BACL?: York 2024 edition, day 3
Late in the day Friday I looked over a table in Silver hall replete with Kusan trains. Among them I spotted a pair of gondolas lettered with "Kusan" as their roadname. both rubber-banded together for $10. The seller claimed little knowledge of Kusan products, whereupon I offered some of my info on the subject. This resulted in an offer to take the entire table if no significant sales occurred by the close of the meet (actually noon) tomorrow, otherwise they'd go to auction and the hospice-bound owner he was selling them for might get "a penny on the dollar rather than five cents" and he'd rather they go to someone who knew what these were. While I would have liked to have taken him up on the offer, my collection is at the "playing Tetris to store stuff" stage and I said I could only pick out a portion of the offerings. Returning Saturday morning, I picked out a total of ten cars for $80. I might've picked out even more, but all the rest were duplicates of cars I already had (some of which are already dupes of previously acquired cars), and I still needed to pay my share of the gas and hotel bill.
The K-series cars were photographed in as-acquired condition, dust and all. I do intend to (gently) wash the carbodies (there's no metal in them save for the truck screws) once I have some free time.

These two are the cars that caught my attention Friday in Silver Hall. While I have a small sub-collection of Kusan freight cars, I had not investigated their product line enough to have noticed these. They're K-series (i.e. the "cheap line") catalog number 309

Next up is this forlorn undecorated K-series gondola. According to, where I got all of my Kusan/KMT info from, this car does not have a catalog number. I'm just going to call it "300", since the number does not appear to be used in the series. Maybe if I stick a fictional reporting mark on it for giggles (I have a bunch of unpainted MTH cars from the warehouse auctions that may receive such treatment) I'll call it "KUSX 300" 

A K-series "Bexel" gondola, part of a set made for the Bexel drug company (whose existence is...I dunno what happened to them) calls it by its road number 5066. The set number is KF-1015, so I might inventory it by that number much like the RailKing set cars I have. This car and the one above were re-shot indoors after discovering the photos I took outside were out-of-focus (I didn't notice the camera had set its focus on the shrubbery behind the car and it didn't become obvious till I had downloaded them to my laptop..after nightfall.

K-series hopper "General Electric/GE Lamps" number 603. The outlet doors on this one are missing. Maybe replacements exist as K-Line parts in the possession of Trainz (they acquired Brasseur's parts inventory)

K-series hopper "Chicago & Eastern Illinois" number 605. I have a covered version of this car, which apparently had a different catalog number (even though the road number is the same)

B&O "Sentinel". A higher end car carried over from the Auburn Model Toys (AMT) line by Kusan. Catalog number is 9003

A close-up of the coupler on these cars. A bit more prototypically-shaped than the usual "lobster claw". The release mechanism works more like the full-size ones, consisting of a sliding pin that you push up to unlatch the coupler, much like the pin on the prototype. Once released, you have to push the pin down to latch the knuckle closed.

Erie boxcar, from the Kusan/AMT 8000 series, catalog number 8003. Curiously, the trucks have a different release mechanism more like Lionel's

This reefer is from the Kris Model Trains (KMT, by Andy Kriswalus) line that superceded Kusan in 1967. Catalog number is 6100, and the original box is present in fine shape (but the photo I took of the car sitting atop it was out-of focus)

And lastly is this K-series Nickel Plate gondola, the only one that had it's original box (missing the flaps on one end, naturally. Two photos of the graphics printed on the box sides above/below:
(both of these pics will break if this post edited or quoted)

Returning to Orange hall I finished up my purchasing with a couple of "presents" for my Lima UK Class 33 diesel: a pair of pickup rollers for its unpowered truck, and a ERR Mini Commander ('cause there's no way this loco will be pulling enough weight to overload one).

One last straggler, only mentioned because I was looking for one two Yorks ago: I found the K-Lionel caboose at the Fall '23 show, now here is the matching boxcar. I saw one at the Spring 2023 York show but didn't think about it till after we had left the meet Saturday. I saw this one on Ebay a few weeks ago and put it on my watchlist. Post-York, it was still there so I pulled the trigger. Curiously, the "sprung" trucks are fake, but the transverse brake rigging beneath the bolsters is modeled. Not sure if this was a late K-Line design or just Lionel's. For context, I'm building a "theme train" comprised of cars with the logos of various players in the O Gauge industry, so these two pieces fit in with the K-Line section of the consist.
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