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Just came in from eBay. I’ve been looking for one of these for a while and was lucky to find this one being sold as “new in box” at an excellent price. The deck ends had a minor lift that I wanted to glue. I’ll be making an open air passenger car with railings and benches. I’ll have to redo the deck to cover the holes. I watched a video of one being pulled by a Lehigh Valley Coal Co. 0-6-0t #126 which I have. I think it will be cool when finished.



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Greenberg Train Show Haul

Great looking haul Corey.

Great video as usual sir.     Watching you open up all these trains really makes me feel like I'm there.  Brings your opening boxes excitment right to my house.

What a lot of fun you are having.

The real noise of train in the backround sure adds to your train room.

Thanks for sharing another fun video Corey.

With all the craziness I was dealing with last year, I completely overlooked the beautiful Lionel Santa Fe “Blue Bonnet” F7’s from the 2023 v2 catalog, but Joe Grzyboski was able to get me a set and I’m so glad he could - they are absolutely beautiful. I think I like this version a bit more than the classic warbonnet (mea maxima culpa!!!).


And, since I was going to be in the neighborhood… I checked out their website and found a NOS set of MTH 70’ New Haven passenger cars which I just couldn’t pass up.



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Last edited by Apples55

Couldn’t pass this up. The Philadelphia Suburban Transportation Company, “The Red Arrow “, was very innovative in its day. Until it was taken over by Septa it was owned by three generations of men named Merrit Taylor; father, son, and grandson.

I have the later edition, which covers the period from 1948-68 as well...




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  • GEDC2983
@Apples55 posted:

With all the craziness I was dealing with last year, I completely overlooked the beautiful Lionel Santa Fe “Blue Bonnet” F7’s from the 2023 v2 catalog, but Joe Grzyboski was able to get me a set and I’m so glad he could - they are absolutely beautiful. I think I like this version a bit more than the classic warbonnet (mea maxima culpa!!!).


Sweet! I've always been a big fan of the blue/yellow/ silver scheme.

In sticking with a few road names my purchases of rolling stock are less frequent these days. Every now and again though I'll see something pop up that fits right in including this MTH Premier (20-98213) New Haven Coil Car with load. Auction victory for $21 which makes it even more enjoyable as these days I don't see much of what I want for even $30. Seems like the price of used stuff has gone up considerably since the pandemic. Some of it is greed as you'll see some dealers price new old stock, sometimes very old, for the same price as a current release. Laissez-faire as they say, but I'm still holding out for the deal. Happy today.



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  • IMG_1550: MTH New Haven Coil Car
  • IMG_1551: Coils

We were in our local multi-seller antique shop in town last week, looking for something unique for our oldest sons 44th birthday.  After finding that unique thing for him, an exact copy of a metal cannon that almost killed me as a kid when it was loaded with firecracker powder and set off, I spotted a Lionel set in its box.  I opened it up and perused it, saying I really did not need this.  But, I went home and discovered it was #6-11906, Factory Selection Special Set from 1995.  The picture on the front was captioned with the fact that what you see is not what you get.  It had everything but the transformer, a Lionel Lines 8641 4-4-2, with a no whistle tender, 16244  D.S.S.& A. box, 16578 caboose, and 16132 Deep Rock tank all in LN to mint condition.  So, my wife said get it and consider it my birthday present, so I did.  Oh, that cannon for my oldest son, I wrote down the story of the cannon explosion, and advised him not to try it, or at least not try it when his cousin loads it and tells him to set it off.


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Picked up a few items at the Greenberg's show in Wilmington, MA this past weekend.

The first is a red B&M coal car by Lionel. Haven't seen many B&M pieces in red and had to have it. Possibly out of a Pauk Revere set, but not sure.

The second is a probably an uncatalogued MTH UP flatcar with a speedboat. Sprung diecast trucks and the deck unscrews from the base plate. Already apart and ready for repaint in a NE livery with a wood deck.

The third item was a group of 3 flatcars that I picked up for very short money and will use to create some different flat car loads.   

Only downside was somebody swiped my collapseable umbrella when I put it down on a table in order to get my wallet out to pay for an item and it was gone when I went to retrieve it. Spent the rest of the day in a foul mood looking as much for someone walking around with a small, maroon umbrella as I was looking for train items.



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  • RED B&M

I back shelved my second level plans, and decided to go BIG with the Atlas turntable.

It dominates the whole right side of my layout, but promises fun operating and scenery options.

Impressed with the turntable so far - itʻs inexpensive, works, variable speed, variable direction, easy to wire and operate.

Photo is of my first test using a temporary setup on right side of layout.  Might see how it looks on the left side which has my yard.

Atlas TT


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  • Atlas TT
Last edited by Kelunaboy

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