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I picked this up on Thursday. I totally forgot I had it on order until I saw MTH shipped three of them to our store. I believe this scheme made its debut at MINExpo 2012 in Las Vegas. They actually pulled it right into the Las Vegas Convention Center. I absolutely love the demonstrator schemes and when my uncle sent me a photo of this parked at the expo I just couldn't wait for an O scale version.

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Originally Posted by AG - River Leaf Models:
Originally Posted by Jhainer:

My kit came in about a week ago from Andre. it was at first sight looked like I might have bit off more than I can chew but after a few days looking at the parts it started coming to me on how to build it. here is the results so far. none of the walls are glued to each other there just leaning against each other.




Pretty cool John,

I guess this job deserve a separated post!


just made one for it


Paid way too much, or so says the boss.  Extending the consist of my other 4 car set was the reasoning behind buying more of these PW cars.  The unequal condition of the components probably means these were the leftovers from robbing the best parts for another set.  No attention had been paid to cleaning the aluminum so....

After dis-assembly I sanded smooth some of the major damage, overall sanded with 400 grit then scrubbed with a fine brass bristled brush.  Finally came a combo of hand buffing with Mother's mag polish and the brush to dig out the left over blackened compound. 

One down, two to go.



Last edited by brwebster

Today in the mail I got a late model K-line F-7 in Milwaukee of course. These sets came with three different pilots. Scale, covered coupler and electro Lionel type coupler. Also close couplers between A units, cruise and much more. These have never been run. They only made them a short time before the end of K-line so they are hard to find. This is my third and final set. Just couldn't pass this set up and the price was great. Don



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Did you by any chance get that from last week's Trainz auction? I looked at that and finally decided not to bid because I have the older version without smoke and cruise, as well as an MTH set, and decided I just didn't need another set of F units. The interchangeable pilots are cool. 
Originally Posted by scale rail:

Today in the mail I got a late model K-line F-7 in Milwaukee of course. These sets came with three different pilots. Scale, covered coupler and electro Lionel type coupler. Also close couplers between A units, cruise and much more. These have never been run. They only made them a short time before the end of K-line so they are hard to find. This is my third and final set. Just couldn't pass this set up and the price was great. Don



I went to a train get together last night and the person I rode with was a dealer for Weaver. On the way home he said I have a few items for sale do you want to take a look. You bet I said. Going through his box I was not seeing anything I really wanted but at the very end here were two wood chip cars with loads. My heart skipped a beat. I had tried to get s few from Weaver before they closed but I was too late. So I started a bucket list for up and coming train shows. But out of the blue I got lucky. Here is a pic of my purchase...............Paul



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I haven't seen more than two full auto carriers in a row in a while (my own).


 Relevant because I'm in Detroit, and I haven't seen long outgoing auto trains, in many years. I only seem to catch the long ones coming back empty. Not like the days when you'd see two or more long trains with shiny new autos.


I saw more Caddies, and Mopars than anything I think. (just like yours!) 

Or, maybe I just noticed because they were Caddies and Mopars.

Finally got a Legacy Controller for my layout, the Polar & Ohio, which consist of only the Guest Bedroom Loop until I can start construction of a basement layout.  In addition, I also scored a custom-run set of Weaver Wheeling & Lake Erie boxcars, a W&LE caboose, & an Akron, Canton & Youngstown hopper, all from Patrick's Trains. 


I've included a video (sorry for the low cell phone quality) of my new rolling stock being pulled by my N&W Y6B. Of course, I used Legacy to get the train going.


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N&W Y6B with W&LE Freight
Last edited by Fridge56Vet

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