Picked up another scale-wheeled Proto-2 CNW C40-8 Narrow Nose Diesel at a really good price. I've been looking for one for some time since I like to run my scale-wheeled units in pairs with longer trains.
Not model RR related but I've been looking for one of these for a very long time:
It's a British-made, American-used civilian war correspondent patch from WW2. I collect stuff of that nature and this is an insanely-tough patch to find: http://www.freewebs.com/willysmb44/warco.htm
Hi I recently bought the Lionel 6-38050 Nickel Plate Road Berkshire 2-8-4 Steam Engine in like perfect new condition. After seeing Alex repair of one that had stopping and starting issues and once he repaired it and I saw how beautifully it looked and sounded I found this one and it is a gorgeous scale engine, can't wait to run it but will check it out first before powering it up.
What a beautiful engine, with terrific sound qualities !
My Menards burned-down engine house arrived. Now to build a scenery module for the modular layout.... pics later.
Gilly@N&W posted:My Menards burned-down engine house arrived. Now to build a scenery module for the modular layout.... pics later.
Eager to see, but take your time and have fun, of course.
That little dog is so much fun to have. More fun than trains. I have to say, I like it a lot more than I though I would, it really is a nice train. The lights really make it pop. I actually bought 2, now Im going to get a few of the O-Line Repro Cancer Cure cars to pull with them
Matt, your rotten little dog is the way.
Yesterday I assembled a READING passenger train to operate on my OUTER mainline loop. It was a "long" READING Trainmaster and five coaches. Wife Suzie also wanted a freight train, so I assembled one with about nine cars including a nice GN caboose. This train is pulled by a Northern Pacifific SD9 type. Runs on the INNER mainline loop.
On the passing siding, which branches off the INNER loop and ties back in at the other end of the layout, I installed another 022 switch and ran the track by the Greyhound Depot and tied it to a stub of an 022 switch at the other end of the layout that I had never completed. This is known as the "Nicole Loop", named after the 19-year old neighbor across the street who took her shoes off and climbed up on to the layout and carefully walked, mostly kneeled, and completed the track work for this loop. I could not reach this area! This girl is great. She knows how to lay Lionel track. Maybe I could "hire" her out to you guys. (grin) She's cute too and going to Nursing School.
Anyway, I put track bumpers across both ends of this loop, at least temporarily, and when I run the freight and passenger trains in opposite directions, a "Merry Christmas" trolley from MTH, strides back and forth around this loop.
I haven't worked diligently on this layout as I was doing before. There is a lot to be doing including wiring. More signal work, including proposed automatic control. A second level too, but we must finish the first level before anything else. This includes ties, ballast, and ground cover. Suzie has a huge collection of old Plasticville structures but it will take time to piece them together.
I know--you guys want pictures.. Hang in there !!
My 3rd Rail F7's came in a few days ago. I do need to do some work on them, as I'm not thrilled about a couple of things.
SANTIAGOP23 posted:
First off, by these pictures they look great! Secondly, I am sure when you are finished with them they will look even better. I'm looking forward to the video.
Bought some sweet telephone wire to wire my switches.
GG1 2340 posted:Bought some sweet telephone wire to wire my switches.
I need to kick myself. I never thought of that. I have spools of line lying around. Thanks for sharing.
I just bought a 1000' spool of 22 ga security wire of the bay for $45 to wire my switches. Took everything off track power last month. Plus I got a hug box of 6 pole terminal blocks to wire up switches with. Once I connect the MTH AIU's and the Lionel SC-2 Ill need multiple terminals on each switch
Lately, I've been building up a space/military consist. I have my childhood helicopter car and missile launching car, but rarely had them on the layout. So, I decided to add to it......submarine car, minuteman launcher car, Mercury Atlas rocket/parachute car and a searchlight car. But I needed an appropriate engine to pull it. So, I looked for and found, a 44 missile launching engine. Pictures and a short video below. I thought it would take my usual two days or so to get it in good cosmetic and mechanical running shape. Ran into problems and it took a week, but I'm very pleased with it now. I had to get the launching mechanism working (it's foam pad was dust). Problems with the front truck. Found a perfect match for the paint for the touchups (they are invisible). But mainly, it was a traction problem. The motor is pretty powerful, but there's not enough weight over the power truck to keep it from slipping it's wheels at startup. So, with strategically placed lead ingots and crushed pieces of 1/4 inch lead wire glued to the frame and shell, the problem was solved (there's about a 1/2 lb of weight in there now....see pics) . I also drilled out the fake headlights and installed 2 5mm LEDs. Works terrific.
I just bought this 1999 Lionel Postwar Celebration Series Texas Special F3 A-B set. Aka this is the one with that lovely, awesome horn.
Towercom: Texas Special 2245 Take the Green!
Got home from the Pgh TCA show with some 'treasures" and money left over-which was good. There was a decent crowd but as noon approached it thinned out. saw a lot of neat stuff, some ridicuously high prices and some decent ones, too. Only bought one engine, a Standard gauge #8e, that was restored. I now have two so one will sacrifice its motor soon. Got a nice signal bridge plus a couple of target signals. It was a fun time.
In my quest to look for certain Weaver cars I was able to get these three flats with trailers from north of the border, 1 three rail and 2 two rail. I'll have to work on the two rail I found out they don't track well through my Ross switches and unfortunately the scale couplers won't couple to the three rail couplers. A few pics...............Paul
Picked this up at the last York; just now getting around to photographing it. It was the last one at the LCCA booth.
As some of you know, I've been looking for this Lionel LCCA convention car for a couple of years (at a reasonable price). Was still a bit expensive, but worth it.
Cap, I got a couple of them last year n I love em. One of my favorite cars
CAPPilot posted:Picked this up at the last York; just now getting around to photographing it. It was the last one at the LCCA booth....As some of you know, I've been looking for this Lionel LCCA convention car for a couple of years ...
It's interesting to me that your camouflaged car seems, even here, to blend into the background. Cool.
I just purchased my first kit from River Leaf Models, the F.W. Woolworth Co 5 & 10 building. Looks like it will be fun kit to build and will look good in downtown New Beau City. I'll post some pics when it arrives and when completed. Bo
Legacy #990 is will be delivered tomorrow.
Not lately, since Sunday at the TCA show but I am on the hunt !!
Have to agree with you --- horn is awesome
Everyone in the house hears it
The other day, I found this book at a second hand book store for the price of a magazine. Been wanting a copy for years...
The irony was I actually was within 20 feet of Link for the better part of an hour once, in a railroad yard several years ago, and I didn't know that had been him until the following day after he'd long gone. It still kills me to know I was that close and didn't know I was standing next to arguably the greatest railroad photographer who ever lived.
Bought my first prewar Lionel trains a few days ago on the forum, they'll probably be here tomorrow.
A Lionel Postwar A-A 205 ALCO set yesterday. Hope they are as nice in the flesh as they looked in the pictures.
Also got a milk car and 3 of my favorite cars, the 2 bay hoppers Lionel made in the 1950's. Thanks to all the friendly peeps on the forum lol.
Have two items on the way from forum members-an SP baggage car and a 2055 engine, both Lionel. The forum has become my favorite buying site this year.
I bought a LionChief Hallmark Santa Train Set for my wife. I just finished wrapping it for Christmas. She fell in live with it when she saw it at the Hallmark store, then I showed her the videos Hallmark has online. She thinks we are passing it by. She will love it running on one track and the Polar Express on the other! I was seriously considering breaking down and buying the Premier PS3 Western Maryland H9, my favorite railroad. I was looking at it at Mercer Junction a month ago, and I checked earlier this week to learn Dave still has some. I was feeling guilty about the cost. It's twice what I ever paid for an engine. After I decided to by the Santa set, I felt better!
I'll buy a used H9 when they come out with PS4 and one of you fellows puts a PS3 H9 up for sale.
My wife is going to kill me. Not only did I just pick up Legacy. I just reserved Lionel's new ESE Hudson. Boy am I going to the dog house. Oh yeah, MTH WIU is on the way
I bought an MTH non-powered NS Heritage Virginian SD-70ACe to add to my NS Heritage collection from Aaron's City Trains going out of business sale a couple of weeks or so ago. Brings the count up 13. I also bought a couple of Atlas coil cars via eBay. Nucor and CSI were two I acquired.
Merry Christmas
I picked up a good ZW which I am using on my Standard gauge loop of track on the floor. Really does a good job, better than the smaller transformer. Sent $$ for a box of vintage Lionel engines today so I am done doing my Xmas shopping. Merry Xmas to everyone !!
I saw that box of steamers...nice score Jim!
I know you saw it and were interested in a few. Which ones ?? E-mail me at: panzerjames@gmail.com. It will be a little while until I get them and look them over.