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bigtruckpete posted:
Jushavnfun posted:

I found these on EBay.  I had loads of fun with them 50 years ago.  I'm going to use them for a steel mill I'm building 20170707_145047

Great find! I had the set on the left as a kid. Turns out I still have it!! My Mom has it in a basement storage room...but not for long!! 

I plan on spray painting the blue beams a rust color so I can stage a new sky scraper building scene. 

I too had the set on the left as a kid!! Wow! What a great find! Brings back memories!

Hey Matt, I know you are a great packer, and I am seriously not making issues with this, I am saying, this is how I pack these engines for long journeys. I sent my VL Big Boy to a friend for some tweaking, it came back with the number boards bent a little. We just tweaked them right back to correct position. Thanks for responding, it's just the way I ship....I did receive my Southern SD45 High hood Diesel...IMG_8729


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Jushavnfun posted:

Bought this 22 years ago, does this qualify as lately.  Just uncovered it yesterday cleaning up the basement. It still works!!!.20170726_154014

I trust you know their history, with their popularity of decades ago coming to a quick end when it was discovered how easily they were tipped over, causing quick fires, given their highly flammable liquid contents (kerosene ?) .


Dennis Holler posted:

I came home to this really cool 1941 Scale-Craft tank car kit.  It's an all diecast tank and frame.  Can't wait to put it together when I get time. I managed to be the only bidder at $9.99 on this one, I got lucky!


Dennis, you have confirmed my suspicions! I have 2 of these built up that I acquired somewhere/somehow! You may have increase support on your road bed as they are supper heavy!!  

Tom weaver posted:
Dennis Holler posted:

I came home to this really cool 1941 Scale-Craft tank car kit.  It's an all diecast tank and frame.  Can't wait to put it together when I get time. I managed to be the only bidder at $9.99 on this one, I got lucky!


Dennis, you have confirmed my suspicions! I have 2 of these built up that I acquired somewhere/somehow! You may have increase support on your road bed as they are supper heavy!!  

Yes, as they say, it is a Doorstop!  I have another one that needs restored.


Hmmm...I'm not sure about that. I have never seen a 2RL to know.  On a hopper, as long as it couples and the wheel flanges stay on the track, I wouldn't think it matters.  The coupler sure looks like a 3-rail one and not a Kadee size, though I am told you can couple Kadees to 3-rail oversized couplers.  Please share with us when you receive the hopper.



You are so right about the delicate details.  I do not have any of their engines, but I can imagine working on one care must be given.

Hi everyone, well it was a great day as I went to the Lionel convention sale today in Tacoma Wa. Cabinet Bob was there, Yes Paul 2 and Playtrains your dad was out visiting! He took me under his arm and showed me how to get some great buys!

Buts buy for the day was a set of Williams U33C's one powered and one dummy for $110 and a lot of other stuff. Pictures below.



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