It was stated in the TCA News that there were now 60% of attendees that were seniors. It was also stated that the ED could not determine if seniors actually were members for ten years because lapsed members could get their original numbers back.
What they failed to mention was that in order to get your original number you had to pay all past dues unless something has changed. Another spin on information just to implement a change.
The other part of the notification seemed to indicate increasing charges but most of the hall monitors are volunteers.
I think this may be a huge gamble on their part. If a significant number of the seniors don’t decide to pay the additional amount their revenue will be the same or lower. With Lionel deciding to either not participate or even at a reduced presence it could have an even more of an impact especially if others follow suit.
Time will tell if this move will work.
I plan to be in York in April and it will be interesting to see what impact this has.