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To clarify, John and others, yes I meant to say Cab 2 BASE, I know that the remote (handheld) does not store ID"s)

The reason this came up was at our club meeting in which someone wanted to run their TMCC/Legacy engine but someone else had set up the same ID with a different setting, this happens a lot when we run our home engines on the club layout.

So we thought, maybe we should do a "Clear All ID's" at the end of our session or maybe once every couple of months or so. Our layout is modular and travels to different venues, no permanent setup.

Will have to try MartyE suggestion.

Thanks to all the suggestions.


To clarify, John and others, yes I meant to say Cab 2 BASE, I know that the remote (handheld) does not store ID"s)

The reason this came up was at our club meeting in which someone wanted to run their TMCC/Legacy engine but someone else had set up the same ID with a different setting, this happens a lot when we run our home engines on the club layout.

So we thought, maybe we should do a "Clear All ID's" at the end of our session or maybe once every couple of months or so. Our layout is modular and travels to different venues, no permanent setup.

Will have to try MartyE suggestion.

Thanks to all the suggestions.


Just remember this is effectively clearing the database for the Legacy system.  If you have switches and accessories in there that may not be the way to go if you want to retain those.

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