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I had a friend that wanted to trade locomotives, so we were both happy. I traded a 1999 Shay, for a 2000 model Southern Mountain locomotive. Also my CSX 1st Responders Diesel arrived. Everything works. The reason for the trade is I just had no room for a logging train, and I love the green Southern steamer. I’ll have it upgraded to the newer sounds and Gunrunner Johns chuff stuff, super fan driven smoke system, ERR sounds, etc. I also got my new Fake NewsStand, pictures will follow. Happy Railroading Everyone



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Last edited by leapinlarry
Went to an outdoors under roof train meet yesterday in se Pa., a little cool to say the least. Several vendors, mild amount of trains on tables, o-ga, Lionel mostly postwar and MTH.
I previously made arrangements w/a vendor who reconditions Lionel transformers. I met him there and swapped two 1033 transformers and some change for two reconditioned 1033 transformers.  Also from the same vendor I bought a reconditioned ZW 275. which I thought was a good price. From another vendor I purchased a very nice pw 404 Budd w/ box and insert. I left the meet $300. lighter

1) 11-05-20 [2)

1) 11-05-20 [1)

1) 11-05-20 [5) crp


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I have three different Milwaukee Road milk cars now😊 A red and orange one, a blue one, and this one. I can die happy now. imageOff the bay. It’s too bad the USPS saw fit to damage yet another package containing a train of mine. The car seems perfectly intact. The window box suffered a thrashing. At least it did it’s job.


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  • 6-52370: I love these milk cars.

A new iMac so can get back on the forum and communicate with my doctors.


Not sure if I picked this up before or after the old Mac died.


I bought this extra M2 Bradley to paint in desert sand.  But before I do that since the turret  is plastic  will see if can cut the TOW assembly off and trim it to repossession in the transport possession.


And last purchase reminding me of home land ago.


Back in the day in my home state we could legally drink 3.2 beer at 18.  My high school buddy and I stopped at the ZANZIBAR on Market Street to drink our first legal beer, a Schlitz June 1964.


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Last edited by PRRronbh
@Trussman posted:
Went to an outdoors under roof train meet yesterday in se Pa., a little cool to say the least. Several vendors, mild amount of trains on tables, o-ga, Lionel mostly postwar and MTH.
I previously made arrangements w/a vendor who reconditions Lionel transformers. I met him there and swapped two 1033 transformers and some change for two reconditioned 1033 transformers.  Also from the same vendor I bought a reconditioned ZW 275. which I thought was a good price. From another vendor I purchased a very nice pw 404 Budd w/ box and insert. I left the meet $300. lighter

1) 11-05-20 [2)

Very Kewl, My Favorite controller for sure!! Just added one my self from a great Member on this Forum! and......And...... opened a dusty box to discover a Twin ZW to yours....... avter a clean up, going to test er on test track and see if it works! Love the Green and Red Lights.

Thanks for sharing! Great Catch

Here are the photos of my new Lionel 4-6-4 Hudson Lionchief plus loco.  I bought this from Charles Ro and it arrived in less than a week!  Wow.  It was shipped by FedEx.  The driver placed the box under my carport(light rain today) which required a 40 feet walk from where he stopped on my driveway.   Outstanding!!!  Other carriers have not done this.


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The FREE Rea Lighted truck hooked me to place my first Menard's internet order, and selected a Green Bay & Western boxcar that one of my club members will run with his many Wisconsin-based railroads:

Menards 9E - CopyMenards 9G [2) - CopyMenards 6 [2) - CopyMenards 8 [2) - Copy

Not sure why my smartphone pics appear "washed-out."  The boxcar is Green Bay Packers Green and Gold, and the truck is very close to the prototype REA green/red.  In any case, very pleased with my purchase.


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  • Menards 9E - Copy
  • Menards 9G (2) - Copy
  • Menards 6 (2) - Copy
  • Menards 8 (2) - Copy
@Pingman posted:

The FREE Rea Lighted truck hooked me to place my first Menard's internet order, and selected a Green Bay & Western boxcar that one of my club members will run with his many Wisconsin-based railroads:

Menards 9G [2) - CopyMenards 6 [2) - Copy

Not sure why my smartphone pics appear "washed-out."  The boxcar is Green Bay Packers Green and Gold, and the truck is very close to the prototype REA green/red.  In any case, very pleased with my purchase.

I went with the Santa Fe flatcar with panel trucks. The REA truck is scheduled for delivery tomorrow. Good to hear it's a winner!

2020-12-12 07.43.41


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  • 2020-12-12 07.43.41

Wow, great finds fellows. I ordered a B&O Kline baggage car and a 1/43 Scale truck with Lionel engines  painted on the sides from a prominent forum member, and a Ford S2 Legacy switcher from TRAINWORLD and it runs great, and was packed so great it could be dropped off the Empire State Building and not damaged, Triple Packaging with large bubble wrap. Happy Railroading Everyone... 3015A728-E253-4CB6-BF4D-643841B894A32E4B65B8-0C2B-4EF1-BCB7-8B67165276DDD6AF8E45-0633-457C-A6F6-FF2B6E683B1AEDB881CE-63C3-4721-B9EB-F000583A52E0A48B5563-2F68-493B-9D17-EB6D7FDEAA326116B4F4-409F-4299-BA15-7848389BAF56DCAECC12-4DBA-42B7-B030-F32C20096842


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Last edited by leapinlarry

As I understand it Lionel had a Chrome & Orange clockwork 1700. A Red & chrome, Red & Gray, Yellow & Brown, all Silver, Orange & Gary. These all had Lionel JR motors. I just got some parts that I've been waiting on forever. Name plates (Lionel Lines). I've not done them yet. I hate the rivets to hold the trucks on. I'm not a rivet guy at all. With Christmas, CV-18, Vaccine. Sick people with the virus, shipping is a mess. I've been waiting two weeks on a purchase of two extra 1701 coaches? What a mess. Stay home and play with the dog & trains. Be Safe.

I did finally get a GreenBerg book 1901 - 1942 so I could try to understand the colors. I was real disappointed in the book.

I've been using Krylon can paint. I use to use a Paasche airbrush but it's allot of trouble and finding the color paint with mixing and I'm getting old and grumpy. Krylon had a super nice fan spray head that I think out performed my airbrush. Sense the Cv-19 they seemed to have stopped that head and they are using a spray head now that spits. Finding the good head is a real problem. I think they will be gone forever soon. A guy at Sherwin Williams has been helping me find the good spray heads. I thought I could just swap the heads out but that didn't work at all.

As I understand it Lionel had a Chrome & Orange clockwork 1700. A Red & chrome, Red & Gray, Yellow & Brown, all Silver, Orange & Gary. These all had Lionel JR motors. I just got some parts that I've been waiting on forever. Name plates (Lionel Lines). I've not done them yet. I hate the rivets to hold the trucks on. I'm not a rivet guy at all. With Christmas, CV-18, Vaccine. Sick people with the virus, shipping is a mess. I've been waiting two weeks on a purchase of two extra 1701 coaches? What a mess. Stay home and play with the dog & trains. Be Safe.

I did finally get a GreenBerg book 1901 - 1942 so I could try to understand the colors. I was real disappointed in the book.

They did come in several variations.  I'm with you on not liking rivets.  Thank you, I stay home as much as possible!  I don't like spray guns either.  Spray cans work for the little I do.

Last edited by Mark Boyce
@PRRronbh posted:

A new iMac so can get back on the forum and communicate with my doctors.


Not sure if I picked this up before or after the old Mac died.


I bought this extra M2 Bradley to paint in desert sand.  But before I do that since the turret  is plastic  will see if can cut the TOW assembly off and trim it to repossession in the transport possession.


And last purchase reminding me of home land ago.


Back in the day in my home state we could legally drink 3.2 beer at 18.  My high school buddy and I stopped at the ZANZIBAR on Market Street to drink our first legal beer, a Schlitz June 1964.

Milwaukee, Nicolet HS class of 64, Marquette U freshman year, cheers!

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