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Haven't posted in forever so here is my newest addition! Picked up this Lionel Legacy NYC&HR S2      (6-84507) from TrainWorld for Christmas. The detail on it is outstanding, as is the swinging bell feature

Love this buy @HartmanW1997 ! The prospect of buying an early 20th century type engine manufactured in modern day with Command features has always been in the back of my mind( that would obviously include Tinplate traditions, too). I’d love to run a Prewar Tinplate  consist(with a transition car, of course) behind something like your S-2. Ever since I saw the Lionel S-1 version at a train show and passed on it, well, I periodically check for deals but both versions go for quite a bit on eBay. If I recall correctly, the version you bought is far superior and worked out many of the kinks of its predecessor. Great pick-up man, enjoy it!

Picked up a beat up marx battery powered tin engine and a 8 wheeled marx tender Saturday since one of the venders at a flea market I go to were having a 90% off sale. Not sure what I'll do with the engine, it may become a custom, may be restored, the tender, however, will be assigned either to my 333 (until I restore the metal tender I've had awaiting restoration as well as the streamliner coaches for it) or to one of the 1666's or possibly even one of the 400's/490's with reverse.

I may need some help here. I picked up a 3rd Rail /Sunset UP M10000 4 car passenger engine set. (3rail - O) No pictures as yet. When I got it home the set had never been taken out of their wrapping. This is my first brass anything and certainly first 3rd Rail purchase.

Do I need to do anything special with brass cars, any different lubrication, any transformer concerns?  I run an MTH 4000 with DCS, no Lionel controls, no DCC. -  OR traditional transformer control.

Thanks - will post when I know I won't short anything out when it goes on the tracks.  I also assume its scale wheels will run OK over Ross track and switches.  Jeff

I suppose I could have put this in the impulse purchase category - I could not pass up what I considered a "can't pass" price.

Update - Scott from 3rd Rail responded to my email - A huge thank you! for responding so quickly. He told me to replace a 9 volt battery which luckily had not leaked after 15 years in storage. I'll get it on the rails tomorrow for a test run.

Last edited by ScoutingDad

GRRRR!!!!  That's me being angry with myself for buying the wrong item on eBay.  Shame on K-Line for using the SAME product number for two different passenger cars that differ only in length:  15" v. 18".

I was not in a rush to buy the blunt end observation car, 4632-0479.  Heck, it'd be months before it would get any attention as the donor for a UP passenger train paint project.  But a bargain is what it looked like; and it was even missing the drumhead sign at the rear lowering its appeal to most buyers.

Lo and behold, K-L used the same product number for the larger, KCC, version which is what I received today.  I'm so disappointed with myself for not noticing the "KCC" on the box's end flap label that I haven't bothered to open the package, yet.

Definitely not "cool."

1/07 edit:  Fortunately, the seller accepts returns, so I used the eBay return process (where the buyer buys the USPS Priority Mail shipping label via eBay and PP) and just returned from dropping the package off at my local PO.  The $10 shipping charge will be a reminder of my negligence.

Last edited by Pingman

Pingman - I have to smile, I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago when forum members were talking about using an HO substation set. I thought that was a great idea, ordered one and when it arrived it was a transformer not the substation. Of course in my case it was very clear I had ordered the transformer. Comforting to know I am not the only one able to goof up.   

@Pingman posted:

GRRRR!!!!  That's me being angry with myself for buying the wrong item on eBay.  Shame on K-Line for using the SAME product number for two different passenger cars that differ only in length:  15" v. 18".

I was not in a rush to buy the blunt end observation car, 4632-0479.  Heck, it'd be months before it would get any attention as the donor for a UP passenger train paint project.  But a bargain is what it looked like; and it was even missing the drumhead sign at the rear lowering its appeal to most buyers.

Lo and behold, K-L used the same product number for the larger, KCC, version which is what I received today.  I'm so disappointed with myself for not noticing the "KCC" on the box's end flap label that I haven't bothered to open the package, yet.

Definitely not "cool."


Don't feel bad about K-Line catalog/SKU numbers being mixed up.

I wanted to purchase their Burlington Northern Die Cast Depressed Center Flat Car w/Cable Reel. Should have been their K692-1391.

Come to find out that is actually K692-1151 - which is their Rock Island Die Cast Depressed Flat Car With Transformer.


@Pingman posted:

The K-Line 15" aluminum RPO purchased last week arrived today via FedEx.  I'm no expert, but it appears to be a nice representation of the prototype:  different door sizes, moveable mail hook, interior work space, etc.  It will be an excellent donor for my paint project.

Truly a beauty, Pingman! I have the same one sitting up on a shelf and, like you, I'm on the verge of giving it some new livery - could be R.E.X., WP, GN or even CP on my layout. Trouble is, it's so beautiful just the way it is, I almost want to qualify it in my mind by going back to the 70s, when before takeover of passenger lines was completed by Amtrak, one could see roadnames of Fallen Flags or easteen roads on western trains, etc., so mybe I'll just forgive the color discrepancy and admire it as is...

@ScoutingDad posted:

Pingman - I have to smile, I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago when forum members were talking about using an HO substation set. I thought that was a great idea, ordered one and when it arrived it was a transformer not the substation. Of course in my case it was very clear I had ordered the transformer. Comforting to know I am not the only one able to goof up.   

@Pingman posted:

GRRRR!!!!  That's me being angry with myself for buying the wrong item on eBay.  Shame on K-Line for using the SAME product number for two different passenger cars that differ only in length:  15" v. 18".

I was not in a rush to buy the blunt end observation car, 4632-0479.  Heck, it'd be months before it would get any attention as the donor for a UP passenger train paint project.  But a bargain is what it looked like; and it was even missing the drumhead sign at the rear lowering its appeal to most buyers.

Lo and behold, K-L used the same product number for the larger, KCC, version which is what I received today.  I'm so disappointed with myself for not noticing the "KCC" on the box's end flap label that I haven't bothered to open the package, yet.

Definitely not "cool."

Ugh, I hate when that happens!  I am right there with you Carl and Jeff!  In the last few months, I purchased the wrong Ross switch twice, no less.  I answered a 'Wanted to buy' post on the Forum, and sold them to a Forum member at an excellent price for him.  Now they are stuck in some USPS facility and haven't been delivered, but that's another story for another topic.  Just recently I ordered a bunch of toggle switches to turn off power to all my sidings when I want to park engines there.  I went to layout my little panel and realized I ordered switches of too low an amp rating to risk using them.  Heftier switches have been ordered.

Jeff, I was able to order the correct Walthers HO substation kit, if that is what you are referring to.  However, it seems my goof ups have outnumbered my correct purchases as of late!  Did my brain go to mush when I turned 64????

Mark B - yes that was the substation thread I was referring to. I was not going to return an item I goofed on so I went ahead and built it figuring I could use it somewhere. It scales to about 8 feet tall and adding the 4 foot long insulators it is 11 scale feet tall. I am not an industrial transformer guy, but this scaled to HO would be massive.  I keep learning - just because something is HO or O does not mean an HO model cannot be used in O or that an O scale/gauge model will look right.

BTW - I had to watch the switch ratings I used in my panel to isolate track. The rockers I used were rated at 10 amps and 10,000 cycles.

And - in order to avoid shipping - an eBay seller and I met in a small town half way between us (70 miles each way) to exchange the Sunset M10000 set that I could not pass up. We have both had problems with shipping.  Of course he had a bunch of Atlas Steam Classics with him - I ended up buying 4 freight cars - but not the several 3rd Rail Locos he was selling for an estate - nice engines. I don't think the collector ever opened most of the stuff let alone ran most of it.  Just a note: eBay is now using a QR code to confirm pick up so the seller has a record the item was actually delivered.     Jeff

@StevefromPA posted:

@pennsyfan awesome milk cars! Love the Pennsy one most, as I’m sure you do as well.

@ncdave very nice assortment of freight you got, impressive detail on those by Lionel. While I don’t run western RRs(if I would- I’d run the SP)  I really like that PFE with the UP & SP heralds! The  Pennsy PS-2 looks very similar to Weaver’s PS-2. Is that covered Gondola a 52’?

Steve, Yes that covered gondola is a 52’ one. The PS-2 hopper is similar to Weavers but with a lot more detail.

After reading almost all of the posts in @Jeff T thread on soldering stations, I went ahead and ordered a soldering iron tip thermometer on eBay (after consulting @gunrunnerjohn first to ask if it was worth getting!)  eBay links are verboten here, so search using this phrase if interested:

FG-100 Soldering Iron Tip Thermometer Temperature Tester LCD Display 0-700℃ BE

Lots of sellers and prices to choose from.

Last edited by Pingman
@ScoutingDad posted:

Mark B - yes that was the substation thread I was referring to. I was not going to return an item I goofed on so I went ahead and built it figuring I could use it somewhere. It scales to about 8 feet tall and adding the 4 foot long insulators it is 11 scale feet tall. I am not an industrial transformer guy, but this scaled to HO would be massive.  I keep learning - just because something is HO or O does not mean an HO model cannot be used in O or that an O scale/gauge model will look right.

BTW - I had to watch the switch ratings I used in my panel to isolate track. The rockers I used were rated at 10 amps and 10,000 cycles.

And - in order to avoid shipping - an eBay seller and I met in a small town half way between us (70 miles each way) to exchange the Sunset M10000 set that I could not pass up. We have both had problems with shipping.  Of course he had a bunch of Atlas Steam Classics with him - I ended up buying 4 freight cars - but not the several 3rd Rail Locos he was selling for an estate - nice engines. I don't think the collector ever opened most of the stuff let alone ran most of it.  Just a note: eBay is now using a QR code to confirm pick up so the seller has a record the item was actually delivered.     Jeff

Jeff, having worked for a power utility during the first half of my working days, 3-phase transformers can be of many sizes, as you guessed.  A transformer 11 scale feet tall with bushings 4 feet tall would be a nice size for a small substation feeding a little town or rural area.  In HO, roughly 20 feet tall with 7 foot tall bushings is quite common in large transmission stations or power stations.  Yes, I've been on top of 20 foot tall out of service transformers before doing testing.  The above is why I jumped on the Walthers HO substation.  It will look right for a small distribution station in a small town in O scale.


OK I’ll fess up. I used a KLine factory as. warehouse to depict my Son in Laws business. First I ordered 1/48 straight back trucks, when they arrived I decorated the sides with his logo; but when I put them at the loading door I didn’t like the way they looked in size or vintage. So then I  decided to go with Pup trailers. I ordered an MTH Flat with two trailers. I also ordered a 1/48 tractor. Still to big, then some one here reminded me that the KLine building wasn’t scale  DOH! I stole a Lionel pup trailer off my shelf and ordered a1/50 tractor. Finally I’m happy.


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I have a bit of dirt on my rails so the engine slipped a touch going up a 3% grade. I was going to ask about traction tires on scale wheels and then found the not so nice forum comments about why it was a stupid question. Learned another thing on this forum today - actually several.  I had thought about running my MTH Burlington Zephyr along a parallel track, but the second track has at best 054 curves and they both need 072. Next layout.


MTH Pennsy I1 decapod arrived today! My sister and I used to climb all over the 4483 in Hamburg NY when we were kids...

Opened up the tender to replace the battery as a precaution, and found it already had a BCR! Put it on the track and discovered it wouldn’t chuff and had no smoke output when moving. Popped the boiler off and found the tach tape wadded up next to the flywheel... easy fix...


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@ScoutingDad posted:

I have a bit of dirt on my rails so the engine slipped a touch going up a 3% grade. I was going to ask about traction tires on scale wheels and then found the not so nice forum comments about why it was a stupid question. Learned another thing on this forum today - actually several.  I had thought about running my MTH Burlington Zephyr along a parallel track, but the second track has at best 054 curves and they both need 072. Next layout.

Jeff, I thought the M10000 ran great!!  That is the most I can remember seeing of your layout.  It is really nice looking!  The Zephyr is another really unusual but neat looking train!   I have a scale Premier GG1 that runs on 072 curves.  I just finished laying track on my layout, and all of it is 054!  Go ahead you can say it.  What was he thinking???? 

Ugh!!!  What is wrong with some of these people.  I know if you answered a question they had, you would be courteous about it.  I came from the HO and N scale world.  I had lots of things I didn't and still don't know about 3-rail O gauge trains.  To tell you the truth, I have no idea if my scale engines had traction tires or not.  I guess it shows I never cleaned my wheels. 

Have been neglecting my 2 rail O scale for a while and working on the 3 rail Lionel. So, I just bought a lot containing 16, 2 rail cars from Stout auctions. I got 13 Weaver cars and 3 older Atlas (Austria) cars for an average price of $11.45/car, including shipping. Nice cars, and most  are assembled, with weights, trucks and couplers. Got 3 gons, 5 ACF Centerflows, 4 RBOX cars, 1 PS2 covered hopper, 1 custom painted and decaled 50' tank car, and 2, Weaver NE cabooses, weaver carsL&HR, custom weathered. Not a bad haul and a good price. Got lucky at the auction this time.


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  • weaver cars

Ha Mark, the magic of video editing. You can see the end slow down at the end of the first clip. Also the engine appears to only have one pick up so it needs a bit of speed to clear my Ross switches. I have never  bothered to check if I had power down the center because all my engines have two pickups so no stalling. It is a nice looking unit and I really like the cloth diaphragms between cars.

I came from HO as well and 60s Lionel. I think my HOs has a rubber o-rings providing traction back then - mainly Tyco and Model Power. I hated the brass track and the problematic switching on reversing loops.  And yes my first layout was 042 because it handled the "larger" premier passenger cars. And then came the MTH Zephyr and a Premier 4449 and the rails got ripped up to provide an 072 minimum loop. Lost the reversing loop - bummer - but just not enough room.

I just started in on this hobby again about 2 years ago - steep learning curve on all the new equipment and terminology. My big one was figuring out what "HONZG" meant, "lobster claw" was pretty obvious, even though it is a relatively derogatory term. Duh!

Life's too short - have fun with what you do and let others have their fun too.

@StevefromPA posted:

Love this buy @HartmanW1997 ! The prospect of buying an early 20th century type engine manufactured in modern day with Command features has always been in the back of my mind( that would obviously include Tinplate traditions, too). I’d love to run a Prewar Tinplate  consist(with a transition car, of course) behind something like your S-2. Ever since I saw the Lionel S-1 version at a train show and passed on it, well, I periodically check for deals but both versions go for quite a bit on eBay. If I recall correctly, the version you bought is far superior and worked out many of the kinks of its predecessor. Great pick-up man, enjoy it!

Thank you for the kind words! It's a great model and Lionel really did a nice job with it. It's very different from the other locomotives on my layout (an NYC DD35A, PRR S1, and Postwar B&M GP9)  and that's why it caught my eye. I watched a few videos and compared the TMCC version on youtube with the Legacy and was also impressed with how they improved on an already great design. The fact that it can also run comfortably on tighter curves is a plus! The price can get up there though as you mentioned. TrainWorld had the best deal compared with other stores and eBay so I decided to go with them

Just before Christmas, I lost another of my three main lines (one had to be disassembled due to some work on the back of the layout). For some reason, my middle line flipped the breaker as soon as power was applied. With the holidays and company for about two weeks, I hadn’t been down to the layout until yesterday. I took everything off the loop... still tripped the breaker, checked the entire loop, couldn’t find anything that would cause the short... swept the track, still tripped the breaker. Finally, I started to look at the track itself and found that the drop I attached was too tight, and when I was working on the area, I must have moved the section of Fastrack where the drop was attached and one of the wires came loose and was touching the other!!! I spliced in a longer length of wire and now, I have my loop back. While I couldn’t run much for almost a month, it hasn’t stopped me from buying more trains (surprise... surprise!!!). So here is my recent haul...

First up, a Lionel 120th Anniversary Caboose - I missed these in the catalog, but a person who will remain nameless posted a pic of one here on the forum, so I had to get one!!!


It goes nicely with the latest National Lionel Train Day boxcar I picked up,from Grzyboski’s in December...


Next up, two flatcars with trailers that I forgot I ordered from the TCA...


These were a true impulse purchase... I usually don’t go in for Christmas themed cars, but since these are basically prototypical and since MTH may be going away, I ordered a set of these from Mr. Muffins - they really look cool with the LED’s!!!


Next, something to go with my growing beer train (mostly) from the NJ HiRailers... and I was amused with the age recommendation on the box


This is a Lionel 57’ mechanical reefer with generator sounds (and smoke which I will never use) - it is very nicely detailed...


Finally, another flatcar with trailers...


MUST... STOP... BUYING... TRAINS... (except the ones I have on pre-order)


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@Apples55, props for tracking down the short, and those are super neat cars you recently acquired.

For myself, a plastic tote containing my stash of PW F-3 A and B unit components (chassis, trucks, e-units, etc.) that had been MIA for 20 months since my move from Georgia to Virginia was located this AM.  I'd searched for the tote several times and resigned myself that it was lost for good.  While cleaning out a storage closet  containing a bunch of recycled boxes, the moving box that had contained the tote and other train items was discovered.  Since the other train items from that moving box were present and accounted for, I searched one more time and found the missing tote on the top shelf in another closet.

The stash may end up on eBay.  Because they'd been "lost," equivalent parts were purchased during LIONEL's November 1/2 off sale.  In any case, it brought a smile to my face to discover them.


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  • LIONEL found 2

Just got this aluminum casting of a the delivery plate off the Army 2-8-0 at the Age of Steam Roundhouse in Ohio's gift shop. Oddly, she's now painted in OD green, and I've never found any support for an Army steam engine painted that color.

They said limited run, and I jumped at one of them, having missed out in a real one that went for many hundreds of dollars...


I can't wait drill the bolt holes in the corners, get it painted (I've confirmed they went into service with flat black coatings, as mounted on the firebox) and hang it on the wall of the layout room. It'll look great as all my décor is ET&WNC or WW2 era stuff.


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