "safety" by brighter yellow paint on locomotives, freight cars, cabooses and MoW trucks. Zito yellow look good when freshly painted but it didn't stay long and it quickly become faded under sun, C&NW switched back to stagecoach yellow.



I wondered about the name Zito, if it was a person's name.  We know some Zitos in the Butler area.

ran up to the local antique shop to pick up the Wife's layaway, and found these. I already have two Vs, but this one has red lettering, my other two have black. (Is there a reason for the black or red lettering?)got the box in nice shape, and three different sets of instructions for $28. And another Baby Ruth missing it's trucks.







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Last edited by Steamer

This is what I picked up in the last month.


1st are two Premier GP30s. CB&Q was from a forum member and the GN BSB scheme from the bay.




2nd. pick up two more Lionel PS4 TOFCs C&O and on the third try finally CNW.




3rd: 2 CB&Q reefers. first one a Red Caboose CB&Q Woodside reefer. Definitely like this one better verses the K Line version. The second one is another Lionel CB&Q Steelside. I will need to change the road number eventually.  





4th: Picked up 2 CTA Corgi PCCs one for my display case and one that I will power when I can find a kit.



 5th: NP rolling stock reference book


 6th: another CB&Q book. great reference



7th: The Best for last. Steam to Diesels. The author worked for NP and photos were taken by him through out his time at NP. Great read and reference. the other on The Revolutionary Diesel. The EMC FT. This is a must in my opinion as a reference on the FT as it covers the entire production and disposition , Roads that owned them and the mods that where done. Unless some one can turn Hot Water into a reference book, this is the next best thing. Funny thing as NP version has giving me an idea for a kit bash project since no one has done a correct version.










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Last edited by suzukovich
Originally Posted by Pine Creek Railroad:


   I like the Street Cars a bunch!  Real nice pair.


Thanks. Funny thing is my other addiction which started when I was stationed in Germany, is collecting 1/43 scale European although mainly German trucks, Fire trucks and busses. Just picked up but still waiting for them to arrive a 1952 Krupp Dasher Spedition and a MAN Aral Tanker. The same seller also had a Corgi CTA  GMC new look from the early sixties that I also purchased and is very hard to find.

Are those white bath mats????

Originally Posted by suzukovich:


This is what I picked up in the last month.


1st are two Premier GP30s. CB&Q was from a forum member and the GN BSB scheme from the bay.




2nd. pick up two more Lionel PS4 TOFCs C&O and on the third try finally CNW.




3rd: 2 CB&Q reefers. first one a Red Caboose CB&Q Woodside reefer. Definitely like this one better verses the K Line version. The second one is another Lionel CB&Q Steelside. I will need to change the road number eventually.  





4th: Picked up 2 CTA Corgi PCCs one for my display case and one that I will power when I can find a kit.



 5th: NP rolling stock reference book


 6th: another CB&Q book. great reference



7th: The Best for last. Steam to Diesels. The author worked for NP and photos were taken by him through out his time at NP. Great read and reference. the other on The Revolutionary Diesel. The EMC FT. This is a must in my opinion as a reference on the FT as it covers the entire production and disposition , Roads that owned them and the mods that where done. Unless some one can turn Hot Water into a reference book, this is the next best thing. Funny thing as NP version has giving me an idea for a kit bash project since no one has done a correct version.









I got these 3 Atlas Big O/Master Rolling Stock items last week as I'm attempting to put together a Seaboard Coast Line/Family Lines System consist behind my 2 MTH SCL SD45s that I preordered.


Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 055

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 056

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 057The 11,000 gallon Gulf Oil tank car may be a little too retro for an SCL train in the '70s and '80s but I had to get it. This is probably my favorite piece of rolling stock that I own. Stunning details and colors as one would expect from any Atlas O product.



Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 076

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 077

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTHThe 55 ton fishbelly hopper from Atlas feels like it weighs about 55 tons with its solid, die cast construction. That will be part of my Chessie unit coal train which already has 15 Trainman 70 ton 3-bay hoppers.


The WM pulpwood flat car will be part of another Chessie train consisting of mixed freight (box cars, covered hoppers, gondolas and tank cars).


Lastly, I picked up this MTH Proto-Sound 3 Chessie SD50 recently from a local hobby shop in Zelienople, PA. Together with another Proto-Sound 3 Chessie SD50 (C&O #8570) they look and sound amazing.


Images (6)
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 055
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 056
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 057
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 076
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 077
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH
Originally Posted by SIRT:
Originally Posted by catnap:

I got these 3 Atlas Big O/Master Rolling Stock items last week as I'm attempting to put together a Seaboard Coast Line/Family Lines System consist behind my 2 MTH SCL SD45s that I preordered.


 Now you need these....




SIRT one question. Is there a reason you don't use kadees?

1. I don't look or notice them when trains are in operation.

2. To much trouble, cost and time to convert 500 + cars and engines.


Took me several years to convert all my HO, now they just sit on shelves collecting dust.


Knowing what I know now, should have went 2 rail from the beginning.

Too late to turn back now this late in life.



Last edited by SIRT



Awesome craftsmanship, as usual! Just amazing! There are a few others here who perform some outstanding weathering and detailing to their trains and layouts. After seeing some really crummy efforts at weathering by many in this hobby I appreciate the work of people like you who can turn it into an art form. 


A few more pictures of rolling stock that I acquired over the last couple of months to build my SCL consist...I have multiple road #s for some of these railroad cars with more due to arrive this week (11,000 gallon tank cars) and in the Fall when Atlas delivers their ACF 70 ton covered hoppers (ACL), 3-bay cylindrical hoppers (SBD) and PS-2 3-bay hoppers (L&N)...



Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 078

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 079

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 080

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 081

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 082

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 083

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 084

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 085

Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 086

I forgot that I also have 2 MTH 50' waffle-sided SCL box cars preordered that should be arriving late Summer. So far, I have just one (SBD).


I'd like to get one more SCL pulpwood flat car. Lots of paper mills in the SE!


I think the only thing missing is an SAL box car. Lookin' for Atlas Item #8881...


Images (9)
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 078
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 079
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 080
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 081
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 082
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 083
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 084
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 085
  • Atlas Rolling Stock - MTH 086
Originally Posted by Matt Makens:

Dear guy who bought the Lionel UP Gerogenous Bush SD70ace from Nicholas Smith and returned it all broken with no sound and a messed up radiator cover that you modified to the point where it wouldn't stay on, you also broke the coupler pin lift bar off and forgot to put the Legacy module back in the box. That was a crappy thing to do and is pretty dishonest. 

Just curious, Matt, but why  post this here? What are the odds that guy is a forum member or will visit this forum and read this?  A small percentage of all O scale 3-rail owners visit this forum and odds are that a much smaller percentage of those are forum members. Or, do you know his identity and don't want to mention it in this post? If so, you could email him your comments.

Last edited by ogaugeguy
Originally Posted by WestinghouseEMDdemoguy:

picked up 2 of these!! ALU signs off a transformer!




Very nice signs!


My great-grandfather gave me this- he worked at Westinghouse. He said he thinks it came off a transformer, but he wasn't sure. I'm not sure why the quality of the photo significantly dropped when I put it in this post, but I don't know what to do about that.




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The Postwar Celebration Missile Launch Set from some years back. New in the box and they dropped the price so low, I couldn't resist any longer and now I can defend my layout from attack and launch a counter attack!! Couple on the postwar Minuteman Missile Launch Car and Missile Firing Trail Car and we're talking real credible deterrence here!! Just let those 'commie' bxxxards try something now.

Originally Posted by Keith6700:
Originally Posted by WestinghouseEMDdemoguy:

picked up 2 of these!! ALU signs off a transformer!




Very nice signs!


My great-grandfather gave me this- he worked at Westinghouse. He said he thinks it came off a transformer, but he wasn't sure. I'm not sure why the quality of the photo significantly dropped when I put it in this post, but I don't know what to do about that.



i think they're pretty neat items.  I put my second one up for trade in the for sale forum.

Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

I got some post war trains and track from a Forum member today.  They need cleaned up a bit, but he checked out everything to make sure it worked before sending to me.


First is a nice 2035.





I'm having trouble loading the rest of the photos, so I will try later.


Near and dear to my heart, Mark.  That's the Lionel "O" engine that started all this craziness for me in the mid eighties.  Probably the noisiest running of all but I'll be ****ed if I'd ever sell her.



Last edited by brwebster

O gauge guy, I posted here for a few reasons

1) This is my thread and I didnt feel like starting a new one

2) I posted this loco in here previously cuz I bought something cool

3) This is as good a place as any


Do I expect to the bum who did this to see it, no thats a long shot but it would be cool if he did because he screwed up my happiness by breaking the loco and returning it. If he does see it we'd never know but my main reason is that I wanted to vent publicly, mission acomplished

Originally Posted by WestinghouseEMDdemoguy:
Originally Posted by Keith6700:
Originally Posted by WestinghouseEMDdemoguy:

picked up 2 of these!! ALU signs off a transformer!




Very nice signs!


My great-grandfather gave me this- he worked at Westinghouse. He said he thinks it came off a transformer, but he wasn't sure. I'm not sure why the quality of the photo significantly dropped when I put it in this post, but I don't know what to do about that.



i think they're pretty neat items.  I put my second one up for trade in the for sale forum.

They really are cool. He also has a wooden Westinghouse sign. The next time I see it, I'll take a picture and post it.

Originally Posted by brwebster:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

I got some post war trains and track from a Forum member today.  They need cleaned up a bit, but he checked out everything to make sure it worked before sending to me.


First is a nice 2035.





I'm having trouble loading the rest of the photos, so I will try later.


Near and dear to my heart, Mark.  That's the Lionel "O" engine that started all this craziness for me in the mid eighties.  Probably the noisiest running of all but I'll be ****ed if I'd ever sell her.



I didn't get a chance to try it yet Bruce.  I'm glad it brings good memories!!

Well your stack's lip looks different than his or mine. It appears thinner.

And you don't have any class lights. But my lamps were missing so I moved them to the boiler face by drilling two holes like a Santa Fe Hudson has and they work now too.

 I haven't a clue for sure, but I'd say.... Yes.

Mine takes a long time to really "warm up", but is a fun once she is hot.....





Originally Posted by trainroomgary:

Mark's & Gary's Lionel Lines Postwar  

                         Is it the same engine, why or why not?

  Click on photo to enlarge......

Mark & Gary Lionel Lines Postwar

I had the choice between a 2025 and 2035, same price, virtually same condition.  I took the 2035 because it had magnetraction and the 2025 did not.  


Anyone know any other differences?


Thanks Gary for making the comparison!  By posting a photo I contributed to a learning session.  :-)

Originally Posted by jim pastorius:

I took some old re-enacting junk to my favorite antique store and traded for a new, in-the-box  Lionel smoking diner for my layout. Haven't tried smoking it yet, though. they have a wiener mobile and I forgot to get it !!  Next time.

You shouldn't have divulged the wiener mobile.  Now I will be searching the area for it.  LoL.  No, I will leave it there.  Sounds like you made a good trade, Jim!

Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by trainroomgary:

Mark's & Gary's Lionel Lines Postwar  

                         Is it the same engine, why or why not?

  Click on photo to enlarge......

Mark & Gary Lionel Lines Postwar

I had the choice between a 2025 and 2035, same price, virtually same condition.  I took the 2035 because it had magnetraction and the 2025 did not.  


Anyone know any other differences?


Thanks Gary for making the comparison!  By posting a photo I contributed to a learning session.  :-)

Taken from


The 2035 steam engine was classified by Lionel as a K4 Pacific steam-type engine. The real life K4 Pacific was predominately used by the Pennsylvania Railroad and Lionel's model is a good representation of the actual locomotive.


The 2035 is a mid-size steam engine and classified by Lionel as an 027 gauge item. The 2035 is considered a quality locomotive and was Lionels onlypostwar K4 Pacific steam-type engine to include Magnetraction. The 2035 shares its boiler casting with two other Lionel locomotives -- the 675 and 2025 steamers. Externally, the 2035 is similar to the 2025 from 1952 while internally the main difference is the inclusion of Magnetraction on the 2035 which does not appear on the 2025.

Although the 2035 was available in Lionel sets and as a separate sale item, it is not an easy steam locomotive to find. Locating a clean 2035 steamer and tender -- especially with their original boxes -- will require some time and effort.

The 2035 steam locomotive has the following features: a 2-6-4 wheel arrangement with detailed driving-wheel hardware, three-position E-unit, smoke, Magnetraction, relatively plain spoked drive wheels, sheet metal trailing truck plus ornamental bell and headlight. The number on the keystone of the boiler front was always 5690 while the tender was always the 6466W whistling tender.

My scale-wheeled Caterpillar SD70ACe Demonstrator arrived at the office this morning. Took it down to the club for some testing and a photo. The sound is great. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to send it back to MTH as the speed control went out about 5 minutes after I took the photo. Factory reset didn't work. On the balance, considering how many MTH locomotives I've bought over the past 20 years, I've only had to send three back.



2015-07-15 19.07.03

2015-07-15 19.05.35


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  • 2015-07-15 19.07.03
  • 2015-07-15 19.05.35

My kit came in about a week ago from Andre. it was at first sight looked like I might have bit off more than I can chew but after a few days looking at the parts it started coming to me on how to build it. here is the results so far. none of the walls are glued to each other there just leaning against each other.





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Last edited by Jhainer

I just took delivery of a Lionmaster Pennsy T1 with Legacy, (the last release in 2010) this past Monday.  It is absolutely Beautiful and in New Condition.  It was purchased from a fellow forum member (John) and he did a terrific job brokering the deal.  The smoking whistle blows me away, (pun intended).


Chief Bob (Retired)

Originally Posted by Jhainer:

My kit came in about a week ago from Andre. it was at first sight looked like I might have bit off more than I can chew but after a few days looking at the parts it started coming to me on how to build it. here is the results so far. none of the walls are glued to each other there just leaning against each other.




Pretty cool John,

I guess this job deserve a separated post!


Last edited by AG

I picked this up on Thursday. I totally forgot I had it on order until I saw MTH shipped three of them to our store. I believe this scheme made its debut at MINExpo 2012 in Las Vegas. They actually pulled it right into the Las Vegas Convention Center. I absolutely love the demonstrator schemes and when my uncle sent me a photo of this parked at the expo I just couldn't wait for an O scale version.

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  • FullSizeRender 8
Originally Posted by AG - River Leaf Models:
Originally Posted by Jhainer:

My kit came in about a week ago from Andre. it was at first sight looked like I might have bit off more than I can chew but after a few days looking at the parts it started coming to me on how to build it. here is the results so far. none of the walls are glued to each other there just leaning against each other.




Pretty cool John,

I guess this job deserve a separated post!


just made one for it


Paid way too much, or so says the boss.  Extending the consist of my other 4 car set was the reasoning behind buying more of these PW cars.  The unequal condition of the components probably means these were the leftovers from robbing the best parts for another set.  No attention had been paid to cleaning the aluminum so....

After dis-assembly I sanded smooth some of the major damage, overall sanded with 400 grit then scrubbed with a fine brass bristled brush.  Finally came a combo of hand buffing with Mother's mag polish and the brush to dig out the left over blackened compound. 

One down, two to go.



Last edited by brwebster

Today in the mail I got a late model K-line F-7 in Milwaukee of course. These sets came with three different pilots. Scale, covered coupler and electro Lionel type coupler. Also close couplers between A units, cruise and much more. These have never been run. They only made them a short time before the end of K-line so they are hard to find. This is my third and final set. Just couldn't pass this set up and the price was great. Don



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Did you by any chance get that from last week's Trainz auction? I looked at that and finally decided not to bid because I have the older version without smoke and cruise, as well as an MTH set, and decided I just didn't need another set of F units. The interchangeable pilots are cool. 
Originally Posted by scale rail:

Today in the mail I got a late model K-line F-7 in Milwaukee of course. These sets came with three different pilots. Scale, covered coupler and electro Lionel type coupler. Also close couplers between A units, cruise and much more. These have never been run. They only made them a short time before the end of K-line so they are hard to find. This is my third and final set. Just couldn't pass this set up and the price was great. Don



I went to a train get together last night and the person I rode with was a dealer for Weaver. On the way home he said I have a few items for sale do you want to take a look. You bet I said. Going through his box I was not seeing anything I really wanted but at the very end here were two wood chip cars with loads. My heart skipped a beat. I had tried to get s few from Weaver before they closed but I was too late. So I started a bucket list for up and coming train shows. But out of the blue I got lucky. Here is a pic of my purchase...............Paul



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I haven't seen more than two full auto carriers in a row in a while (my own).


 Relevant because I'm in Detroit, and I haven't seen long outgoing auto trains, in many years. I only seem to catch the long ones coming back empty. Not like the days when you'd see two or more long trains with shiny new autos.


I saw more Caddies, and Mopars than anything I think. (just like yours!) 

Or, maybe I just noticed because they were Caddies and Mopars.

Finally got a Legacy Controller for my layout, the Polar & Ohio, which consist of only the Guest Bedroom Loop until I can start construction of a basement layout.  In addition, I also scored a custom-run set of Weaver Wheeling & Lake Erie boxcars, a W&LE caboose, & an Akron, Canton & Youngstown hopper, all from Patrick's Trains. 


I've included a video (sorry for the low cell phone quality) of my new rolling stock being pulled by my N&W Y6B. Of course, I used Legacy to get the train going.


Videos (1)
N&W Y6B with W&LE Freight
Last edited by Fridge56Vet

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