Guys- I recently had some issues with my Legacy Cab2 system. Basically, it stopped working and would no longer sync with my ZW-L transformer. After trying everything I could think of including replacing all of the track and binding post wiring, it was still not working. The ZW in command mode would continuously blind and never glow solid. I finally bit the bullet and installed a new Cab2 base. The ZW instantly synced up and all was working. The only problem is that the memory on the Cab 2 remote is gone. It reappears when i install the old base, but that was my issue with non-running layout. Does anyone know of a way to transfer the memory from my old base? I can't imagine that it is not possible. I currently have about 83 locomotives and several Legacy train cars, plus switches and accessories on my layout, so reprogramming would be a job. Thanks for your help.