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I have some G scale USA trains CF 4 bay hoppers:

Love the cars. Made well with excellent detailing. BUT......

the clearance underneath seems wrong? They'll hit anything that's sticking up even a fraction of an inch (1/16"??) on my trackwork. They even hit the switch frogs if the track isn't perfect. I have talked with others that simply remove the hatches on the bottom of the cars. I would prefer to know what's wrong. I see videos of them in real trains and the clearance seems much bigger in real life, even scaling it up.

 I could simply raise the cars off the trucks with washers and then add shims to lower the couplers back down. Again, I'd prefer to get the car accurate and will do what's best to fix this. So I need to know how much clearance there is between the hopper's chute doors and the rails on the real cars.

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Well if it is between 3 and 6" it will be accurate. I've removed the connecting cross bar on the 2 centered doors that has been rubbing on the rails. Well one was already missing! I'd hate to raise the whole car. I've got 11 more cars to go. I was thinking the wheel diameter might be too small. I won't change them anyways.

 I've been searching online and haven't got anything yet. There's different prototypes or maybe the car sits lower when loaded???? All I've got is the online pictures. I'll keep looking for a close-up of these door areas.

Originally Posted by naveenrajan:


Your covered hopper cars made by American Railcar Industries, formerly known  as ACF, appear to be similar to the hopper cars made by their competitor, Trinity Industries. According to BNSF equipment website, the Trinity hoppers satisfy AAR Plate “C” clearance requirements.

These are just my opinion,


Naveen Rajan

Whoa! Thanks! I couldn't find any drawings on my searches.

Here's a quick pic(s) of what's the problem. I would have thought there was room. Being the car is like 2' long, a slight hump in the track outside causes grief.

 I pulled the flat connecting slat off the middle 2 doors. They're still on the outer 2.


DSC_0857 [800x530)

DSC_0859 [800x530)


Images (2)
  • DSC_0857 (800x530)
  • DSC_0859 (800x530)
Last edited by Engineer-Joe

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